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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

31122024 नववर्ष की शुभकामनाएँ

नववर्ष की शुभकामनाएँ

 सभी को नमस्कार। नववर्ष 2025 और भविष्य के लिए ढेरों शुभकामनाएँ।

            आशा है कि यह वर्ष शांति लाएगा और दुनिया को नियंत्रित करने वालों के कार्यों में धर्म (न्याय) की बहाली होगी। अन्यथा, उन्होंने अपनी अधीनस्थ स्थिति को दूर करने और दुनिया के न्यायपूर्ण शासकों को उखाड़ फेंकने और अपने परमाणु-प्रूफ बंकरों में छिपने के लिए चालाक और धोखेबाज 'खेल' खेले थे, ताकि जब न्यायपूर्ण लोग आपसी परमाणु हमलों में उड़ जाएँ या उनके गुंडों द्वारा नष्ट कर दिए जाएँ, तो वे सुरक्षित रूप से छिप जाएँ और एक नई दुनिया पर शासन करने के लिए सतह से नीचे उतर जाएँ, इस प्रकार किसी और के बजाय वे खुद दुनिया पर शासन कर सकें। मुझे लगता है कि यूक्रेन और गाजा के साथ सीमित विश्व युद्ध के उनके प्रयोग बुरी तरह विफल हो गए हैं और यह बहुत संभावना है कि वे भारतीय उपमहाद्वीप या दक्षिण चीन सागर में अगले संघर्ष की योजना बना रहे हों।

(मैं निश्चित रूप से जानना चाहूँगा कि ये सुपरहेड कौन हैं।)

          लेकिन मुझे उम्मीद है कि नया साल उनके दिमाग में अच्छी समझ पैदा करेगा और वे शासकों की सम्मानजनक प्रक्रियाओं का अनुचित उपयोग करके अपनी सनक और कल्पनाओं को पूरा करने के बजाय दुनिया में अपने कद को स्वीकार करेंगे। दूसरे शब्दों में, देशद्रोहियों और अपराधियों के साथ वास्तव में बुरा व्यवहार किया जा सकता है, कम से कम उसी तरह जैसे उन्होंने दूसरों के साथ किया।

आइए देखें कि क्या हम सुधार देखेंगे या क्या हम किसी नए स्थान पर कार्रवाई देखेंगे।

     फिलहाल, आइए अपने दोस्तों को एक खुशहाल और शानदार नए साल की बधाई दें और साथ ही, उन्हें खराब आकलन, बुरे फैसलों और पीठ पीछे वार करने वालों से अतिरिक्त सुरक्षा मिले।    IPYadav  

(translation using Google Translate)

31122024 Greetings For The New Year


Hello Everybody. Many best wishes for the New Year 2025 and the future. 

        Hope this year brings peace and restoration of Dharma (Justful ) in the actions of those who control the world. Otherwise, they had played cunning and deceitful 'Games' to ward off their subordinate status and overthrow the Rightful Rulers of the World and hide into their nuclear-proof bunkers if things got of their hands so that while the Rightfuls would get blown up in the mutual nuclear attacks or liquidated by their Goons, they would hide safely and unsurface to Rule over a new World, thus having themselves to Rule over the World instead of someone else. I think their experiments of limited World War with Ukraine and Gaza have failed miserably and it's very likely that they could be planning the next conflict in the Indian subcontinent or the South China Sea. 

(I would certainly want to know who these Superheads are.)

         But I hope the New year would put good senses into their minds and they accept their stature in the World instead of working out their whims and fancies making undue usage of the honourable procedures of the Rulers. In other words, traitors and criminals can be subjected to real bad treatments, at least the same way as they treated others.

Let's see if we would see improvements or if we would see action at some new location.  

  For the time being, let's greet our friends a joyous and fantastic new year and also, may they have added protection against bad assessments, bad decisions and backstabbers.  IPYadav

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

18062024 Neat And Clean India - 3 About Students

 Neat And Clean India - 3 About Students 

          The fiasco about 2024 NEET results has come close on the heels of the Election Results turbulence and hence raises a doubt if these have been manipulated to affect the election results. Just like the Bitcoin market and the Indian stock exchange which can be manipulated to dole out cash goodies, can the competitive exams, and that too the prime competitive exam like NEET, be manipulated to dole out goodies like success and good future? The main question that comes up is how can the EVM machine vote counts be manipulated? 

             The AI is here in front of us and we all know about supercomputers. All these electronic counts are managed by supercomputers and if it's difficult to communicate with the supercomputer every time, the controls like our well known AI would do the rest. Since the cyberspaces communicate up and down as well as sideways 360 degrees all around, so the higher up platforms are controlling most of our activities in the electronic media. And they affect not just our financial profits, they also affect upon what we do, what we need, what we like, what can be/ cannot be shown to us, etc. These higher up platforms also affect what we think and what we speak. They also control the sight and sound powers. And add to it, the eternal human intentions to accumulate more and more powers and rule the world. Same is the case with the higher up platforms! So, during the past few decades, because the world powers knew India's inherent powers which were growing to make it a world power, they concocted secretly foolish reasons to have their foreign hand in the Rule and many selfish greedy Indians started operating for them, they embarked upon secret human mapping in India, grooved into their higher up platforms and started scanning their abilities and powers. This is natural if you are 'Pradheen' (bossed over by some outsider). But not for 'Swadheen' or 'Swaraj'. Having mapped everybody's thinking, aspirations, intentions, integrity, faithfulness, etc. they grouped them into various groups and even allocated group leaders to them (which are usually their own people or party to their acts). Now, for all their plans and actions, they target these groups and people with them follow their leader's instructions. Could this be the reason why my blogs are widely read but secretly read and kept because only the leader would give permissions about actions like liking, following, communicating, doing business, etc.? So here we are with Groups of people who either don't have their own independent freewill or who don't have means to reach because higher up platforms track and block all of their such intentions. And they try to tell me that I am living on the moon and why would I need any money or any business!

              So the modus operandi could have been that each Party canvassed for the elections and doled out goodies. Goodies given to the common public or goodies given by unlawfully depriving rightful candidates are both illegal. But when did the 'Angrezi Democracy' care about legality? And how many leaders are not assigned or supported by foreign hands? So even the world was active about who would become the next PM. Why else would Bitcoin stock movers stall their prices at around USD 67600? Weren't they trading everyday? And where did the Indian Companies get so much money to manipulate stock market. Can it be that just like me, many others are not getting their hard earned money and instead it is stocked separately in some accounts from where it was used by some main topnotch players (who are caretakers of such accounts) to favour their Party Leaders. Similarly, success in career could be lucrative for some influencers who would influence the elections.

               Considering the NEET results, if everything is neat, then anybody would be just too happy to see so many cent percent toppers. Afterall, it shows that the kids are smarter than the previous generations and they are picking up the modern sciences well. But here, there are many toppers and that too in the election year. There might not be any connection but possibilities are meant to be disproved. 

                 The Indian Education system is maybe not so clean. In fact, certainly not clean. From my own experience from my school days, I felt all was not well with the results. In fact I feel I was purposely pushed out in the name of competition. So I too grabbed the opportunity I got - TS Rajendra. It was a lucrative career - blue seas, worldwide travel and lots of money. You have to stay away and stay alone but for a young man isn't this lucrative. We had very limited opportunities and huge competition but today, there are vast opportunities and huge competition for select few like NEET, JEE, etc. But even students of today face the same situations. They have to get into a career stream and study on that subject. But anybody who can compete aspires to get through the competitive exams because they are the gateway to the best careers. Then there are some others who strive to become Government Officers or even CA, etc. after Graduation but such attempts are made only if you have proper guidance and elderly support. So the best counts and it counts in the admissions as well. Therefore, the competition is not just to get through, it is also to get through as the best. The best gets the upper hand and it makes him grow stronger. So what if the educational system is tempered for getting the selections as well as for getting the top ranks?

                  Today when I look back at my competitive years, I find that Merchant Navy career was the wrong choice for me as a person. As it is the Prime family and it's members were tartgetted by the foreign hand rulers and I became another soft target. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Native Indians are held like hostages or slaves in various locations in India and abroad just like the Groups I talked about in earlier prargraphs. In my case they just had to shuffle their men as crew members on any ship and they could threaten to be holding me as a hostage. And those were the times of widespread terrorism, fake foreign hands and who was talking about me. The fake foreign hand had it's way in all the matters, in competitions, in rankings, in selections and even in rewards. So if I was a prime person and I was a prime target, and if they could do all these corruptions with me, then today with a strong higher platform, they could be doing any amount of corruption. 

                   Todays mode of corruption is to be just on face to face showoff but actually it is well explained to the Group's people that the Group leader is like a ruler and takes the best while all followers are like subjects and have to obey and follow them honestly. Maybe, this much of honesty they never showed towards India or towards native Ruler. But surrender had to be followed by shame and now India is just a piece of land but they are actually citizens of 'Hindusthan and Paakisthan' and honest faithful foiollowers of their Group rulers. Yet they look up in hope to break free from their shackles. These kinds of ethics are prevalent even in schools as they catch them young and streamline them into their system. If there are any native groups then either their leader is an ally of foreign hand or else they succumb to fake foreign hand. Then the next step is to avoid direct confrontation. It is here that they use the higher platforms and electronic media to fudge the results and favour their allies. For example, imagine if just like you earn and give taxes, similarly, you earn marks and give taxes of marks to these allies! You don't come to know of it but there is some weak soul in those higher up platforms from your side and all this is cleared as a legal action! So the bossy children, (and the best become bossy!) get additional earnings to get a better rank. The answer sheets would never be verified and such adjustments would never be detected. And the Educationists who educate and bring up the future nation do these things themselves.

                    Another trait of corruption I found in my children. They are intelligent and pick up very fast but they are not able to concentrate. All the time these ghostly souls keep on riding their heads and keep them away from studies and disciplined lifestyle. What would be the result? A good brain would be detracted from studies just to fulfill their mission but what when these good brains would recoil back with their powers. Then the so called foreign hand ally children would cry foul and call for justice, which would again be their foreign boss. But all this while I have been using 'fake foreign hand', do they realize how much fake or illegal acts they have conducted?

                    It's high time we get aware of these happenings around us, avoid these fake foreign hands and their allies as well and we resurrect our native India. We demand 'Swaraj' and we take only native Ruler's assigned bosses. We have to cut out their shackles ourselves, given the reason that they are illegal and also extract a compensation for all the hardships we faced. Piece by piece, group by group, as we break free, so will our brethren. The higher up platform souls also have a reputation to protect - they cannot be proovingly unjust or illegal, so they would fail too. The rest of the world too would follow the suit and we can resurrect our nation, what does it matter if the future land area would be India or part-India and Pakistan or any other combination.    IPYadav

16062024 Neat And Clean India - 2

 Neat And Clean India - 2 

        In my last post i.e. Part 1 of this topic, I had mentioned about how whodoo magics were used by the Chinese and the Muslim clans with a mission to destroy India. No wonder that these are the two main enemy states in India's activities in the world. These are immediate neighbours and during a short span of 25 years of independent India, these had involved India into 4 battles and skirmishes keep on happening every now and then. It's just that after the 1971 war with Pakistan where the Indian army brought Pakistan down on their knees demolishing all kinds of aspirations from whodoo magics and technological alliances, that they have avoided a direct confrontation with the Indian Masters and instead, started delving into extensive use of the dark age and licensed Raj. The legality of this tactic is highly disputable as it involves extensive unrestricted and often brutal use of force from only side whereas the other side is prohibited from use of force. There is no fair competition at all and there is no following of contemporary laws. In fact all such laws are broken at will and new laws are dictated on the spot - a true sign of Kalyug. This tactic was used by the Britishers in the strife years of 1850s which catapulted into fight for Justice in 1857 which was lost and so was the Right to Justice for the other side. Then this tactic has been used again and again and maybe the four wars in 25 years were the part of this tactic. The British alliances with the Pakistanis and the Chinese are well known and together with the NATO Superpower, they had their say in a lot of matters. Then came the emergency years and extensive targetted strife. Another chance to resurrect India was organized by the Janta Dal in 1977. But maybe whodoo magic forces had a superior way as they fooled everybody (or maybe stragulated the prime families to befool others with their cooked up stories. So we were left with Mulayam, Lallu and Sharad (soft, foolish and cold) among Yadavs and isolated leaders elsewhere while the native Indians were subjected to extreme strife in the name of compensations and sentences. It was now that Constitution was left only for accusing and sentencing or depriving the Native Indians whereas those siding with foreign hand were rewarded for their support and for their unconstitutional activities like any use of force and any way of torture of native Indians. Those who pleaded and sided with them were made to live according to them. They lost their freedom and free will. They further indulged in bifurcating Indians into Hindustani and Paakisthani and so here we are where we are still living in one India but we are divided into Hindustani, Paakisthani, Angrez, Turkii, Rusi, Irani and what not? Bahari log (people of external origin) are wide spread and in well to do positions and control various matters, whereas the Natives, in spite of their own homeland and their majority, are left to do the job of obeying orders. So the other tactical method of extensive strife and eventual destruction was applied in full to reap huge success. All through these years, never did they have the guts to face the Indian Masters in their true colours and clarify the correctness of their acts. All the time they were holding prime people in their den and promoting online about what to do. Some kind of Justful System they boasted off. 

            Well, that has been often said and you all must be well aware of it, but how many of you can ponder about why, in recent 15-20 days, have there been so many accidents, fire damages, heat wave and now, the terrorist acts in Jammu. Well, they were all perturbed about the rise of Indian stature and exposure of their fraud and fraudulent tactics. As it was evident to most of the people in the arena, and maybe bitcoin stalled it's prices in the cryptocurrency trading market (BTC-USD) together with the voluminous fluctuations in share market, the election results and the 'faulty EVMs' were keenly affected, all efforts were done to threaten and frighten the native Indian power to stay out of power. This is their ideology even after getting exposed about their frauds.

             If the native Indians come to power and start demanding for compensation and sentencing for all the frauds done to them, then these foreign hands would be in dire straits and if they have to pay back in the same coin, they would be extincted. With India, the Russian bloc of the Cold War era would be resurrected as well because they all were weakened and subverted with the subvertion of India. The Chinese clan became strong and started forming BRICKS in the name of balancing NATO, but actually, I feel that Chinese or their vast fraternity clans control both sides from the higher level Platforms wherein most of the whodoo spirits move around. So it's very possible that the 'R"s are targetted all over the world by these levels by these whodoo spirits? Very much possible. And they have a big task to keep the native Indians down and have their way of law and justice. So they have started the hostilities against India. But as guts would have it, they still avoid a face to face battle.

              They could be attacking our land or our cyberspace. Some of the news items in recent past :-

(1) Ukraine hired fighters from all over the world. Naturally, they must have paid their love, lust and lots of cash to fight for them. If this region's terrorist organizations got involved with them, they could be targetting India, (2) Israel runs through Gaza contrary to Hamas's and Hezbollah's imaginations and so they got involved into a full force onslaught upon Israel. Iranian Government pretends their support for Hezbollah but never launches any nuclear bomb. In fact, it was only on one day that they fired missiles at Israel all the while knowing the fact that Hamas or Gaza cannot confront IDF on a battlefield. (3) Do IDF boasts power in the area and Iran gets divided, (4) But Hooti inflicts major damages upon Shipping and the NATO naval power in the region. (5) amid talks of world power balance Iran and Pakistan boast of nuclear power and so do India. Indian politicians replied back that we haven't made nuclear bombs to keep them in freezer, (6) Iranian President visits Pakistan in a surprise visit. Maybe they wanted Pakistan to fight another war with India but the Pakistani guts won't move. Instead they restart terrorism in Jammu. Pakistan would be earning cash for it! (7) Four Chinese jets were seen on the Iranian airfield. Were they armed with nuclear missiles? (8) Suddenly, incidents of fire start cropping up in major Northern cities, (9) Israel continues it operations and now attacks Lebanon, Hezbollah roars but Iran plays diplomatically to gain an authoritative seat in the world power balance. Iranians take Chinese side, Israel is a part of NATO and if the old Russia resurges (USSR), they all can become friends! If new Russia goes on, they can join with them and take a major seat in world power, (10) The Higher-up plarforms are their major powers and play a major role in any combination that they make. (11) Meanwhile Hamas and Hezbollah are left on their own and could be overpowered by Israel. It's possible that their ranks may have broken up and now Israel has started targetting Lebanon. (12) So the Higher-up platforms could be targetting India. At least I have felt something shot upon my head (in my cyberspace) and if not a nuclear missile, it could be a biological attack. Corona-like symptoms, like difficulty in breathing, invasion of throat and lungs (infection), etc. increased without any cause. (13) During those few days, there were frequent and sudden sandstorms as if the cyberspace was turbulated at those times. (14) Who would forget the vanishing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in mysterious circumstances and then finding his crashed helicopter and his tragic end. (15) And of course, do I observe any shift in US stand with China? (16) No wonder our forces are on high alert on the borders as well as in the reserves to counteract China as well as Pakistan. And who knows there might be Chinese fangs in the Indian Ocean as well.

            But as I mentioned before, the higher-up platforms are the real threats to cope with and while they are experts in attacking us, we can't even see them as most of the Sight and Sound businesses are controlled by them and most of the time we only get controlled access to these techs. even for conducting our functions for our own homeland. Add Hindustaan-Paakisthan theory to it and we would understand what kind of 'find your way' puzzle we were loitering in.

             It's time we take our country for us strongly in our hands, straight away ask for twenty years of 'Swaraj' here on this soil and let the future be decided after all this.   IPYadav

New addition: 18062024 - Out of the above 16 observations, no. (12) and (13) are most important as they are directly my own observations at my location. The scatterred, varied and intense occurrance of these only depict the turbulence affecting higher up atmosphere which corresponds to higher up levels of cyberspace i.e. my 'Bhramand', your 'Bhramand', India's 'Bhramand' etc. That means there is a straight and concocted interference with our souls and our Gods. This has all happened during these few days when the world was highly active with world order and outcome of India's General Elections. Naturally, the whodoo magics or maybe nuclear/biological/chemical weapons are being quietly used to manipulate the higher up platforms. What is worse, we don't get the exact news of any happening. In fact we are just presented with truncated news or modified news. No wonder, news channels jobs are highly lucrative because they play a major role in these 'hide and seek' and 'befooling the common man' games.  IPYadav

Friday, August 25, 2023

About 'IPY Raj' And 'IPY YoYo' Groups 080322copy On Commcomm

       'Divide and Rule' is a policy attributed to the British Raj in India but that was more because the common masses were educated about such procedures of the Ruling Class to hold on the their rule with ease and comfort (to themselves) and thus educate them to unite and remain united. In any civilization, the management uses this and other tricks to tackle the workforce and bring out their loyalty and faithfulness traits so as to get best output from them. Bad management and foreign Rulers use these to suit their selfish desires but India has seen this tactic being used in utmost ditching way where the common men were left to run helter-skelter without anyone to guide them hungry hounds digging into their wounds again and again and ripping them apart from every fiber holding them to get lost in the wild wide world or maybe into cyberspace. So much so that, nowadays, they look onto the screens for guidance for every work or action they do. They have no confidence on those who may be on their left or on the right.

      All this because these gangs of hounds grabbed the power and they started entrenching themselves into the Indian Society. They created confusions on every issue of Indians, divided the controlling minds, sided and pampered one side or group and ripped apart the others. Thus, they played around with people of India on issues like 'Indiya' and 'Pakistaan', further demarcating it into 'Indya', 'Pakisstaan', 'Pakisthaan', etc., issue of Raj or YoYo, issue of legitimate or illegitimate, issues of sins, Rights, 'My Money', 'My Raaj', 'my Right of way', 'my wayward or junglee ways of exercising my Rights', 'widespread hunger, thirst, and pathetic conditions on Earth', 'my quality of wisdom to properly organize and conduct Earth's Affairs (and you inability in it)', various other such 'My' -related self-egoist methodologies, etc. divided them at every instance. Even Social procedures like socializing methods and even vote counting were used to engulf fully or semi unknowing ignorant people but very deceitfully the knowledgeable and powerful people and entities were kept away. In other words, all this was done in their social dome or cybersphere and nothing was leaked out (is it something similar to my business situation where I perceive that the whole world talks about what I blog over here but my viewership count rarely goes into double digit, most of the time it remains zero!). Nobody could even assume 'the Divide And Rule Policy' because they would be asked to clarify (with threats of damage charges, etc) which for the fully or semi-unknown people always happened to be confusing and slowly, one after the other, everybody was pulled into these and assigned a place in their conundrum. They all understood that they were loosing their independence but being confused, none of them could avoid it. To make matters worse, some greedy and wicked heads started trapping one and all. Their 'Brahmastras' gathered more and more power, overwhelming Societies and controlling even the whole nation.
        Indians braved through it all, braced through some, compromised with some and fell apart into some others. Raj or YoYo was one such point of confusion and maybe the most fundamental to the existence of most of the others. Because it's existence blocked many other possibilities and it's clarification opens all those and many more. The hide and seek methodologies adopted inside the dome made it virtually impossible for any help to resolve it but the fraudsters knew it all and yet continued to play foul under the safety of their wholesome control even demeaning the fact that such wholesome control was valid only to the extent of lawful Rule. So they controlled all the affairs and kept pushing the great ancient civilization to termination. At least my cyberspace called foul everyday so often and yet nothing happened. Probably the ice was cracked only when the post I made about this issue reached you all. Now, to further improve it, I have created two WhatsApp groups 'IPY Raj'  and 'IPY YoYo' so as to be able to communicate with both group people separately and jointly. 'IPY' is the joining uniqueness in both and my previous post shows the way why IPY can be assigned to both Groups. So, I am operating both the Groups and I encourage both group people to unite and discuss with each other on the basis of my post and how it would effect the erosion of the confusion. It will also keep your segregation intact while you can correspond directly with me clarify your other confusions, remove your hurdles and restraints and work amicably among yourself as well as with other groups. Afterall we are all Indians and unity is utmost necessary for power and progress. IPY is the common entity in both these groups and it should unite you as well.    IPYadav

Tuesday, August 15, 2023

India's Independence Day Anniversary 150823 Copy on Commcomm


The Main Context

The Main Context

    First of all, let me greet you all for the Independence day of India (now here I don't mean for I.N.D.I.A.) (don't you think the second terminology looks bigger, bolder and divided and first terminology is dwarfed and swamped over in it's existence)
     I have placed so many flags and captioned my picture as 'The Main Context' because I want to depict that the main contextual flags prevail over all these other flags. Which means the main flags only can be carried forward to other locations and the the other locations can be given a house flag or their native flag. If the main flags are both Indian (the essence of 'SWARAJ'), the native flags can only be that of 'India'!
       So that means there can be no place for independent groups like Indiya, Hindustaan, Pakisthaan, Chaina, etc. etc. It was and it is all hoax created by those who wanted to divide and rule but RULE is what they were not entitled to. 
         Today, when we are celebrating our Independence Day, we should remember that in 1947 we got independence from British Rule and we got our entity of existence, but then many of our Indian-looking brethren subverted even 'swaraj' to make their selfish gains and a lot of our people have been pushed into slavery like lifestyle. This was bad and that too when they were supposed to enjoy 'Swaraj'.
         So while we celebrate Independence Day, we regret incidents like those of Manipur, etc. and we all hail 'Bharatmata ki jaya'.     IPYadav

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Are My Imaginations Going Too Wide? 130120 Copy on Commcomm

     Are My Imaginations Going Too Wide? Read the analysis below and decide. Your comments would be valuable. But on second thoughts, I will not describe the analysis here. Let's see. I want to make a 'good business' and let's see how many will be visitors to my site, how many will become members, how many will take paid subscriptions and how many will contact for consultations.

    Let me show you all, if we Indians are free to do these things or not and even if some of you try it, do you succeed in it?
     Yesterday was anniversary of Haiti Earthquake, one of the worst natural disaster of modern times. But I have some other premonitions.
     It's very much like a scary fairy-tale, but fairy tales do happen in this world. I am sure you all would agree with me about it. This also co-relates with my personal experiences and the events in India. So there is very likelihood that I am Right!
     Is this 'Brahmastra' corroding and weakening the pillars of India's existence and demolishing the glorious India of our ancestors. And for this, it's using all fractions of India! Don't you think this is what is happening?    IPYadav 

New Addition: Whatever were my thoughts at that time, I don't recollect clearly. There were no views and no responses, so it all faded away into history. But what I instinctively feel is that India is bombarded with not just one but many 'Brahmastras' or there may be a whole gang with each member operating his own 'Brahmastra, and each one striving to capture India and it's treasures. What is worse is that they cooperate with each other and work on the principles of 'Divide The Loot' (remember Divide and Rule of the British Era). So their whole workplan could be to Rule India from the back-offices while we innocent and blind-folded Indians go around for our day-to-day work thinking that we are working hard for our free and independent nation.   IPYadav

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

My New Achievement - DMS 260723 Copy On Commcomm

 My new address: 


                        Doctorate in Management Studies (DMS)
                                        Master Mariner from Merchant Navy
"I have solutions to your craziest puzzles, they don't have answers to even my simplest questions and arguments." IPYadav.

Friday, July 7, 2023

Comments About Delhi Smog 151119copy on Commcomm

    Delhi is hovered over by smog. But is it just fog and smoke? Or is there more to it? Why aren't any of the cities that lie within the Northern Belt where it's cultivation season now, not affected by such smog or even for non-dangerous levels of smog? Where does the smog go from these cities and towns? Maybe it all travels to Delhi!    IPYadav

 [Read more at 'CommComm IPYadav' - member's site for 'IPY Networks (Mass Collaboration)'. To get membership WhatsApp to 7206345314.]


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