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Friday, August 25, 2023

About 'IPY Raj' And 'IPY YoYo' Groups 080322copy On Commcomm

       'Divide and Rule' is a policy attributed to the British Raj in India but that was more because the common masses were educated about such procedures of the Ruling Class to hold on the their rule with ease and comfort (to themselves) and thus educate them to unite and remain united. In any civilization, the management uses this and other tricks to tackle the workforce and bring out their loyalty and faithfulness traits so as to get best output from them. Bad management and foreign Rulers use these to suit their selfish desires but India has seen this tactic being used in utmost ditching way where the common men were left to run helter-skelter without anyone to guide them hungry hounds digging into their wounds again and again and ripping them apart from every fiber holding them to get lost in the wild wide world or maybe into cyberspace. So much so that, nowadays, they look onto the screens for guidance for every work or action they do. They have no confidence on those who may be on their left or on the right.

      All this because these gangs of hounds grabbed the power and they started entrenching themselves into the Indian Society. They created confusions on every issue of Indians, divided the controlling minds, sided and pampered one side or group and ripped apart the others. Thus, they played around with people of India on issues like 'Indiya' and 'Pakistaan', further demarcating it into 'Indya', 'Pakisstaan', 'Pakisthaan', etc., issue of Raj or YoYo, issue of legitimate or illegitimate, issues of sins, Rights, 'My Money', 'My Raaj', 'my Right of way', 'my wayward or junglee ways of exercising my Rights', 'widespread hunger, thirst, and pathetic conditions on Earth', 'my quality of wisdom to properly organize and conduct Earth's Affairs (and you inability in it)', various other such 'My' -related self-egoist methodologies, etc. divided them at every instance. Even Social procedures like socializing methods and even vote counting were used to engulf fully or semi unknowing ignorant people but very deceitfully the knowledgeable and powerful people and entities were kept away. In other words, all this was done in their social dome or cybersphere and nothing was leaked out (is it something similar to my business situation where I perceive that the whole world talks about what I blog over here but my viewership count rarely goes into double digit, most of the time it remains zero!). Nobody could even assume 'the Divide And Rule Policy' because they would be asked to clarify (with threats of damage charges, etc) which for the fully or semi-unknown people always happened to be confusing and slowly, one after the other, everybody was pulled into these and assigned a place in their conundrum. They all understood that they were loosing their independence but being confused, none of them could avoid it. To make matters worse, some greedy and wicked heads started trapping one and all. Their 'Brahmastras' gathered more and more power, overwhelming Societies and controlling even the whole nation.
        Indians braved through it all, braced through some, compromised with some and fell apart into some others. Raj or YoYo was one such point of confusion and maybe the most fundamental to the existence of most of the others. Because it's existence blocked many other possibilities and it's clarification opens all those and many more. The hide and seek methodologies adopted inside the dome made it virtually impossible for any help to resolve it but the fraudsters knew it all and yet continued to play foul under the safety of their wholesome control even demeaning the fact that such wholesome control was valid only to the extent of lawful Rule. So they controlled all the affairs and kept pushing the great ancient civilization to termination. At least my cyberspace called foul everyday so often and yet nothing happened. Probably the ice was cracked only when the post I made about this issue reached you all. Now, to further improve it, I have created two WhatsApp groups 'IPY Raj'  and 'IPY YoYo' so as to be able to communicate with both group people separately and jointly. 'IPY' is the joining uniqueness in both and my previous post shows the way why IPY can be assigned to both Groups. So, I am operating both the Groups and I encourage both group people to unite and discuss with each other on the basis of my post and how it would effect the erosion of the confusion. It will also keep your segregation intact while you can correspond directly with me clarify your other confusions, remove your hurdles and restraints and work amicably among yourself as well as with other groups. Afterall we are all Indians and unity is utmost necessary for power and progress. IPY is the common entity in both these groups and it should unite you as well.    IPYadav

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