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Thursday, March 28, 2024

280324 मंडी - 1

मंडी - 1

         हिमाचल की मण्डी की लोकसभा सीट तो कुछ विशेष चर्चा में रही। एक तो ऐसी अकल्पनीय घोषणा बीजेपी ने की और दूसरी सुप्रियाजी के अकाउंट से टिप्पणी की गई। बस फिर तो वाद-विवाद का सिलसिला शुरू हो गया। पत्रकारों का तो काम है अपनी पोस्ट को रूचिकर और चटपटा बनाना लेकिन हमारी अपनी सोच इतनी संकीर्ण क्यों है कि हम घृणित अर्थ पहले निकालते हैं या फिर सिर्फ घृणित अर्थ ही निकालते हैं। 
     एक साधारण सा उदाहरण देखिये। मंडी शब्द का अर्थ है बाजार। क्या आप रोज के बाजार के भाव (शेयर मार्केट के) या फिर मंडी के भाव (कोमोडिटीस् के) नहीं तलाशते हैं? प्रधानमंत्री स्वयं इनमें रूचि रखते हैं क्योंकि देश की आर्थिक स्थिति का आँकड़ा है।
      दूसरा उदाहरण देखिये। आप कौन से व्यापार में शामिल हैं - फल-सब्जी व्यापार, गन्ना व्यापार, दूध व्यापार, लोहा-तांबा व्यापार, दुकानदारी का व्यापार, फैक्ट्री व्यापार, मालवाहक व्यापार, सर्विस इंडस्ट्रीज व्यापार, ऋण सेवा व्यापार, शो बिज व्यापार, देह व्यापार, वैश्या व्यापार, गुलाम व्यापार, इत्यादि? अब आँकलन तो हमें ही करना है कि कौन सा व्यापार सही है और कौन सा गलत। तो जब नारी देह प्रदर्शन करती है तो उसे सही कहेंगे या गलत। आजादी और तरक्की के नाम पर देह-प्रदर्शन वाला फैशन अपनाना सही कहेंगे या गलत? नारी की आजादी के नाम पर घर-परिवार ताक पर रखकर अपनी राह चलना सही कहेंगे या गलत? तो पत्रकारिता हो या नारी, अपनी राह चलने के आजाद हैं और अपनी घृणित सोच को विस्तृत करना हमारी जरूरत है।
      तीसरा उदाहरण देखिये। हम आज के जमाने में कायदे कानून से चलते हैं, अपने समाज की और अपने ईमान-धर्म की डींग हाँकते हैं। लेकिन क्या हमारे समाज में दाग व्यापार, दहेज व्यापार, देह व्यापार, वैश्या व्यापार, गुलाम व्यापार, इत्यादि नहीं हो रहे हैं? क्या हम देख कर भी उसको अनदेखा करते हैं? क्या हम उसे धर्म और न्याय का नतीजा मानकर स्वीकार कर लेते हैं? क्या धर्म और न्याय दूसरे के पक्ष में होने पर ऐसे लोग अपनी गलती स्वीकार करते हैं? क्या अपनी गलती का धर्म और न्याय भुगतने के लिए तैयार हो जाते हैं? या फिर हम डींग हाँकने में ही धर्म-कर्म मनाते हैं ?
       चौथा उदाहरण देखिये। कंगनाजी की एक फोटो कुछ ज्यादा ही प्रदर्शित रही। इसमे वो अर्धनग्न टाॅप में सिर पर जुडी बाँधे हुए हैं। क्या भारत के मुनियों और स्वयं बाबा भोले शंकर से इसका कोई प्रतिरूपात्मक संबंध नहीं बनता है? अंग्रेजी में कहावत है - एक पिक्चर हजार शब्दों के बराबर है। तो फिर चुनाव के समय "मंडी से ऐसी पिक्चर" क्या बोध कराएगी? क्या चुनाव आयोग इन हजार शब्दों और उनके विचारों की सत्यता का आँकलन स्पष्ट रूप से देश की जनता के सामने रखने का निर्देश देंगे ताकि जनता को भ्रमित न किया जाए और गलत विचारों के खिलाफ एक्शन लिया जाए।
       सब कहने के बाद, अंत में मैं तो यही कहूंगा कि स्वराज तो पूरे भारत का होता, तो स्वराज तो पूरे भारत का चाहिए और बाहरी लोग बाहर होने चाहिए। (उसके बाद तो बाबा भोले शंकर का शिव लोक ही बनेगा)। तो फोकट का इंतजार चलाओ - अपने हक का, अपने कमाए हुए धन का, अपने बंधुओं का, अपने सुकर्मों का, .....  IPYadav

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

19032024 अब चुनावी शक्ति साधना

अब चुनावी शक्ति साधना

        तो अब शुरू हो गई चुनावी शक्ति साधना। 
       राहुल गांधीजी ने अपने श्रोताओं को हिन्दू धर्म में उल्लेखित शक्ति शब्द का प्रयोग करके अपने फाॅलोवर्स को ज्ञान बांटने की कोशिश की। उन्होंने स्पष्ट रूप से कहा कि उनका मुकाबला कुछ ऐसी शक्तियों से है। ये ईविएम, ईडी, सीबीआई इत्यादि में है और प्रधानमंत्री की आत्मा से संचालित होती हैं। परन्तु शायद वो आधार कार्ड, पैन कार्ड और उनका नागरिकता से संबंध भूल गए! कैसे? यह विषय आगे विस्तृत है।
       अब बात करें प्रतिपक्ष की शक्ति साधना की। तो मोदीजी ने छूटते ही उसे लपक लिया। क्या वे राहुलजी का ज्ञान लेकर उसका  स्व-आकलन कर रहे थे या फिर वे आम आदमी को पथभ्रष्ट होने से रोकने का सुकर्म किया  करते हैं। यदि यह स्व-आकलन है तो वे प्रतिपक्ष के नेता कैसे, और यदि यह सुकर्म है तो 45 साल से आम आदमी निर्दिशा क्यों भटकते रहे। क्यों आज भी इतने सालों से हो रहे 'सही और सहमति वाले काम' से  संबंधित  ज्ञानोदय से उत्साहित और प्रेरित होकर एकत्रित होते हैं और प्रदर्शन करते हैं? क्या मोदीजी, भाजपा और अन्य पार्टियां अपने-अपने सुकर्म में विफल रहीं? क्या सभी कुछ अनाधिकारी और धृष्ट व्यक्तियों के कठपुतली डोलते है और उनके कुकृत्यों को बढाते और चलाते हैं?
        शायद इसीलिए सभी आम जनता भारतमाता स्वरूप माँ शक्ति से आस लगाये हुए हैं कि माँ शक्ति असुर शक्तियों का दमन करके अच्छे दिन लाएगी। क्या करे बिचारी जनता। एक पक्ष दश साल सत्तारूढ़ होकर भी सुकर्म में विफल है तो क्या पक्ष असुर शक्ति है या सरकारी तंत्र। दूसरा पक्ष शायद  बहुमत समर्थ है लेकिन सरकारी तंत्र की 'पहले' पक्ष की (मोदीजी की) शक्तियों से बाधित है। तो क्या हमारी पहले पक्ष की और मोदीजी के सुकर्मों की धारना गलत है? आप स्वयं सोचो!
       जहाँ तक भारत की आत्मा और सरकारी तंत्र की आत्मा का सवाल है तो वो अब भी मूल भारतवासी ही है। इतने सालों के दमन, उत्पीड़न, पलायन, बेरोजगारी, अवमानना और अधिकारों के हनन के पश्चात भी जनता माँ शक्ति से आस लगाती है। क्योंकि धर्म (न्याय) की बिसात पर धृष्टता के महलों वाले भी ढेर हो जाते हैं और माँ शक्ति उस ज्ञान की जननी है जिसपर धर्म आश्रित है। लेकिन पथभ्रष्ट करने वाले शायद अपने अंधकार युग का अंत ही नहीं करना चाहते। इसीलिए तो ज्ञानोदय का भरपूर विरोध और बिगाड़ करने बाद अब शायद ज्ञानोदय को रोकने की बजाय ज्ञानोदय को अपना कारनामा बनाने की कोशिश करने लगे हैं।
        ज्ञान की बात करें तो सोचो - देश के भावी नेताओं के चयन का समय है। कहीं राहुल गाँधीजी और मोदीजी के विचारों का आंकलन हो रहा है तो कहीं अलग-अलग सीडी के प्रचार। मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त - राजीव कुमार, सह चुनाव आयुक्त - ज्ञानेश्वर (ज्ञान-ईश्वर) कुमार और (साड्डे सिंग सा'ब) सुखबीर सिंह। न्याय की सुप्रीम कोर्ट की सक्रियता का केन्द्र - SBI, आज का मुख्य मुद्दा - नागरिकता का अधिकार, नागरिक का आईडी - आधार, आधार का मैनेजमेंट - ??? शायद  ईडी,  सीबीआई, पुलिस, कुछ विशेष व्यक्ति ( 'सही और सहमति वाले काम' बताने वाले व्यक्ति!?), कुछ विदेशी (और विदेशी ताकतें)। क्या 45 साल से इन्हें KEY का ज्ञान था? इनके अब क्या विचार हैं? क्या ये  Numero Uno (नम्बर  एक) की विचारधारा को नहीं मानते? क्या ये KEY से छोटे होकर बैठने के बजाय अपने आप को ज्ञानोदय का राज निकाल लाने वाला सुकर्मी बतलाकर शीर्ष पर बैठने की धृष्टता तो नहीं कर रहे? आप सुराज के नागरिक हैं (!?) और आपको  सजग होना है। आधार लिंक करके अब पैन कार्ड और बैंक अकाउंट्स भी इसकी पहुँच में हैं। तो अब सिर्फ नेता ही नही अपितु हरेक नागरिक इससे भयभीत होकर इनके साथ एकसूत्र में फँस जाएँगे। यह तो राजाधिकार होते हैं। तो फिर राज किसके हाथ में है? अब फिर सवाल उठता है कि स्वराज का क्या हुआ? स्वराज के षडयंत्रकारी कौन हैं? क्यों हैं? _ _ _ (शेष फिर कहीं)     IPYadav

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

05032024 भ्रमित परिवारवाद

भ्रमित परिवारवाद 

        कई विषयों पर हमारे नेता ही जनता को भ्रमित करने लग जाते हैं और परिवारवाद एक ऐसा ही विषय है। परिवारवाद मानव सभ्यता का एक अभिन्न अंग है। जब से मानव सभ्यता विकसित हुई है, परिवारवाद ही चलाया गया है। और बड़े बड़े महापुरुष तो इसी का अनुसरण करते हैं, चाहे वो किसी भी क्षेत्र में उपलब्धि प्राप्त करते हों। क्योंकि उनके कर्मों का उपभोग उनकी संतानों का ही अधिकार होता है। और अगले जन्म में वे स्वयं उसी कुल में जन्म लेकर अपने और अपने कुल के कर्मों का फल प्राप्त करते हैं। 
         क्या प्रधानमंत्री मोदीजी और उनके सहयोगी इस बात से अवगत नहीं हैं? तो कैसे हिन्दू हैं वे? 
       इसी प्रकार राजाओं का हक उनके युवराज को मिलता है और राजपरिवार का साथ देना, देश की और राजपरिवार की रक्षा करना हरेक नागरिक का धर्म और कर्म होता है। और स्वराज के हकदार राजपरिवार के सामने तो शत्रु भी स्वयं परास्त होता है तो राजद्रोहियों की क्या बिसात। बेईमान तो पूरी दुनिया में तुच्छ ही होते हैं। हो सकता है उन्हें गुप्त तरीके से विदेशी संरक्षण और धन मिलने लगे लेकिन बेईमान क्या उनकी वफादारी में जुर्म कबूल करके सजा भुगतने और नुकसान भरने के लिए समर्पित होगा? 
     इसलिए, मान-सम्मान उन्ही लोगों का है जो अपने राजा के राजभक्त हों। और दूसरों को उजाड़ने वाले उनके राजा और राजवंश को उजाड़ते हैं इसलिए परिवारवाद का विरोध करते हैं। क्या कृष्ण के मद में हम अभिमन्यु की अवहेलना कर सकते हैं? और क्या जब शत्रु भी परास्त हो जाए, राजद्रोह के लिए कोई तुक बनती है? या तुकबंदी करके जनता को भ्रमित करने की कलाकारी कोई सद्गुण कहा जाए? 
     इसी प्रकार आज के नेता भी धर्म-कर्म कमाकर अपनी संतान को सौंपते हैं तो क्या बुरा है? उसमें सफलता-असफलता जनता के हाथ की बात होती है। उसके लिए भ्रमित नहीं अपितु सजग जनता का विकास करना होता है। और यह कार्य पार्टी वाले नहीं अपितु मूल देशवासी ही कर सकते हैं। बाहरी लोग तो राजवंश नष्ट करने की साजिश कर सकते हैं!  IPYadav

Sunday, March 3, 2024

02032024 - मेरी मेहनत के रंग

मेरी मेहनत के रंग

        आज बीजेपी (political party) ने अगले लोकसभा चुनाव के लिए अपने उम्मीदवारों की पहली सूची जारी की। वैसे  तो उसमें सोच-विचार करने की कई बातें हैं लेकिन मेरे संदर्भ में (शायद) एक महत्वपूर्ण बात रही। कम से कम यही मेरा अनुमान है। क्योंकि:-
        070224 को मैंने एक पोस्ट प्रकाशित की थी जिसमें मैंने प्रधानमंत्री मोदीजी को संबोधित करते हुए एक सवाल किया था कि स्वराज के विषय में उनके क्या विचार हैं। तो उन्होंने एक उम्मीदवार चुना है जिसका नाम बांसुरी स्वराज है। तो  क्या मेरा सवाल और मेरी मेहनत रंग ला रहे हैं? शायद। लेकिन अभी दिल्ली बहुत दूर है। न तो मेरे सवाल का जवाब पूरा होता है और न ही अन्य उभरते सवालों के जवाब मिलते हैं।
         वैसे मैडम बांसुरी स्वराज दिल्ली से चुनाव लडेंगी ओर उन्हें केंद्रीय मंत्री मीनाक्षी लेखीजी की जगह मिली है। वैसे पता नहीं ये कहाँ की हैं! (इसे पर्सनल न लें, व्यंग्य मात्र अपने विचार कहने के लिए हैं)।
         तो क्या बीजेपी प्रमुख मूलवासियों को बाहर करके बाहरी लोगों को सुदृढ़ कर रही है? क्या मोदीजी वोटों के बल (जिसमें कई बाहरी बहरूपिये हिन्दू रूप में और अनेक प्रकार के मजबूर हिन्दू मूलनिवासी हैं) पर 'स्वराज के युवराज' (और भावी राजा) को अनदेखा करने या दबाने की सोच चला रहे हैं? या फिर Indiya-Pakisthaan के बँटवारे के नाम पर अलग-अलग देशवासी बनकर और बतलाकर चैन से बंसी बजाना चाहते हैं?
        सवाल अनेक हैं और पर्-राज के लिए India एक था तो स्वराज के लिए भी इंडिया एक ही होता है। मगर पर्-राज के कार्यकर्ताओं को स्वराज से निष्कासित होना होता है। वो भी  बगैर बल प्रयोग के, किसी भी प्रकार के बल प्रयोग के। क्या स्वराज के हक लेते समय हम अलग-अलग राजा-रजवाडों के (1947 में 500 से अधिक अंग्रेजों से समर्थित रजवाड़े थे!) कलह और इच्छाओं को धर्मसंगत मान सकते हैं? क्या पराधीन या निजी स्वार्थ साधने या प्रतियोगिता के प्रयास किये जा सकते हैं? संक्षिप्त में, क्या जो 1947 में हो रहा था वही पुनः होने लगा है? 
         वैसे मैं किसी राजनीतिक दल के पक्ष-विपक्ष का नहीं हूँ लेकिन स्वराज से देशहित है और 'युवराज ही स्वराज का' बंसी बजईया होवत है। तो फिर हम  इतने सालों से क्या खोवत हैं? 'स्वराज' क्यों नहीं करते? वैसे मैं मोदीजी के 10 साल का विश्लेषण नहीं कर रहा हूँ लेकिन मोदीजी ने विकास कराया है तो स्वराज का धन कहाँ है? और कुछेक कर्मठ मूलनिवासियों का धन कहाँ है? कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि उनका धन ब्लैक मनी बता कर विदेशी ताकतें गबन करके अपने कार्यकर्ताओं को उपलब्ध कराती हैं। क्या यह स्वराज-संगत है? 
        औह! शायद मैं राजनीति में भी सफल हो जाऊँ। अपने सुझाव अवश्य दें।  IPYadav

Friday, February 9, 2024

080224 Is There Identity Ingression?

 Is There Identity Ingression?

           We are living in tough times when we are groped by darkness, subverted by Western powers, befooled by enemy souls and stinged by in-house intruders. And so it becomes all the more important to stick to our age old identities, follow our customs and traditions and adopt our transgender transmissions of cultural heritage. Lucky are those few who are able to fulfill these and lucky are those who go along with such people. 

             And then, there are people who are forcibly whisked out into unknown world to live on their own and many times, to live according to their masters and forget their past. Indians are of ancient civilization and inherently very strong by their soul. This exhibits in their intelligence and their abilities. So the developed world is interested in their entity, but they wouldn't want their identity. Because identity would prompt them for freedom and progress and a world of their own, their ancestors and their Forefathers and Gods. Without an identity, they would sincerely serve their Bosses, help them progress by leaps and bounds and take a piece of goodies for themselves and their family. Their Boss's world would be their identity and purpose of living. Remember the character of 'Bheema' in the Hindi Film 'Hum Paanch'? 

              Then there are intruders in the form of invaders, traders or even well-wishers who make a livelihood for themselves here and start mingling up. Also, there are ingressions in the form of duplicates, Bhramastra creations and even transportations inwards-outwards. So we face many types of people and many ideologies. Each cunning deceiver would cook up or generate a trick as some kind of new thinking or wise talk. Lot of people fell victim to these and lot of people continue to be still possessed by these, but then there is a widespread awakening too. Everybody should contribute to keep up this tempo and defeat the deceivers. For this, it is very important to stick to our identities and identity tools so that brethren are recognized and helped as well as intruders are isolated and exited. 

               Today, Mr Chandrababu Naidu's congregation was full of yellow color Angvastra. In today's world where people are grouped by colors, native Indians are supposed to be identifiable with Red color and a Yellow color depicts an another Party or identity. 'Naidus' are identifiable with Ms Sarojini Naidu and a 'non-national color' is contrary to such identity! I know Yellow is also sacred to Hindus but here it clashes with a national identity in a public gathering. I was surprised by such display and so must be many others. But only TDP would know the wisdom in their act. We can only hope that it has nothing to do with the separatism talks of the Southies because in the land of Red, such thing would be an ingression and liable to expulsion.

                 That's Right. It is our land. It belongs to us native Indians. All intruders of every kind have to leave the country with the 'Swaraj' and in fact, if the 'KEY' philosophy would be applied, then even the Pakistan land would be ours, and all intruders will have to vacate that too.

                 All in all, without pointing any finger at anybody, I herby wish to promote, through this post, the essence of maintaining and displaying our Nativity and it's color and not create unnecessary distractions. Similarly, non-natives should be separately identifiable, for our safety, our security, our unity and our nation. This would resolve a lot of problems, if not all, because this has been the fundamental differentiation of Ruling class and non-Ruling class of past so many years.  IPYadav

Thursday, February 8, 2024

070224 गरीब, रिजर्वेशन, धन और ईमान

 गरीब, रिजर्वेशन, धन और ईमान

         यह एक आश्चर्यजनक बात है कि देश के प्रधानमंत्री गरीब, रिजर्वेशन और धन के बारे में वाकपटुता दर्शाते हुए गरीबों को उच्चकोटि का लाभ-हानी का ज्ञान बाँटते हैं और उन्हें अपने पक्ष में करने का प्रयास करते हैं ताकि वो इलेक्शन में उनके वोट बटोर कर सफल हो  सकें। तो इससे क्या निष्कर्ष निकालता है?

1) प्रधानमंत्री को उनकी सफलता का संशय है। लेकिन जो पार्टी 400 सीटों का लक्ष्य साध रही है उसके नेता को संशय कैसा? मतलब देश के गरीब विपक्षी दल बनाकर उन्हें हरा सकते हैं (1977 की तरह) या फिर देश के मूल निवासी (जिसमें अमीर और गरीब भी सम्मिलित होंगे) अपना देश अपने हाथों में ले सकते हैं। उनमें पुराने राजा-राजवाडे, सरदार-सूबेदार शहरी-ग्रामीण,  ज्ञानी-भील-आदिवासी इत्यादि   सम्मिलित हो सकते हैं परन्तु शायद मोदी (और शायद बनिए जाती) की जगह ना बने। तो प्रधानमंत्री गरीबों का आव्हान करके अपना पक्ष मजबूत कर रहे होंगे।

2) इन्हीं मूल निवासियों में से गरीबों को अलग कर के, उनमें  लालच और अपना हक कहकर धृष्टता और रोष के लिए प्रेरित करने की पृष्ठभूमि रचते होंगे ताकि उन्नति करते और सक्षम बनते मूल निवासियों को अपने नियंत्रण में चला सकें और अपने चहेतों को सफल बना सकें।

        लेकिन दोनों ही स॔दर्भो में क्या वो गरीबों के ईमान का मजाक नहीं बना रहे हैं? क्या गरीब स्वराज के अन्तर्गत कर्मबद्ध नहीं होते है? क्या वो किसी भी धृष्टता या बेईमानी के सहारे समृद्ध हो सकते हैं? यदि गरीब बेईमानी करेगा तो क्या होगा? 

        और सबसे बडी बात, प्रधानमंत्री स्वयं स्वराज के विषय में क्या विचार करते हैं? स्वराज में हरेक क्षेत्रीय अधिकारी अपने देश बंधुओं का ख्याल करते हैं और देश को सशक्त भी करते हैं। किसी के परिश्रम के धन को लूट कर बाँटने का काम नहीं करते। लेकिन यह सबकुछ अपने देश  और देश बंधुओं के लिए करते हैं, बाहरी लोगों के लिए नहीं। और बाहरी लोगों को भी कर्मबद्ध होकर गुलामी निभानी होती है। तो  फिर  _ _ _ _ _ _ ।  IPYadav

Friday, February 2, 2024

010224 'Who Am I?' Is That Clear?

 010224  'Who Am I?' Is That Clear?

                We have been living our life in darkness since the last four decades or so and in the name of enlightenment, our heads were scratched with electromagnetic ULF waves and stated that we are ed so and so and we could carry out so and so functions of our life. But this all is farcical too!

                  How? I had put up a long post pinpointing various topics and issues over ED's activities with an intention to enlighten our brethren. Of course only our brethren, why would enemies consider it an enlightenment? They would rather call it offensive or unlawful act, as usual and as obvious, and act accordingly to subvert my blog or block my business, as they were doing 7-8 years back by blocking my Facebook account and my posts. Maybe this could be a reason why I don't get followers or likes or the reason why I never received any payments whereas people all over the world go frantic over my posts.

                     So I created a post for their enlightenment and of course to act in accordance with such enlightenment. But then what? CM Hemant Soren still got arrested. ED continues to enforce their ways and continue with their model of thinking. If anything can be incurred, it is that their Bosses have no intention of rectifying the wrongs or at least give legally approvable and logically acceptable answers to our questions in open courtrooms. But it seems, questioning is their Right and others, whoever they are, should answer their questions and prove themselves law-abiding and boss-obeying citizens. 

                    This means that you cannot question acts and incidents affecting your entity, your family, your people, your wealth, your property and your nation You have to just accept quietly whatever is happening and not just assume, but be confidently sure and appeased that everything is happening correct and legally upholdable. You have to be rest assured that your life, your family, your brotherhood, your wealth, your earnings, your property and your nation are being used and abused properly and legally correctly! And nope. You don't ask questions!

                       OMG! What an ED-formation nation this must be! And we are it's lucky citizens of current years and great ancestors of our offsprings. The great ancestors who very wisely allowed and assigned ED to ask questions from whom they were instructed by Bosses and kept quiet and bore everything inflicted upon them - whether use or abuse!

                     So finally, you have an answer the this question - 'who am I?' All those scratching ULF talks are farcical. All those ULF eyes are farcical. Finally, you are nobody. You are primarily what the ED decides you to be. Is that clear? So, what are you thinking. Instead of getting your answers and restorations, let ED work their way and destroy your leadership to suit their ways. How's that?    IPYadav

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

300124 ED And Opposition Politicians

 ED And Opposition Politicians 

        The fiasco about ED and Jharkhand CM Soren is another extreme non-compatibility in the world's largest democracy. Government Agencies are supposed to promote 'SuRaj and SuShashan' but here these are coxed to fulfill vested interested/ And that too in the election season motivations. If these Agencies get into action with vested interests, these are very likely to be bribed and prepped up with rewards like chairs, control, cash and cuties. Doesn't that count into unlawful practices with respect to elections? I mean if that is not so then even the politicians can dole out cash, chairs, control and cuties well before it starts becoming illegal! In such a case, elections would only become farcical. Imagine that and we boast of the world's largest democracy.

          But what is worse is the incident of Jharkhand CM and other native leaders. The CM didn't have faith in ED's action or whatever, he went to his hometown to Organize his Party. And the Government is seizing his BMW car (or his valuables in his absence), enforcing 'Dhara 144' around CM's Office and other drastic actions. The Jharkhand CM is native Indian and in spite of being a CM, doesn't have any faith in ED and Police would work against his authority to enforce '144'. 

         In my opinion, native CMs should have been like crown princes of their states in 'Swaraj India' then what Government authority and which actions are being investigated? Are these authorized and supervised by the King at the Center? Or let me ask in another format - who is the King at the center in the 'Swaraj India' Rule? Or will the Rulers prop up in front of the masses and proclaim that they don't adhere to the 'Swaraj India' philosophy and instead they would arrest native leaders and princes and make India a slave nation again?

         But what is worse is that the answers to these questions never come out open in front of everyone. They always indulge in hoodwinking a few top notch and befool them and befool the nation through them by displaying them online and approving their acts. It is no coincidence that the ED action comes quickly after the 'Nitish Kumar' incident related to Bihar. The Bosses of ED felt that the 'kEy to Government and Control would go to the Rightful KEY-Man and so they hastily moved the ED office upon two plans - (1) About Lallu family in Bihar who may be coercing in kEy politics and (2) The Jharkhand CM who may be the prime object on the KEY-Man's side. 

         If that is so, then does it mean that :

    (i) the ED is working against Rightful Ruler,

  (ii) the ED is working against the KEY-Man and annex his Rights and Authority. Is this what E and C philosophies are? In such a case, does their use of force of Government Authority and Governmental Guns comply with A, B, C, D, E etc. philosophies. 

  (iii) By not complying with 'Swaraj', do we infer that the ED can be actually formed of 'Bahari Log', that is invaders of historical years and other external operators settled in India during the British Raj. (I wonder why ED was always in favor with Congress Rulers and their Stalwarts of External origins and then with those who opposed Indian Monarchs).

   (iv) By acting hot in the heels of the 'Nitish Kumar' incident, does the ED and their Bosses (whoever they are) unintentionally express their opposition to it?

    (v) By the two actions that followed, is the ED dividing the Native people into separate groups and Control the masses with mutual feuds and weakening by dividing (British divide and rule policy).

    (vi) By not working for 'Swaraj' and depriving the native people off their 'swaraj', their Rights and their goodies of their nation and subverting the elected CMs of a state (or princes of any state), are the ED and their Bosses attempting to cause a 'Civil disorder and War' in India or cunningly continue ransacking India with foreign powers.

         No wonder why other people keep quite while ED Bosses chooses their targets mainly from the Natives and also a few from the externals to give themselves an 'honesty and equality' tag.

        In 1977, this very land catapulted the revolution and were befooled, subverted and pushed into darkness by these very Bosses and they sprang up naked into their action hot on the heels of the 'Nitish Kumar' as if their 43 years of cookies were exposed farcical and unlicensed. Do they realize that even 76 years of bluffs are exposed, 110 years of annexation are stark naked, 165 years of tyranny and non-compliance with Law are staked and two world wars are to be explained. What is ED enlightened about and why are they charged with power to thrust into this land? The world is facing Ukraine war, Gaza fighting, Yemen onslaught, Taiwan-China and North Korea-South Korea threats, the Armymen have a lot to ponder about and the Nation has to stand united. We cannot allow 'Bahari Log' to cause nuisance in our Nation. Hence, just as any native leader, ED too has to show up their faces, their Bosses and appease the people of their correctness and honesty towards the nation and the 'Swaraj' philosophy. ED too has a moral obligation to not to befool the people and adhere to KEY-Man laws and principles. The ED has to prove to the people that they are not part of cooking kEy philosophies or cooking swapping of identities to suit their needs and cunningness. Afterall no can be reliable except the real Owner, more so about the custody of the Nation or even the States, Jharkhand and Bihar, in this case.   IPYadav

Monday, January 22, 2024

220124 Ram Ram



Maybe the world will be indicated that Hindus are boasting power after annexing the site for Ram Janmbhoomi, but we should enlighten them that Hinduism is very ancient and resurrection of our ancient sites is a mode of honoring our ancestors.  IPYadav

Thursday, January 18, 2024

150123 Ram Mandir And The Political Parties

 150123  Ram Mandir And The Political Parties

            Ram Mandir Pran Pratishttha is scheduled for the 22nd of this month and invitations have been sent to various political persons. But being an outcome of a political endeavor, it has a history of those who stood 'For' it and those who stood 'Against' it. Here, let me repeat, I have used the terms of 'For and Against' which are inherent in any debated topic and I have not used the term 'Opposing it'.

         Well, as for those who were opposing it, the ceremony wouldn't be any matter of attendance, but those who were 'Against' the issue, the eventual result should be as amicably acceptable as a team loosing a match. But finally all assemble together, party together and play together. Similarly, Lord Ram is for everyone and everyone can assemble together and celebrate together, only the winning team has to extend the invitation to the loosing team. 

         Also, considering that Ayodhya can only accommodate the selected invitees, the Organizers can consider the option to call those who don't or cannot join this day for this event, on another day in the name of another ceremony for them. This way, they can patch up the differences and ill-emotions on both sides and start an atmosphere of true Ram-Raj.

            It would also signify that the Hindu paksh truly believes in humanity, honesty, equality and amicability towards all.    IPYadav

Sunday, January 14, 2024

130124 Greetings For Lohri, Sankrant And New Year

 Greetings For Lohri, Sankrant And New Year 

            Greetings to you all for Lohri and Sankrant and the auspicious day for the new crop and new year.

               For years on, we have been following the traditions every year and celebrating the centuries old events as our auspicious beginnings of new years and new crops, even though the original dates of these schedules have shifted over again and again. Why do we adhere to these dates and these feelings? 

                     And then, why should we forget our Hindu traditions, places of worships, idols of worships and treasures of fond memories in our independent nation and adopt the shame and destructive acts of foreign Rulers and their tribes? Doesn't matter if they are Mughals or other Muslim Rulers or Sikandar or Changez Khan or Nadir Shah or the Britishers or the recurring 'Brahma-astra type acts', they only annexed power during the century old political drama by posing as Indians as well as foreign Ruler kingpins. So much so that they aided a conspiracy of defuncting the Rights and Authorities of Native Rulers with these dual identities and making a mess of everything political and of national interests, purposefully and cunningly falsified the facts and defrauded the native Indians who loitered around in their independent and free nation like blindfolded asses.

                 How many in today's India would stand up and say that they even manipulated the constitution to suit their needs and then they manipulated political explanations to exempt themselves from following this very constitution and make merry with their fraudulent acts as some kind of their rightful ways in this same country, same society. And for this, they placed a Policing Authority that would apply constitutional requirements upon native Indians and way of Rule exemptions for their followers, thus making all their illegal acts, exigencies, allowances, reservations, etc. as some kind of 'licensed acts'. 

                     But licenses were supposed to be limited by their own constitutions and licenses were supposed to end with 'Swaraj' and then with Numero Uno Rule, but did they stop? No. Assuming they made mistakes, did they admit their mistakes and submitted themselves to Justice and pay back for all their wrongs? No. Then on what consideration did Mahatma Gandhi allow them to stay back in 1947 and on what correctness and consideration did the Congressmen for 50s and 60s allowed them to spread into the Indian Government, carried out acts like Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai, etc. then got backfired with 1962 and 1965 wars.

                  Or should I say that the victory in World War II had gone into the heads of the NATO and they themselves cunningly and shrewdly kept their kingpins into the Government and their tribes in control of the Nation. Then this tactic was adopted by Congressmen to enable Nehru family Rule in India. This means, all the time they were conspiring to demean and defunct native Rulers and all this was done very secretly, very cunningly!. Does this also indicate why Mahatma Gandhi, with his clout and national following, purposely held these foreign tribes back in India and used them to collectively wield power upon isolated innocent Indians. If he was a part of all this, then I will say that he was no sacred soul (Mahatma) as we have been told by these leaders.

                    But just like so many other online stories, these also hang in limbo while we are fed falsified facts every now and then by these Foreign Indos.

                      On the Sankranti, may your (natives and brethren) lives be reinvigorated with new esteem and belief in Justice of the Almighty. So charge yourself with new energy for the Sankranti.   IPYadav 

Sunday, October 29, 2023

291023 Atmospheric Manhandling Effects On Live Events

 Atmospheric Manhandling Effects On Live Events


                Today is Live Event of England vs India in the ICC World Cup. This could have been the recap of the last world cup if India had not lost to the Kiwis in the Semifinals then but the Indian team was overburdened with a lot of snags and eventually lost the match. Besides the cricket talent and team spirit, they had to deal with the whole world of interferers who were devising deceiving tactics in the atmosphere to eventually bog them down. It was not just a semi-final match, it was like India against the world in the Atmosphere there.

            What is this Atmosphere? This is the movement of spirits in each individuals cybersphere as well as their intermingling at the event site. These act on a lot of actions on the field like thinking and planning, feelings and spirits, mutual bonding in the team, killing attitude towards the opponents, eyesight, instincts and reflexes, dual minds in use of techniques, body movements and responses, etc. These spirits are invoked due to a lot of reasons which can be long standing or lifelong standing or short time churnings. The community undergoes long standing effects, the individuals deal with their life's hurdles and practice and experience makes a man (or a woman) perfect. Everyone works hard and prepares for these kinds of hurdles and assaults but then on the scene of action where various spirits collide, the atmosphere gets churned up and the final outcome decides the way of the future. So the stakes go up and the involved interests also go up.

                    If it's an open involvement event, then anybody can get involved and cause it's effects, e.g in the case of a war or riot, but does it make any sense if two persons are contesting in a competition over any of their skills? One may say that if a country's pride is at stake then all the countrymen can rightfully get involved but even then, where does it fit right if all the world's stalwarts conjoin to put one person or one team down? This happens very easily in the case of India where various clans identify themselves as 'Indiya', 'Pakisthaan', 'Chaina', 'Turki', 'Hindusthan', 'Musalmaan', 'Inglis', 'Casteism', etc. besides the worldwide segregations of 'dogs, cats and rats'. And who would forget the 'snakes'? What is worse is that these evil people hide within the other's nations and cause detrimental loopholes in their security cyber-domes. Also, in the case of India, the matters are worsened by the 100 years of political strife where the Rule has been taken over by many entities and the Original Indians have been subverted. So many people and their relative spirits get involved and such evil loopholes always work to defeat India. Such worse was the scenario that they were able to ensnare many Indians into their fold using the usual 'sam, dam, dand, bhed niti and eventually started targeting 'Bharatmata', Indian Royals and the Captain India. Are they indulging into some kind of 'Mahabharat' war and targeting to capture 'Yudhishthir' into their 'Chakravyuh' and win the war? 

                    Here, I take this opportunity to reiterate to these evil minds that your war was lost many years back and thereafter all their deeds are accountable into criminal acts and here it's a Cricket match where Cricketing talents are matched to win the match. Such acts of interference, whether by their natural motivation or by some earthling's concoction of spirits, magic, or transmissions for distractions, dislodging of attention and involvement or confusing and double-mindset, magical occurrences, etc. are all accountable towards crime of fraud, illegal operations, intimidation and manhandling of the men in action.

                    Most of the time, it's the batsman who is easily targeted, sometimes it's the fielder, the bowler or the umpiring decisions. So the batsman's concentration is easily attacked, the fielders positioning and reflexes are manipulated, the bowler's hard work is further strained and to top it all, umpiring decisions fail a lot of aspirants and hopes. What is worse is nothing is done against these intruders. At least the ICC can ban these intruders and their earthling causes from relishing their earnings from cricket and no team should give any rewards to persons outside their followers. Such followers should be longtime followers and not match-fixing followers!

                    Now, I will list a few instances from this World Cup where external interference affected the players (as far as I can recollect here) - 1. Rohit's dismissals thrice - LBW, catch to mid off player (when he was caught in dual mind), and square cut which spun back onto his stumps (unlucky to a magic spell). It's also that the Indian Captain was targeted again and again. 2. Rahul's LBW. 3. Feud talks about supporting and helping Kohli instead of Rohit - would cause mutual distrust between the team members and the team's mainstays. 4. Lapse of concentration of Shubhman soon after Rohit's unlucky dismissal (to rattle the hopes of Indians in the match against New Zealand. ..... this will be continued with new addendums.

                        So much for now, I will write elaborately on this issue in my next book.  IPYadav.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

221023 Spinning Ways (Of The Ball)

 Spinning Ways Of The Ball

              The two top teams are going to fight it out for the top spot today in the ICC Men's Cricket World Cup 2023 but that is not just the reason why this match is important. This match could also be a preamble of the Finals. The possibility is thrilling to Crores of Indian fans and they should be very rightfully anxious about the Results, the final results of this World Cup. The way things are going, I give 90 percent chances to the Indian team to lift the Cup for the third time. 

                The setbacks can be in the form of exemplary performance by the opponent team, the inherent divisions and parting ways in the team, their own lack of willingness to get the Cup and of course the cyber environmental deceits and destructions. So far, the going has been good and apart from some incidents here and there, the team spirit and fightback has been praiseworthy. Hence the reason why I give 90% chances to this team. All the bowlers are performing (but lethal match winning shows are yet to be seen) and both the star batsmen are going positively with ample support from the others. This is very important because if some cyber upset gets one, the others perform and get the team through. This was why Dhoni used to be so helpful and now there is Rahul. But the need for a consistent long-lasting hard hitting batsman in the lower batting lineup remains a slight weak point. Or should I say that such a player is a boon for his team and other teams have such players. In the Indian team, this task is done by Rohit himself, and that too, right from the word Go. So he is also the primary target for the opponents.

                Talking about Rohit, his dismissal in the match against the Bangladesh, was a typical pacer's trick of bodyline direction. On the first ball, which was little more down the leg side, he was able to connect well and pulled it for a six. But the next ball was not that much to the leg side and instead it was heading straight onto his head. The result was that his handle length to the ball reduced and the ball remained within the boundary line. The long handle length the batsman can get when hitting the ball, the more powerful he can hit the ball and the more chances are there that it would be unstoppable. Here, for longer handle length, we have to connect the ball in the lower half of the bat, preferably at the quarter length of the blade from the bottom. And this we can do by shuffling to the off side when attempting to hit a pull or a hook shot. All new players should practice it as a habit to shuffle the back foot towards the off side and open front towards the short pitched leg side ball and the opt for a pull or a hook or ducking and letting it go.

                Coming to my title topic, that is Spinning ways of the ball, when a ball is spinning and it hits a flat surface, it moves towards the direction of it's spin. Because it gets less resistance in that direction and it deflects towards that side. This happens when it hits the ground and it also happens when it hits the bat. So if a ball is spinning outwards, it will pitch and go outwards i.e. outwards from the direction of the bat. So when it will hit the bat, it will run off outwards and the shot would be a powerful one. So much so that a square drive with an upward angle of the bat can go for a six and same way for a pull shot on the leg side. But if a ball is spinning inwards that is coming towards the bat, it has a tendency to get inwards. So its spin tendency has to be counteracted. It has to be played a little late (than the outward spinning ball) so that it's inward tendency is subverted by the late angle of the bat. This shot doesn't get much power naturally and the batsman's efforts are required in empowering and manipulating this shot. Also, since the spin is countered, any slight early or late contact can spill the ball over into a catch, and an easy catch since it doesn't develop much power. Instinct plays an important role in this case of playing it accurately. Also, it would be wise to angle the bat downwards and put the ball into the ground as it would require an enormous effort to put away it safely over and away from the fielders. Making room for the shot is also required as a longer handle would give more power to the shot.

                    This is true for all types of bowlers, whether pace or spin and an instant reckoning for the batsman that if the ball is coming towards the bat, he wouldn't be able to make it a great shot and so he delays his shot or stops altogether and plays a defensive shot. It's all that "practice makes a man perfect" but practicing with theoretical thinking would make a better batsman. 

                    So much for today for the budding batsmen and with best wishes for the Indian team, I dedicate this post to their chances of success in this World Cup.    IPYadav

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Women's Reservation Bill wrt Women's Votes 270923copy on Commcomm

  Women's Voting Rights In Elections

    My little girl asked me a question last night about why women were not allowed to vote in the begini8ng years of the previous century. This was my reply:

    Right from the ancient times, Indian (and therefore the Aryan) method of united living was to involve all the households in the process of decision making. This was done through the Panchayat system. There the elders of the household gathered to formulate laws, policies and plans and the decisions were executed through the elders onto each household. Earlier, the elders were free to gather together for such long and intriguing discussions while the younger people went about their day-to-day work. Then, there was need for some critical decisions to be adopted only as per confirmed majority of the households to be willing to get involved in it (e.g. engaging into a war, adopting some Uniform Civil Code, etc.) because with a large number of households not getting involved would mean an alarming loss of power and increased risk of loss. So, the presence of every household and their consequent vote became the mode of social decision making. Here too, the focus was to garner support and involvement of each household.

    But then this system  was considered inappropriate as some families contributed one head for one male adult in the family, some contributed five heads for five male adults in the family and some others contributed only one head for five male adults in the family. So unevenness was unpalatable in mutual relations and even though the elders were good enough to keep the family and the society together, incidents do happen (these happened for Lord Rama as well). So the next development was to involve all adult male as voters and the accumulated votes would stand up for the cause if required. Hence the system of voting by all adult males was promulgated as the standard form for all issues. The ladies were not required to stand up in public as it was mutually understood by one and all that the 'ardhangini' (the wife) would join with the husband in all deeds and therefore not required to be explained the pros and cons of each case and vote after understanding these and thinking about her family situation with  respect to these matters. Similarly, unwed adult females (which were normally nil) were also not burdened to participate. Single widows were not bothered as well. So, in those times, women's voting was not required at all.

    These necessities were acutely required in the Western World and especially in the US when the war ravaged countries with lots of widows and single married/unmarried adult working/non-working females to take care of were required to involve women into the voting system and into the Government so that they could voice their difficulties and dangers straight to the Government and to their Societies in their Countries. Thus came up the issue of allowing women into elections both as a Candidate as well as a Voter.

    So, in modern times, all democratic methods require women to vote as well as permit women to contest in the elections.       

    I hope the historians and the lawmakers would approve my views. However, any contradictory comment are welcome as well.   IPYadav

Monday, September 18, 2023

Row Over Threat To Sanaatan Dharm 180923copy on Commcomm

  180923 Row Over Threat To Sanaatan Dharm 

    When the threat to finish the Sanaatan Dharm was proclaimed, I was wondering as to what was secretly meant in such a proclamation. So, herein, I will present my various viewpoints to my readers and leave the issue to my readers to decide.

    First and foremost thought was about a cyberspace talk about Bhagwaan (the God) and Bhagwaa (the bhagwa colored cloths). Theoretically, as per study of Hindi Vocabulary, if we look keenly on the spelling of these two words (Bhagwaan and Bhawaa) these are like antonyms i.e. meaning oppositely to each other. Then what is the essence of these two words which are like founding stones of Hinduism (the God Himself and the sacred color cloth itself). How can these oppose each other? Is it that the various sects of Hinduism (like those groups worshipping Brahma, Vishnu, Shiv, Matarani, Ram, Krishna, Devraj Indra, etc.) has got some relation to the coining of these opposing sensed words? Just while these thoughts were flowing through, the very next day came the proclamation. So does it (the proclamation) has got some relation to the ancient feuds of Hinduism?

    Second thought was about the recent political events all over the world. The powers of 'Adharma' (evil) are taking a beating all over the world and hence the followers of such black powers are highly anxious and perturbed. So in a vicious attempt to fightback, they could have caused such proclamation to call and raise their people to fight the powers of 'dharma' (good will). For this they could have generated the command at their power center and promulgated it to their followers all over the world and since India is at the center of their feud with the powers of 'Good', such a command and mission has burst out over here. This means the sectarian clans of the South India as well as the separatist forces like the Tamil Rebels could involved and be activated. Does it mean that the demolition of 'paid fighters' in Ukraine is falling out upon India because they could be thinking it to be an easy meat and a hefty meat to rebuild themselves! We sure should be alarmed and be prepared just in case if it is so.

    Thus I was myself confused and eager to see how it unfolds but nothing happened except that a lot of hue and cry is going on about such comments. Then, I have come to consider a third point of view which is also a dangerous trend. This is to divide the country into two groups - the upper caste Hindus who are would identify themselves as 'Sanaatan Hindus' and the others who would include the lower caste Hindus, the 'baahari log (the outsiders or offspring of invaders) as well as the opportunistic and sectarian Indians (looking for better future with the enemies of Indians). Naturally, the first type would run to the BJP and it's allies and bolster it's leaders (10 years of their rule hasn't brought 'achhe din' yet for Bharat Mata or Yoyo Group or the 'Indian Raj' Group) (on the contrary, a lot of bad has been done, and if I am thinking right, then their top leaders are in it too). (So,) For me, all their Governmental works, policies, plans, etc. remain suspended and subject to review classifying each leader's and Section's works separately and the effect of Controls in their works. Surprisingly, when I started using 'Bharat Mata ki Jaya' in my (last two) blogs, the PM has enforced an instant name change from India to Bharat in the G20 Summit. And maybe he left India to the second type who would collectively form I.N.D.I.A. These second type were always with the Ruling Party i.e. the Congress and never surrendered their 'Ruling Party entity' to the 'Swaraj'. So 'Swaraj' remained a far cry and the opportunistic BJP leaders grabbed the Rule for themselves. This seems  to be the story of 'Swaraj, Achhe din, Yoyo, IndianRaj, Raja Hindustaani, etc., etc. So, if India bifurcates into these two types and under the rule of these leaders, the cases of 'Swaraj, Achhe din, Yoyo, IndianRaj, Raja Hindustaani, etc., etc. would become lost. Does it mean that these two Parties are bifurcating India (previously it was hindustaan and pakisthaan; now it seems to be bhaarat and i.n.d.i.a.) and each party's leaders are downplaying Indian Raj (no native monarchs are into the leadership fray! where is their Monarchy? where is 'Swaraj'?), and which means that they are conducting Foreign Rule, can it mean that they may divide into two parts the North going to BJP leaders and the South going to the Congress leaders (and people of the second type!) Wouldn't it be a dangerous trend?

    Such a trend was always there there when the South always supported the Nehru and Gandhi family (so called Ruling family) and Congress but had their own Party and their own Rule and the ruling ways. South was always segregated in all fields and worked differently. It seems they have dislodged the Gandhi family and worked out their settings with the BJP leaders to continue to divide India and Rule over India. So every now and then, rows about Aurangzeb, Hanuman, Sanaatan, Nooh, Mathura, etc. keep popping up like pop up screens on the laptop and churn up heated debates and mindsets of these segregations. So we are deprived of our fortune of 'Swaraj' and 'Foreign Rule' is dividing Indians and thrust it's clutches to cut out small parts for themselves as their offspring's territories just as they did for Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

    We are into the 21st century and freedom, fundamental rights, equality, United Nations, ICJ, etc. are the norms of living but reality speaks something else. Realities are debt traps, Corona Virus, Black-White feuds, brotherhoods across the borders, NATO / Russia alliance, corruptions and impeachments, computerized sectarian controls, forced deprivations and manipulations, economic assault, etc. and add to it our local Hindu-Muslim, North-South, natives-externals, Gandhis-Modis, etc. They keep playing their cards like it's their game to play and 'Swaraj' was their stumble stone which they cunningly devised to hide from the Indians and instead grabbed hold onto the rule by hook or by crook and scattered us helter-skelter to Rule over us. We cannot let this happen to our ages old India and whether it's BJP or it's Congress, we should demand for 'Swaraj' and our own 'Monarch(s)'. Let them take the seat , show their face and lead the country instead of any 'Tom, Dick and Harrys' running India through Internet screens.   IPYadav

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Indo-US Relations, A Dual Personality Syndrome? 230623copy on Commcomm


x axis : 'Divide and rule' ;  y axis : 'Divide the loot'

        Ever since 1947, when India and Pakistan were divided, India has been facing a kind of dual syndrome. A lot of elements stayed back in India but actually they never worked for the good of India. Till 1977, they all trumpeted their own ideals and principles and then came the Janta Dal debacle. The West were never happy with India regaining 'Raj' and one country of their own, so they cooked up all sorts of 'khichdi' (concoction) in Indian Political Faces, assigning their own names and secret justification. These justifications were kept secret because they knew they would be failed in their ideas. So they indulged in small-timers as Indian Faces and started feeding their khichdi to them and to the Indian masses. Everybody was made to watch such faces online and follow their executionary decisions.

        Of course, they and their ideas were resented, but then they had another khichdi (concoction) ready to increase their strengths. That was - 'Divide the loot'.

        That's right. So far you all heard the policy of 'divide and rule', but now they indulged in 'Divide the loot'. And to accomplish their purpose, they had those Indian looking faces of elements of 1947 as mentioned above. So they skewed up with all principles and logics and tempered with the Rights of Indian people as well as their good fortune of 'Swaraj'.

        It's a pity that some of our own haughty and foolish faces were involved in all this. Even we face incidents when our mind gets locked for some instant but as soon as situation changes, we recover our thinking power. But these haughty faces were all adept in taking executive decisions all by themselves (and the other Party wouldn't come out of their hideout hole and discuss the matter with all those affected). So blunders were made. They have been told but they wouldn't reorient themselves. Afterall, if they had to think about justice, then why would they hide? They were empowered by the Western forces in their executionary authority. 

        Now the situation has come where India is controlled by these hideouts as well as by the aspiring Indians. So we are facing a Dual Personality Syndrome. On one side we are not with the West in the matter of Ukraine-Russia war and on the other hand, PM Modi is given a grand stature in the US and sensitive defence equipment is being given to him. I have used 'him' here because such a deal may have been carried out between one part of Indians (maybe indiya or hindusthan or other similar group) and not with India. Could it be that such group may be forming 'pakisthaan' or 'turkii' or other such 'baahari log' (people of origins outside India - external invader clans of history of India). Clearly the Nation is facing a split policy  streams and it could lead to a split nation.

           Finally, let's all make a call "Bharatmata ki jay".   IPYadav

Friday, August 25, 2023

About 'IPY Raj' And 'IPY YoYo' Groups 080322copy On Commcomm

       'Divide and Rule' is a policy attributed to the British Raj in India but that was more because the common masses were educated about such procedures of the Ruling Class to hold on the their rule with ease and comfort (to themselves) and thus educate them to unite and remain united. In any civilization, the management uses this and other tricks to tackle the workforce and bring out their loyalty and faithfulness traits so as to get best output from them. Bad management and foreign Rulers use these to suit their selfish desires but India has seen this tactic being used in utmost ditching way where the common men were left to run helter-skelter without anyone to guide them hungry hounds digging into their wounds again and again and ripping them apart from every fiber holding them to get lost in the wild wide world or maybe into cyberspace. So much so that, nowadays, they look onto the screens for guidance for every work or action they do. They have no confidence on those who may be on their left or on the right.

      All this because these gangs of hounds grabbed the power and they started entrenching themselves into the Indian Society. They created confusions on every issue of Indians, divided the controlling minds, sided and pampered one side or group and ripped apart the others. Thus, they played around with people of India on issues like 'Indiya' and 'Pakistaan', further demarcating it into 'Indya', 'Pakisstaan', 'Pakisthaan', etc., issue of Raj or YoYo, issue of legitimate or illegitimate, issues of sins, Rights, 'My Money', 'My Raaj', 'my Right of way', 'my wayward or junglee ways of exercising my Rights', 'widespread hunger, thirst, and pathetic conditions on Earth', 'my quality of wisdom to properly organize and conduct Earth's Affairs (and you inability in it)', various other such 'My' -related self-egoist methodologies, etc. divided them at every instance. Even Social procedures like socializing methods and even vote counting were used to engulf fully or semi unknowing ignorant people but very deceitfully the knowledgeable and powerful people and entities were kept away. In other words, all this was done in their social dome or cybersphere and nothing was leaked out (is it something similar to my business situation where I perceive that the whole world talks about what I blog over here but my viewership count rarely goes into double digit, most of the time it remains zero!). Nobody could even assume 'the Divide And Rule Policy' because they would be asked to clarify (with threats of damage charges, etc) which for the fully or semi-unknown people always happened to be confusing and slowly, one after the other, everybody was pulled into these and assigned a place in their conundrum. They all understood that they were loosing their independence but being confused, none of them could avoid it. To make matters worse, some greedy and wicked heads started trapping one and all. Their 'Brahmastras' gathered more and more power, overwhelming Societies and controlling even the whole nation.
        Indians braved through it all, braced through some, compromised with some and fell apart into some others. Raj or YoYo was one such point of confusion and maybe the most fundamental to the existence of most of the others. Because it's existence blocked many other possibilities and it's clarification opens all those and many more. The hide and seek methodologies adopted inside the dome made it virtually impossible for any help to resolve it but the fraudsters knew it all and yet continued to play foul under the safety of their wholesome control even demeaning the fact that such wholesome control was valid only to the extent of lawful Rule. So they controlled all the affairs and kept pushing the great ancient civilization to termination. At least my cyberspace called foul everyday so often and yet nothing happened. Probably the ice was cracked only when the post I made about this issue reached you all. Now, to further improve it, I have created two WhatsApp groups 'IPY Raj'  and 'IPY YoYo' so as to be able to communicate with both group people separately and jointly. 'IPY' is the joining uniqueness in both and my previous post shows the way why IPY can be assigned to both Groups. So, I am operating both the Groups and I encourage both group people to unite and discuss with each other on the basis of my post and how it would effect the erosion of the confusion. It will also keep your segregation intact while you can correspond directly with me clarify your other confusions, remove your hurdles and restraints and work amicably among yourself as well as with other groups. Afterall we are all Indians and unity is utmost necessary for power and progress. IPY is the common entity in both these groups and it should unite you as well.    IPYadav

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

India's Independence Day Anniversary 150823 Copy on Commcomm


The Main Context

The Main Context

    First of all, let me greet you all for the Independence day of India (now here I don't mean for I.N.D.I.A.) (don't you think the second terminology looks bigger, bolder and divided and first terminology is dwarfed and swamped over in it's existence)
     I have placed so many flags and captioned my picture as 'The Main Context' because I want to depict that the main contextual flags prevail over all these other flags. Which means the main flags only can be carried forward to other locations and the the other locations can be given a house flag or their native flag. If the main flags are both Indian (the essence of 'SWARAJ'), the native flags can only be that of 'India'!
       So that means there can be no place for independent groups like Indiya, Hindustaan, Pakisthaan, Chaina, etc. etc. It was and it is all hoax created by those who wanted to divide and rule but RULE is what they were not entitled to. 
         Today, when we are celebrating our Independence Day, we should remember that in 1947 we got independence from British Rule and we got our entity of existence, but then many of our Indian-looking brethren subverted even 'swaraj' to make their selfish gains and a lot of our people have been pushed into slavery like lifestyle. This was bad and that too when they were supposed to enjoy 'Swaraj'.
         So while we celebrate Independence Day, we regret incidents like those of Manipur, etc. and we all hail 'Bharatmata ki jaya'.     IPYadav

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Are My Imaginations Going Too Wide? 130120 Copy on Commcomm

     Are My Imaginations Going Too Wide? Read the analysis below and decide. Your comments would be valuable. But on second thoughts, I will not describe the analysis here. Let's see. I want to make a 'good business' and let's see how many will be visitors to my site, how many will become members, how many will take paid subscriptions and how many will contact for consultations.

    Let me show you all, if we Indians are free to do these things or not and even if some of you try it, do you succeed in it?
     Yesterday was anniversary of Haiti Earthquake, one of the worst natural disaster of modern times. But I have some other premonitions.
     It's very much like a scary fairy-tale, but fairy tales do happen in this world. I am sure you all would agree with me about it. This also co-relates with my personal experiences and the events in India. So there is very likelihood that I am Right!
     Is this 'Brahmastra' corroding and weakening the pillars of India's existence and demolishing the glorious India of our ancestors. And for this, it's using all fractions of India! Don't you think this is what is happening?    IPYadav 

New Addition: Whatever were my thoughts at that time, I don't recollect clearly. There were no views and no responses, so it all faded away into history. But what I instinctively feel is that India is bombarded with not just one but many 'Brahmastras' or there may be a whole gang with each member operating his own 'Brahmastra, and each one striving to capture India and it's treasures. What is worse is that they cooperate with each other and work on the principles of 'Divide The Loot' (remember Divide and Rule of the British Era). So their whole workplan could be to Rule India from the back-offices while we innocent and blind-folded Indians go around for our day-to-day work thinking that we are working hard for our free and independent nation.   IPYadav

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

My New Achievement - DMS 260723 Copy On Commcomm

 My new address: 


                        Doctorate in Management Studies (DMS)
                                        Master Mariner from Merchant Navy
"I have solutions to your craziest puzzles, they don't have answers to even my simplest questions and arguments." IPYadav.


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