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Friday, August 25, 2023

About 'IPY Raj' And 'IPY YoYo' Groups 080322copy On Commcomm

       'Divide and Rule' is a policy attributed to the British Raj in India but that was more because the common masses were educated about such procedures of the Ruling Class to hold on the their rule with ease and comfort (to themselves) and thus educate them to unite and remain united. In any civilization, the management uses this and other tricks to tackle the workforce and bring out their loyalty and faithfulness traits so as to get best output from them. Bad management and foreign Rulers use these to suit their selfish desires but India has seen this tactic being used in utmost ditching way where the common men were left to run helter-skelter without anyone to guide them hungry hounds digging into their wounds again and again and ripping them apart from every fiber holding them to get lost in the wild wide world or maybe into cyberspace. So much so that, nowadays, they look onto the screens for guidance for every work or action they do. They have no confidence on those who may be on their left or on the right.

      All this because these gangs of hounds grabbed the power and they started entrenching themselves into the Indian Society. They created confusions on every issue of Indians, divided the controlling minds, sided and pampered one side or group and ripped apart the others. Thus, they played around with people of India on issues like 'Indiya' and 'Pakistaan', further demarcating it into 'Indya', 'Pakisstaan', 'Pakisthaan', etc., issue of Raj or YoYo, issue of legitimate or illegitimate, issues of sins, Rights, 'My Money', 'My Raaj', 'my Right of way', 'my wayward or junglee ways of exercising my Rights', 'widespread hunger, thirst, and pathetic conditions on Earth', 'my quality of wisdom to properly organize and conduct Earth's Affairs (and you inability in it)', various other such 'My' -related self-egoist methodologies, etc. divided them at every instance. Even Social procedures like socializing methods and even vote counting were used to engulf fully or semi unknowing ignorant people but very deceitfully the knowledgeable and powerful people and entities were kept away. In other words, all this was done in their social dome or cybersphere and nothing was leaked out (is it something similar to my business situation where I perceive that the whole world talks about what I blog over here but my viewership count rarely goes into double digit, most of the time it remains zero!). Nobody could even assume 'the Divide And Rule Policy' because they would be asked to clarify (with threats of damage charges, etc) which for the fully or semi-unknown people always happened to be confusing and slowly, one after the other, everybody was pulled into these and assigned a place in their conundrum. They all understood that they were loosing their independence but being confused, none of them could avoid it. To make matters worse, some greedy and wicked heads started trapping one and all. Their 'Brahmastras' gathered more and more power, overwhelming Societies and controlling even the whole nation.
        Indians braved through it all, braced through some, compromised with some and fell apart into some others. Raj or YoYo was one such point of confusion and maybe the most fundamental to the existence of most of the others. Because it's existence blocked many other possibilities and it's clarification opens all those and many more. The hide and seek methodologies adopted inside the dome made it virtually impossible for any help to resolve it but the fraudsters knew it all and yet continued to play foul under the safety of their wholesome control even demeaning the fact that such wholesome control was valid only to the extent of lawful Rule. So they controlled all the affairs and kept pushing the great ancient civilization to termination. At least my cyberspace called foul everyday so often and yet nothing happened. Probably the ice was cracked only when the post I made about this issue reached you all. Now, to further improve it, I have created two WhatsApp groups 'IPY Raj'  and 'IPY YoYo' so as to be able to communicate with both group people separately and jointly. 'IPY' is the joining uniqueness in both and my previous post shows the way why IPY can be assigned to both Groups. So, I am operating both the Groups and I encourage both group people to unite and discuss with each other on the basis of my post and how it would effect the erosion of the confusion. It will also keep your segregation intact while you can correspond directly with me clarify your other confusions, remove your hurdles and restraints and work amicably among yourself as well as with other groups. Afterall we are all Indians and unity is utmost necessary for power and progress. IPY is the common entity in both these groups and it should unite you as well.    IPYadav

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

India's Independence Day Anniversary 150823 Copy on Commcomm


The Main Context

The Main Context

    First of all, let me greet you all for the Independence day of India (now here I don't mean for I.N.D.I.A.) (don't you think the second terminology looks bigger, bolder and divided and first terminology is dwarfed and swamped over in it's existence)
     I have placed so many flags and captioned my picture as 'The Main Context' because I want to depict that the main contextual flags prevail over all these other flags. Which means the main flags only can be carried forward to other locations and the the other locations can be given a house flag or their native flag. If the main flags are both Indian (the essence of 'SWARAJ'), the native flags can only be that of 'India'!
       So that means there can be no place for independent groups like Indiya, Hindustaan, Pakisthaan, Chaina, etc. etc. It was and it is all hoax created by those who wanted to divide and rule but RULE is what they were not entitled to. 
         Today, when we are celebrating our Independence Day, we should remember that in 1947 we got independence from British Rule and we got our entity of existence, but then many of our Indian-looking brethren subverted even 'swaraj' to make their selfish gains and a lot of our people have been pushed into slavery like lifestyle. This was bad and that too when they were supposed to enjoy 'Swaraj'.
         So while we celebrate Independence Day, we regret incidents like those of Manipur, etc. and we all hail 'Bharatmata ki jaya'.     IPYadav

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Was Dhoni Pushed Into Forced Retirement 230120 Copy on Commcomm

 230120 - Was Dhoni Pushed Into Forced Retirement 

    Lot of questions are being raised about why MSD is not playing in the Indian Team. Almost all the excuses for being out of the team have been used up. And now BCCI is not renewing MSD's contract, or rather, they cannot renew it. There were also statements that MSD will have to prove himself and earn a place in the team. So much for the star of the Indian cricket and that too when a senior colleague is appointed as BCCI President. 
    Let's reconsider the chain of events about this occurrence. The founding stones were laid way back when MSD met PM Modi and then announced relinquishing the Captaincy. The next event was concocted about two years back when a powerful entity was about to take birth and '15 Din Mein Kaal' (Doomsday In 15 Days) was proclaimed. 'Kaal' didn't occur but a similar occurrence was intentionally and forcibly concocted. At whose instance, I can't say, but upon reviewing my comments for compiling into a book, I found that around same time when MSD relinquished captaincy, President Obama had, after his visit to India, promoted 'DDLJ' (Big-hearted will take away the bride) talks. The country also faced economy-breaking modifications like 'Notebandi' (withdrawal of currency notes of Rs.1000 and Rs.500) and GST. However useful these steps may be, these are useful AND REQUIRED for those doing Online transactions. Naturally, all expatriates and people of external origin and external links were able to take it on easily and without any disturbance in their business but people of Indian origin were hit hard in many ways. So Modinomics started succeeding in 'Making India Cashless' and thus a safe-haven for online business operations. I wonder if other people who joined online operations were able to do it safely or if they faced unfair operations, submissions to foreign powers and online frauds! But these are separate topics to deal with in detail.
    Returning back to MSD's incident, the game-plan was probably pre-decided before the World Cup. Big betting was to be conducted and India had to loose. And in the bargain, these Betters were to be rewarded with big opportunities, offers, positions, money, lording over masses, etc. As pre-planned, the team was selected and and a money-minting show was to be enacted. But then, and because the DDLJ's entity was involved, they changed plan and now the tagline was to surrender tamely before a match and a lot of players did so. Rohit Sharma played and got five centuries. Only 'Dulhaniya's' (Bride's) players in the team played and others skipped it. By the time the team progressed towards Semis, they had stopped playing and apparently started failing. There were probably MPs and Stars conducting direct instructions from their Bosses (maybe Supremo Amit Shah or PM Modi himself?). The fact was that the only consistent Star Player in the Indian contingent, Virat Kohli, failed and so did the team. The team was full of novice players and Pant was already in to take MSD's place. Adding to it, Dhawan got injured and after five World Cup centuries, Rohit had to fail. Was it logical occurrence to detract magical happening or was it some strict 'no-go' command in the dressing room or was it forced concocted effect to fall in line with 'DDLJ executions'. Still MSD stood there to hold fort and take the total close to winning. But as fate would have it, or should I say that concoction or pre-fixed plan had to be followed, India lost in semis and England became the new World Champion. Probably, this act of holding the fort and letting a lot of booty escape from defeat or the loses incurred for payouts to make deals for a concocted result, was the cause MSD got immediately crossed out, 'Dada' took the control of BCCI and PM Modi continued enjoying the success of his high-handed politics and DDLJ booties. It had happened before and it was being re-enacted again.
    But unfortunately, DDLJ is not consistent with 'Swaraj'. For all these years, I have been calling out about 'Hollow Eyes' and that the blunderers cannot get away with their follies and least of all with their deceit and crime. But in spite of all the protests, these 'elements' were secretly and cunningly making a fool of the world and growing bigger and bigger and enjoying their life. So, I had to use more insight into the situations and assume the errors and follies that could be going on. Then, I resorted to more open expressions in my public blogs, to divulge more logical faults to prove my point of 'Hollow Eyes' (falsified statements about truth and true situation). It had to be something that people will know and would be able to understand easily. As things would have it, the 'Hollows Eyes' surfaced again and this time all around the world. Such is the impact of it that even USA , which has a powerful control of law, is also shaken by it's roots and Democrats (President Obama was a Democrat!) are trying hard to impeach the Republican President, probably to take control of the Government and hide their 'DDLJ' blunder (or crime?) and maybe unite with their 'DDLJ' friends to quieten the world (mainly Republicans and Real Indians) by the sheer use of force similar to dictatorship. The attack on 'Hezhollah', attack on US embassy in Iraq, killing of Irani General along with Iraqi outlaw, all these when the President of USA was being impeached and made powerless are all incidents pointing out to attempts to invoke and involve use of force and thus frighten and quieten the world-wide uprising.
     Here, in India, first it was Kashmir and then North-East and Hindu refugees from neighboring countries, but the issues of CAA and NPR are being fought out all over India. So many anti-CAA/NPR protests are being carried out, with a sheer assumption that it will be eventually applied to whole of India! What will they do, when we will ask all foreign origin people to leave Indian territory and go back to their native place because they have indulged in blocking 'Swaraj' and conducting crimes against an International Law and event? What will they do when we will ask for compensation and punishment for such crime? If they can falsify facts and push me to some kind of probable punishment and gobble away all my earnings, Copyrights and Topirights (Right to be capped or patent rights), family, friends and followers and subject to food poisoning and subversion, then why shouldn't they be punished for actual crimes and why shouldn't I be compensated and restored with all my earnings, Copyrights and Topirights (Right to be capped or patent rights), family, friends and followers and 'my Rightful place'? If International Law allows you to take slaves, then why shouldn't, as per 'Swaraj' Rule (Independent Rule, Own-self Rule) of International Law, we get to have our own 'Raj' without any kind of interference from the outer world. Why shouldn't we free the Indian territory of Pakistan and Bangladesh from foreign inhabitants and restore it to India? These are all questions that must be raising alarms worldwide in the heads of 'DDLJ Politicians' and to save their skin, they must be causing uproars and civil disturbances. But that would also be criminal. Wouldn't it be?
     So, in my weird thoughts, I think that just as PM Modi demeaned Indian Captain, provided a shoulder to foreign powers to fire upon Indians, put shutters on the Indian economy on 9/11/16, was making India 'cashless', was making the people line up for pension funds, etc. and Rule over them, all in the name of 'wisehead stories', the 'Hollow Eyes' have pulled out the steam out of their 'law and justice' statures and shouts. The Indian Captain has taken over (maybe MSD in backstage of politics) and started controlling the foreign elements, which is the first step of security any native leader would do, and thus embarked upon reclaiming India. For once, it appears Indian command is in order, so India had to be in disorder (their reaction to our action!), by way of impact of dark period as well as by deceiving foreign / foreign-origin miscreants.
     So either way, MSD has gone into forced retirement. We can only hope that he has bounced back and influencing Indian cricket from backstage, just as Superkings (Kingmakers) do.   IPYadav

New addition : The moral of the story is when you cannot capture a big nation whole together, break it into small pieces, cook up legality and start 'CHOW-CHOWING'.   IPYadav
What do you think about the world and the world events in recent years? Do write in the comments.

Are My Imaginations Going Too Wide? 130120 Copy on Commcomm

     Are My Imaginations Going Too Wide? Read the analysis below and decide. Your comments would be valuable. But on second thoughts, I will not describe the analysis here. Let's see. I want to make a 'good business' and let's see how many will be visitors to my site, how many will become members, how many will take paid subscriptions and how many will contact for consultations.

    Let me show you all, if we Indians are free to do these things or not and even if some of you try it, do you succeed in it?
     Yesterday was anniversary of Haiti Earthquake, one of the worst natural disaster of modern times. But I have some other premonitions.
     It's very much like a scary fairy-tale, but fairy tales do happen in this world. I am sure you all would agree with me about it. This also co-relates with my personal experiences and the events in India. So there is very likelihood that I am Right!
     Is this 'Brahmastra' corroding and weakening the pillars of India's existence and demolishing the glorious India of our ancestors. And for this, it's using all fractions of India! Don't you think this is what is happening?    IPYadav 

New Addition: Whatever were my thoughts at that time, I don't recollect clearly. There were no views and no responses, so it all faded away into history. But what I instinctively feel is that India is bombarded with not just one but many 'Brahmastras' or there may be a whole gang with each member operating his own 'Brahmastra, and each one striving to capture India and it's treasures. What is worse is that they cooperate with each other and work on the principles of 'Divide The Loot' (remember Divide and Rule of the British Era). So their whole workplan could be to Rule India from the back-offices while we innocent and blind-folded Indians go around for our day-to-day work thinking that we are working hard for our free and independent nation.   IPYadav

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

My New Achievement - DMS 260723 Copy On Commcomm

 My new address: 


                        Doctorate in Management Studies (DMS)
                                        Master Mariner from Merchant Navy
"I have solutions to your craziest puzzles, they don't have answers to even my simplest questions and arguments." IPYadav.


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