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Showing posts with label Law and Justice. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Law and Justice. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2025

26012025 Greetings For The Republic Day


Greetings for the Republic Day

Thursday, August 15, 2024

15082024 Independence Day Of New India

 15082024    Independence Day Of New India 

              Greetings to all for the Independence Day. 

              It's amazing that a nation of ancient civilization is an independent nation for only a past 77 years. And that too is highly severed and tarnished due to 'Angrezi democracy', invading tribes occupancy and squandering our national resources and, more than that, our liberty, to their existence in the forms of 'Angrezi Rule' and 'Angrezi Democracy'. 

                And what is worse is that they did everything by themselves, they fumbled up in the 'Theories of Swaraj', they defrauded with Indian Monarchs, their wealth and their well being, concocted with stories, legality (natural laws, basic laws, fundamental laws and written constitution) and country's Governmental as well as Company/Individual Finances and messed up with freedom and independence of many a people of Indian origin. They did everything by themselves, they adamentally did everything by themselves and by their online procedures and they have been continuing this for the last about thirty or forty five or sixty years, all this while dividing the nation into Indiya, Pakisthan, Hindusthan, Chaina, Turki, Iraani etc. etc. with each group claiming it's area of rule and /or status ranking etc. (and the Angrezis objected to the caste system of Hinduism). They never even showed any inclination to resolve the fumbles or mix-up because it didn't hurt them, it hurted India. We might be finding little peace and resolution in Indiya or Hindusthan but the nation remains disrupted, it's issues remain unresolved and it's ancient invaders remain active on all sides. 

             So our true Independence is still unresolved and our togetherness and resolute for peaceful resolution is utmost important. These are not the times to take leads or clues from anywhere and prosper. These are the tough times to resolutely follow up your 'true higher ups'.

                How could we fumble up in these basic and fundamental Laws? 

                There have been many other issues as well and we have to sort out those as well.

            Once again, Best wishes for the coming years on this Independence Day.  IPYadav

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

050824 Congrats India! Now You take on 4 vs 1

 050824  Congrats India! Now You take on 4 vs 1 

           Congrats India! Now you have to take on 4 neighbours and all four can come together at the same time and help each other in a conflict which appears very immenent. I really wonder where in the world these  Indian Superheads get their ideas, their policies and their planning that they put or find their head in one noose or the other. For so many years, these loggerheads were parting away with Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai and Muslim Brotherhood and many internal idiocracies and Rule books instead of comimg together and ask for their Rightful 'Swaraj' and now when they are getting enlightened, they have made too many friends of their enemies who seem to be getting together to subvert their hopes of justice. So much for the 'achche din' wait and plans of justice and reimbursement. These loggerheads didn't leave any chance to build their powers and formulate their plans without worrying even a little bit about the powers and reaches the enemies were making. So here we are with the failure of Bangladesh Government after the failure of Sri Lanka Government earlier on.

              After the 2017 events, the World as well as the US Government became so much convinced of their superiority that they started rewarding their Supports with pieces of their opponents. This they had done earlier also when they broke up old USSR and enforced 'Angrezi Democracy' upon India instead of 'Swaraj' and this they resumed after some tense years of defeat and defiance. The Russian revolutionists as well as China were with them at that time also and they seem to be playing dilly-dally between Russia and US again. At least, the US Foreign Secretary's visit to China while Four Chinese aircrafts were placed with Iran shows that China is ready to play that old game again. And for this, the poverty stricken P:akistan has found a job of re-vitalizing the Kashmir terrorism and the Bangladeshis have revolted against the Government and their Freedom Fighters. This means there is no honour ans respect for those freedom fighters and their offsprings. In fact, I wonder where have those masses of Supporters and freedom fighters gone. Have they been thrown out of Bangladesh as refugees or have they been engulfed?

              The same situation has been going on in India as well since the re-enforcement of 'Angrezi Democracy" (or actually 'Angrezi Raj') where they deceived everyone making brotherhood with some and threatening some others only to engulf the Natives and their hopes. But we Indians and our system is not so easy to break up but while we demanded for justice, these loggerheads played their own games, their own policies and plannings and their own brotherhoods. So the more these mission oriented souls succeeded, the more powerful they became. Cunningly, they deceived everybody into playing their games and these loggerheads continued to do so. Never did they attempt to follow their God- Bole and demand fo justice. In fact, they, in their dumbness, continued to act wisely with their deceitly formed wisdom. Somebody's life they played with!

               Meanwhile, they US and their world cunningly concentrated upon destroying the spirits of 'Bharatmata' while our loggerheads got busy in progress and development. Little did they realize that things were not alright and in fact they were happy and satisfied with whatever was happening. Then came the events of 2017. Thereafter, the US and their friends started the task of eliminating the pop-ups of protests and defiance and thus came the Armenia war and then the Ukraine war. The Ukraine war got bloodied day after day and to divert attention and throttle the Mother Goddess power, the US and friends devised the Israel Attack upon Gaza. Because Isreal thought that Gaza was the weak spot by which they could quiten the Mother Goddess but that too backfired. So now, they eyed upon India as India was in favour of Russia as well as Mother Goddess could be directly tackled over here. For this they tried a small conflict between India and either of Pakistan or China, but they must have felt too much about India. So they targetted Bangladesh and concocted a coup with their subverted freedom fighters to take control of their Government. Now they would place a pro-Pakistan or pro-China Government and weild a combined conseige effect. At the same time, it becomes a challenge for India to take action. If they do, they can open the doors of war onto them and if they don't, they would be projected as loosers in the area.

                 All this has happened because the loggerheads fumbled up with their wisdom and conjoined deceitful people as their friends. The more time went by, the more powerful the enemy became as well as the more deceits they have in their followers who would be just too glad to stab in the back to earn goodies for themselves. So with the 'savera' (morning light), they are also face to face with many visible and non-visible enemy colours, they they are all own their own at their respective stations, gasping for their breath as they demand for justice.

                  Here, it reminds me of that old story where an old man called his four sons to break all the sticks of the bundle and then break them singularly. Working with each ones individual wisdom and whims was not right.

                 Here, I will recoil the story so - all sticks are together responsible for the sins done and then each one has to pay for his own sins. Law and Justice doesn't require muscle power to be shown against four, it requires following and repayment for all the wrongs. If all four are together, that much good to prove their inter-connection.    IPYadav

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

25062024 The Rules(Laws) Of Past Six Decades

 The Rules(Laws) Of Past Six Decades 

           Congress Leader Rahul Gandhi appears to be some super-duper referee holding a red card every now and then in front of PM Modi as well as his Partymen. He calls it the constitution of India in concise form. Is it the Constitution of 1950 or does it have some other proclamations?

            This doubt is just my presumption given the hectic hide and seek and suppression and deprivation we Indians (or at least the native Indians or Janta Dal Indians) have faced during the past six decades when we were actually entitled to 'Swaraj'. During this illegal supression and destruction, we were subjected to many 'Dos and Don'ts' which were devised as a means of deprivation and annexation and slowly enforced upon us so strictly every and then that these are now promulgated as the Rules (or Laws) for us. So much so that these even replaced the Constitution of India of 1950. In short, all agreed terms and conditions, ethics, modle procedures and codes were sidelined and in fact, overtly and even unreasonable dos and don'ts were imposed. It's very possible that these could have been compiled into some sort of 'Rule Book' or 'Constitution'!

             But if all this was based on illegal acts or decisions, if it was all blunder or fraudulent crime, if 'Swaraj' is to be reinstated then all these become craps and these books (if any) become scraps! Afterall, all these and their creation acts become unlawful in the ethical laws as well as traditinal laws (which are the foundations of humanity). And unlawful acts have to be compensated for all the losses as well as subject to punishment.

            I know that many 'bomb-astras' have been created promulgating and upholding these Rules and decrees and these all mission oriented souls will act to continue it's promulgation and even enforcement, but unlawful is unlawful and many 'Asuras' got terminated for their unlawful missions and acts, so will they here again, in this our Era. 

              On our part, as human beings, we have to follow the lawful procedures and demand 'Swaraj' as well as compensation for it's deprivation, blunder or fraud and hardships and destruction of our ancient society.   IPYadav

Sunday, June 23, 2024

22062024 New Sansad, New India, New Rat Race

New Sansad, New India, New Rat Race

             The General Elections 2024 are over, the results declared and the Modi 3.O has started. But India is highly unsettled. The South is calm but the North is in turmoil. Does the problems crop up only in the North or is it that the South is basking in appeasement whereas the North is rattled by the election results?

           First of all, let's talk about the Southern states. The elections were held in the initial phases and the I.N.D.I.Alliance got good results as the 'save constitution, save alliance' wave came up from the South and started swamping India. People got into it, maybe got their share of goodies and rewards and settled peacefully for the next five years (presumably so, but who knows there can be a mid-term election). So the South is appeased.

                The North is in turmoil and before I comment on their events let me detail out a logical philosophy about their situation (it could be that my assumptions can be wrong or partly erroneous, but logics are highly validating). The BJP boasted themselves of Hindu-oriented and literally preached themselves as protectors and caretakers of Hindus. God knows where were they when the Janta Dal revolution of 1977 was carried out and how they consolidated their Party when the Indians and 'Bharatmata ke Sapoot' were secretly being banished to 'SS' life (or maybe SSS 0r SS.... life). In fact that was the time when BJP was created or in other words, the 'Angrezi democracy' gave them license to be 'MP' and even create a 'Party' of their own. The traditional Bjartiya leaders and Hinduism were subverted and seized by Mr Vajpayee and since then these brethren have parted. As the 'Bharatmata ke Sapoot' turmoiled, they oiled the 'Angrezi democracy' to defeat the Indian sanctity and make deep inroads into Indian Society which even the Britishers could not do. The 'SS' process was secretly preached and the escaping rats were grabbed up to strengthen their Party. This is how the BJP grew up. So does it mean that at the core they sided against the 'Bharatmata ke Sapoot' and supported the 'Angrezi Denocracy' instead of the 'Swaraj' (Even till today, they are controlled primarily 'bahari log' and natives get sidelined as they gain stature!). As a part of divide and rule strategy, they created 'Hindusthaan' and 'Pakisthaan' division with the Muslims and maybe now the 'North-South' divide with the Congress. As these 'Angrezi democracy ' people got a chance to strangle with 'SS' lable, they started destroying 'Bharatmata ke sapoot' and their society. They started creating their own 'Bomb-Astras' and mission oriented souls. In a few years, the congregations of Janta Dal vanished as they joined the crowd with the Congress and the BJP. Janta Dal broke up into small regional Parties. Most of the natives grew crowd with the BJP on the thinking that they would be good brothers. But Life is a rat race. Even brothers help with a show of mercy and demand for following and obeying them. So while the Janta Dal crowd vanished, so did the crowd of India or Bharatmata. Since most of the information about 'what is what, etc.' was exchanged in closed groups, so a new business cropped up and that was of Group leaders selling their followership and their votes in favour of one or the other party.

               But even though people live their downtrodden life, they hoped for better and expected 'achche din' in Modi and BJP Rule. People were even ready to put aside the past experiences of greedy brothers and start anew, but mission oriented souls don't change. They remain the same and therefore many of these downtrodden switched sides to I.N.D.I.Alliance. This broke the hope of BJP hitting the target of 400 seats and all esteem got steamed out. The usually confident Mr. Modi was shaken by his exit poll results of earlier phases (most of which went to I.N.D.I.A.), looked distressed and conducted frantic rallies together with his other Party members. And then the results further broke him down as embarked upon his task to keep his allies together so that he couls continue for 5 years. As most of the future Plans and Policies depend upon a stable Government. (And who thought that they could give a cake or pie to the monarchy and fulfill their resurrection and restoration? The time you take to destroy is very much smaller than then time required to resurrect or rebuild.) And the world too is so much eager to control Indian political activity that even before the PM faced his new 'Sansads' (Members of Parliement), he had to indulge in G7 meeting with major world leaders. What discussions could they be conducting about 'Angrezi democracy'?

               Here, as the people are repondering about their past since 1977 and hoping to get the wrongs of these 45-47 years corrected, they are suffering in the midst of ill-governance. Their hopes irked the 'Angrezi democracy Raj' operators. Also, their leaders must have felt highly insecure about their future. So the sluggish or inoperational methodology has restarted in Governmental affairs. The businessmen as well as the secret accounts too must be busy in regaining their money spent upon the election results. Even the Group leaders must have been scolded badly for the election losses and they too must be reorienting their stringing and expanding their groups. So many issues are cropping up and causing lots of hue and cry. For example, so many days, everyday it is told in News that 'Kisan Samman Nidhi would be released today' but if it's being told again and again then it means it is not fulfilled again and again, not anything like PM Modi who is proficient in his management. But when will the ministry actually do so? Or could it be that they are counting Kisan heads with the election votes? Then, there is immense heat wave, What is the cause of it. Do the upper platforms give any reason for it? Or are we getting attacked from the cyberspace. Nobody knows and maybe nobody bothers. Amidst this heat wave, Delhi is suffering water shortage and nobody cares. Maybe because the two involved Governments are at loggerheads. NEET turmoil was, as it seems, enacted to create uproar among the students, the young semi-trained power. Maybe people were happily cherishing their piece of goodies year after year and progressing while others were pushed aside and down. So the results of this type would raise many an eyebrows and uproar to shake these people because they didn't favourably affect the results. (Could it be that pieces of cakes were given to some groups and they in return favoured those group leaders). Then there was this train accident in Bengal. (imagine TMC people can cause train accident and ask for Railway Minister's resignation). Could it be some kind of warning to some people forming the Government? These are just a few incidents on national level, but I am sure there must be many more at national as well as regional levels. And how is the world moving?

    So, it looks like the ministries are more interested in letting the people run helter-skelter and then they would start grabbing them and stringing them or restringing them, this time harder and faster. And it looks like there is another ratrace as a new India has started showing up. So what are future plans - BJP or Congress or natives or maybe Monarchy?      IPYadav

Thursday, June 20, 2024

20062024 Neat And Clean India 4

 Neat And Clean India 4 

         Just now I heard a little bit about Paper leaks in competitive exams by Congress MP Rahul Gandhi where he said that it all started from MP -Gujarat and he also stated that the VC should be a person of high principles. And of course he said a lot through his gestures and faces but I won't comment on that.

          Maybe he had an online enlightment meeting with the 'Sight and Sound' people, collected their 'bul....' and started distributing it to the people through his Press Meet. Haven't they been doing this for the past forty or fifty years and yet they could not prove themselves correct for not just one or two but any of their deeds that they did to India, Bharatmata and native Indians. And you probably didn't catch my comment 'Angrezi democracy' in previous posts but you would jump to the harsh 'B' word here and just be to happy to accuse me, raise your support and maybe start a movement to demean me or my comments.

           This is what is probably happening in these news stories. People grab these Exposed stories and even start a movement for it, knowing little about what could be the truth. Let's take a simple example. The Janta Dal created a revolution in 1977 but recoiled back in two years.  So they were accused of foul play, downtrodden and maybe subjected to 'SS' life. During this life, they must have obeyed all sorts nuisance commands. Then they must have been forced to give good marks to the ruling party's children and bad marks to own children. Then these must have been aggravated by divulging the papers or even the assign solvers to get good marks as well as selection into premium careers. Hence the 'SS' effect would be the cause of paper-leaks! And the Janta Dal won all over India, so these incidents happened all over India. Now to further destroy India and Indian System, the Sight and Sound people used their kingpins to create drama of expose and movements to lead masses and they became mass movers. With their influence they could cause major upsets in the Indian system and make it more amicable and following the instructions of the higher platforms. So everything went through online instructions and even results get controlled through these platforms. But, till today, the Ruling Powers haven't proved themselves correct or given irrefutable explanation about how they had their right of way instead of 'Swaraj' and why was there a need to grab the power by majority votes while the Monarchs should have been restored. They just give some vague explanation or reason (B.......) and cut away.

             If they are proved wrong, will they reverse all their misdeeds including paper leaks, solvers and cheating. If they are correct then why are they trying to form hideouts like 'Gujra-t', hostages, etc. I think, hostages is the main problem. Them might be holding Royals and Prime Persons as their hostages in their dens and cook up a clear way for themselves. So these online preachers are not at all reliable. If they cannot stand up for cross-examination by others and anyone (including me) then they are not the least bit worth their words or their deeds. Everything they do is fake and favouring fake foreign hand or 'Angrezi democracy'.

              For another example, if they can roll over 25 lakh crores in a couple of days, they can buy the sanctity of one or a few for a few laks and cook up false stories just to accuse a person and demean him publicly to gain more clout for oneself. Also, they could be cooking up stories to hide the real permutations and combinations that they carry out for any examination, it's results and final selection. Who can ignore the cock-eyed explanations they give to prove themselves correct. And tossing a ball here and there to divert attention. Or generate fake mass movement to corner a VC or somebody else and burn his effigy or carry out his Mass. Then you hold onto hostages and explain online about right and wrong. All this, when you are told that truth cannot be bought or fouled. But mission oriented souls cannot relent from their mission. Does it mean we become fools and take all their b........?

               And mind you, MPs can become so with a mass wave or fake mass movement or even with favour of a major Party (remember 'Bharat tere tukde honge' Kanha) besides long standing fame, VCs become by years of hard work, interrelative working with so many people and new batches every year and a country's inherited knowledge (would an Angrez nation make an Indian head their knowledge house?). So these are all part of their inheritance and livelihood. They cannot and should not be accused without a reason for a major fiasco. In a nation tolerating Angrezi democracy, mission-oriented ghosts and 'SS' ideology, many things happen and everything remains pending from final closure until adjudication by 'Swaraj'. Who knows who may be hostage or in bad situation and culprits would try to make escape routs, remember 'Gujra-t'. And the mission-oriented ghosts of 'Andasur', 'Dandasur',  There is no escape from justice.   IPYadav


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

18062024 Neat And Clean India - 3 About Students

 Neat And Clean India - 3 About Students 

          The fiasco about 2024 NEET results has come close on the heels of the Election Results turbulence and hence raises a doubt if these have been manipulated to affect the election results. Just like the Bitcoin market and the Indian stock exchange which can be manipulated to dole out cash goodies, can the competitive exams, and that too the prime competitive exam like NEET, be manipulated to dole out goodies like success and good future? The main question that comes up is how can the EVM machine vote counts be manipulated? 

             The AI is here in front of us and we all know about supercomputers. All these electronic counts are managed by supercomputers and if it's difficult to communicate with the supercomputer every time, the controls like our well known AI would do the rest. Since the cyberspaces communicate up and down as well as sideways 360 degrees all around, so the higher up platforms are controlling most of our activities in the electronic media. And they affect not just our financial profits, they also affect upon what we do, what we need, what we like, what can be/ cannot be shown to us, etc. These higher up platforms also affect what we think and what we speak. They also control the sight and sound powers. And add to it, the eternal human intentions to accumulate more and more powers and rule the world. Same is the case with the higher up platforms! So, during the past few decades, because the world powers knew India's inherent powers which were growing to make it a world power, they concocted secretly foolish reasons to have their foreign hand in the Rule and many selfish greedy Indians started operating for them, they embarked upon secret human mapping in India, grooved into their higher up platforms and started scanning their abilities and powers. This is natural if you are 'Pradheen' (bossed over by some outsider). But not for 'Swadheen' or 'Swaraj'. Having mapped everybody's thinking, aspirations, intentions, integrity, faithfulness, etc. they grouped them into various groups and even allocated group leaders to them (which are usually their own people or party to their acts). Now, for all their plans and actions, they target these groups and people with them follow their leader's instructions. Could this be the reason why my blogs are widely read but secretly read and kept because only the leader would give permissions about actions like liking, following, communicating, doing business, etc.? So here we are with Groups of people who either don't have their own independent freewill or who don't have means to reach because higher up platforms track and block all of their such intentions. And they try to tell me that I am living on the moon and why would I need any money or any business!

              So the modus operandi could have been that each Party canvassed for the elections and doled out goodies. Goodies given to the common public or goodies given by unlawfully depriving rightful candidates are both illegal. But when did the 'Angrezi Democracy' care about legality? And how many leaders are not assigned or supported by foreign hands? So even the world was active about who would become the next PM. Why else would Bitcoin stock movers stall their prices at around USD 67600? Weren't they trading everyday? And where did the Indian Companies get so much money to manipulate stock market. Can it be that just like me, many others are not getting their hard earned money and instead it is stocked separately in some accounts from where it was used by some main topnotch players (who are caretakers of such accounts) to favour their Party Leaders. Similarly, success in career could be lucrative for some influencers who would influence the elections.

               Considering the NEET results, if everything is neat, then anybody would be just too happy to see so many cent percent toppers. Afterall, it shows that the kids are smarter than the previous generations and they are picking up the modern sciences well. But here, there are many toppers and that too in the election year. There might not be any connection but possibilities are meant to be disproved. 

                 The Indian Education system is maybe not so clean. In fact, certainly not clean. From my own experience from my school days, I felt all was not well with the results. In fact I feel I was purposely pushed out in the name of competition. So I too grabbed the opportunity I got - TS Rajendra. It was a lucrative career - blue seas, worldwide travel and lots of money. You have to stay away and stay alone but for a young man isn't this lucrative. We had very limited opportunities and huge competition but today, there are vast opportunities and huge competition for select few like NEET, JEE, etc. But even students of today face the same situations. They have to get into a career stream and study on that subject. But anybody who can compete aspires to get through the competitive exams because they are the gateway to the best careers. Then there are some others who strive to become Government Officers or even CA, etc. after Graduation but such attempts are made only if you have proper guidance and elderly support. So the best counts and it counts in the admissions as well. Therefore, the competition is not just to get through, it is also to get through as the best. The best gets the upper hand and it makes him grow stronger. So what if the educational system is tempered for getting the selections as well as for getting the top ranks?

                  Today when I look back at my competitive years, I find that Merchant Navy career was the wrong choice for me as a person. As it is the Prime family and it's members were tartgetted by the foreign hand rulers and I became another soft target. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Native Indians are held like hostages or slaves in various locations in India and abroad just like the Groups I talked about in earlier prargraphs. In my case they just had to shuffle their men as crew members on any ship and they could threaten to be holding me as a hostage. And those were the times of widespread terrorism, fake foreign hands and who was talking about me. The fake foreign hand had it's way in all the matters, in competitions, in rankings, in selections and even in rewards. So if I was a prime person and I was a prime target, and if they could do all these corruptions with me, then today with a strong higher platform, they could be doing any amount of corruption. 

                   Todays mode of corruption is to be just on face to face showoff but actually it is well explained to the Group's people that the Group leader is like a ruler and takes the best while all followers are like subjects and have to obey and follow them honestly. Maybe, this much of honesty they never showed towards India or towards native Ruler. But surrender had to be followed by shame and now India is just a piece of land but they are actually citizens of 'Hindusthan and Paakisthan' and honest faithful foiollowers of their Group rulers. Yet they look up in hope to break free from their shackles. These kinds of ethics are prevalent even in schools as they catch them young and streamline them into their system. If there are any native groups then either their leader is an ally of foreign hand or else they succumb to fake foreign hand. Then the next step is to avoid direct confrontation. It is here that they use the higher platforms and electronic media to fudge the results and favour their allies. For example, imagine if just like you earn and give taxes, similarly, you earn marks and give taxes of marks to these allies! You don't come to know of it but there is some weak soul in those higher up platforms from your side and all this is cleared as a legal action! So the bossy children, (and the best become bossy!) get additional earnings to get a better rank. The answer sheets would never be verified and such adjustments would never be detected. And the Educationists who educate and bring up the future nation do these things themselves.

                    Another trait of corruption I found in my children. They are intelligent and pick up very fast but they are not able to concentrate. All the time these ghostly souls keep on riding their heads and keep them away from studies and disciplined lifestyle. What would be the result? A good brain would be detracted from studies just to fulfill their mission but what when these good brains would recoil back with their powers. Then the so called foreign hand ally children would cry foul and call for justice, which would again be their foreign boss. But all this while I have been using 'fake foreign hand', do they realize how much fake or illegal acts they have conducted?

                    It's high time we get aware of these happenings around us, avoid these fake foreign hands and their allies as well and we resurrect our native India. We demand 'Swaraj' and we take only native Ruler's assigned bosses. We have to cut out their shackles ourselves, given the reason that they are illegal and also extract a compensation for all the hardships we faced. Piece by piece, group by group, as we break free, so will our brethren. The higher up platform souls also have a reputation to protect - they cannot be proovingly unjust or illegal, so they would fail too. The rest of the world too would follow the suit and we can resurrect our nation, what does it matter if the future land area would be India or part-India and Pakistan or any other combination.    IPYadav

16062024 Neat And Clean India - 2

 Neat And Clean India - 2 

        In my last post i.e. Part 1 of this topic, I had mentioned about how whodoo magics were used by the Chinese and the Muslim clans with a mission to destroy India. No wonder that these are the two main enemy states in India's activities in the world. These are immediate neighbours and during a short span of 25 years of independent India, these had involved India into 4 battles and skirmishes keep on happening every now and then. It's just that after the 1971 war with Pakistan where the Indian army brought Pakistan down on their knees demolishing all kinds of aspirations from whodoo magics and technological alliances, that they have avoided a direct confrontation with the Indian Masters and instead, started delving into extensive use of the dark age and licensed Raj. The legality of this tactic is highly disputable as it involves extensive unrestricted and often brutal use of force from only side whereas the other side is prohibited from use of force. There is no fair competition at all and there is no following of contemporary laws. In fact all such laws are broken at will and new laws are dictated on the spot - a true sign of Kalyug. This tactic was used by the Britishers in the strife years of 1850s which catapulted into fight for Justice in 1857 which was lost and so was the Right to Justice for the other side. Then this tactic has been used again and again and maybe the four wars in 25 years were the part of this tactic. The British alliances with the Pakistanis and the Chinese are well known and together with the NATO Superpower, they had their say in a lot of matters. Then came the emergency years and extensive targetted strife. Another chance to resurrect India was organized by the Janta Dal in 1977. But maybe whodoo magic forces had a superior way as they fooled everybody (or maybe stragulated the prime families to befool others with their cooked up stories. So we were left with Mulayam, Lallu and Sharad (soft, foolish and cold) among Yadavs and isolated leaders elsewhere while the native Indians were subjected to extreme strife in the name of compensations and sentences. It was now that Constitution was left only for accusing and sentencing or depriving the Native Indians whereas those siding with foreign hand were rewarded for their support and for their unconstitutional activities like any use of force and any way of torture of native Indians. Those who pleaded and sided with them were made to live according to them. They lost their freedom and free will. They further indulged in bifurcating Indians into Hindustani and Paakisthani and so here we are where we are still living in one India but we are divided into Hindustani, Paakisthani, Angrez, Turkii, Rusi, Irani and what not? Bahari log (people of external origin) are wide spread and in well to do positions and control various matters, whereas the Natives, in spite of their own homeland and their majority, are left to do the job of obeying orders. So the other tactical method of extensive strife and eventual destruction was applied in full to reap huge success. All through these years, never did they have the guts to face the Indian Masters in their true colours and clarify the correctness of their acts. All the time they were holding prime people in their den and promoting online about what to do. Some kind of Justful System they boasted off. 

            Well, that has been often said and you all must be well aware of it, but how many of you can ponder about why, in recent 15-20 days, have there been so many accidents, fire damages, heat wave and now, the terrorist acts in Jammu. Well, they were all perturbed about the rise of Indian stature and exposure of their fraud and fraudulent tactics. As it was evident to most of the people in the arena, and maybe bitcoin stalled it's prices in the cryptocurrency trading market (BTC-USD) together with the voluminous fluctuations in share market, the election results and the 'faulty EVMs' were keenly affected, all efforts were done to threaten and frighten the native Indian power to stay out of power. This is their ideology even after getting exposed about their frauds.

             If the native Indians come to power and start demanding for compensation and sentencing for all the frauds done to them, then these foreign hands would be in dire straits and if they have to pay back in the same coin, they would be extincted. With India, the Russian bloc of the Cold War era would be resurrected as well because they all were weakened and subverted with the subvertion of India. The Chinese clan became strong and started forming BRICKS in the name of balancing NATO, but actually, I feel that Chinese or their vast fraternity clans control both sides from the higher level Platforms wherein most of the whodoo spirits move around. So it's very possible that the 'R"s are targetted all over the world by these levels by these whodoo spirits? Very much possible. And they have a big task to keep the native Indians down and have their way of law and justice. So they have started the hostilities against India. But as guts would have it, they still avoid a face to face battle.

              They could be attacking our land or our cyberspace. Some of the news items in recent past :-

(1) Ukraine hired fighters from all over the world. Naturally, they must have paid their love, lust and lots of cash to fight for them. If this region's terrorist organizations got involved with them, they could be targetting India, (2) Israel runs through Gaza contrary to Hamas's and Hezbollah's imaginations and so they got involved into a full force onslaught upon Israel. Iranian Government pretends their support for Hezbollah but never launches any nuclear bomb. In fact, it was only on one day that they fired missiles at Israel all the while knowing the fact that Hamas or Gaza cannot confront IDF on a battlefield. (3) Do IDF boasts power in the area and Iran gets divided, (4) But Hooti inflicts major damages upon Shipping and the NATO naval power in the region. (5) amid talks of world power balance Iran and Pakistan boast of nuclear power and so do India. Indian politicians replied back that we haven't made nuclear bombs to keep them in freezer, (6) Iranian President visits Pakistan in a surprise visit. Maybe they wanted Pakistan to fight another war with India but the Pakistani guts won't move. Instead they restart terrorism in Jammu. Pakistan would be earning cash for it! (7) Four Chinese jets were seen on the Iranian airfield. Were they armed with nuclear missiles? (8) Suddenly, incidents of fire start cropping up in major Northern cities, (9) Israel continues it operations and now attacks Lebanon, Hezbollah roars but Iran plays diplomatically to gain an authoritative seat in the world power balance. Iranians take Chinese side, Israel is a part of NATO and if the old Russia resurges (USSR), they all can become friends! If new Russia goes on, they can join with them and take a major seat in world power, (10) The Higher-up plarforms are their major powers and play a major role in any combination that they make. (11) Meanwhile Hamas and Hezbollah are left on their own and could be overpowered by Israel. It's possible that their ranks may have broken up and now Israel has started targetting Lebanon. (12) So the Higher-up platforms could be targetting India. At least I have felt something shot upon my head (in my cyberspace) and if not a nuclear missile, it could be a biological attack. Corona-like symptoms, like difficulty in breathing, invasion of throat and lungs (infection), etc. increased without any cause. (13) During those few days, there were frequent and sudden sandstorms as if the cyberspace was turbulated at those times. (14) Who would forget the vanishing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in mysterious circumstances and then finding his crashed helicopter and his tragic end. (15) And of course, do I observe any shift in US stand with China? (16) No wonder our forces are on high alert on the borders as well as in the reserves to counteract China as well as Pakistan. And who knows there might be Chinese fangs in the Indian Ocean as well.

            But as I mentioned before, the higher-up platforms are the real threats to cope with and while they are experts in attacking us, we can't even see them as most of the Sight and Sound businesses are controlled by them and most of the time we only get controlled access to these techs. even for conducting our functions for our own homeland. Add Hindustaan-Paakisthan theory to it and we would understand what kind of 'find your way' puzzle we were loitering in.

             It's time we take our country for us strongly in our hands, straight away ask for twenty years of 'Swaraj' here on this soil and let the future be decided after all this.   IPYadav

New addition: 18062024 - Out of the above 16 observations, no. (12) and (13) are most important as they are directly my own observations at my location. The scatterred, varied and intense occurrance of these only depict the turbulence affecting higher up atmosphere which corresponds to higher up levels of cyberspace i.e. my 'Bhramand', your 'Bhramand', India's 'Bhramand' etc. That means there is a straight and concocted interference with our souls and our Gods. This has all happened during these few days when the world was highly active with world order and outcome of India's General Elections. Naturally, the whodoo magics or maybe nuclear/biological/chemical weapons are being quietly used to manipulate the higher up platforms. What is worse, we don't get the exact news of any happening. In fact we are just presented with truncated news or modified news. No wonder, news channels jobs are highly lucrative because they play a major role in these 'hide and seek' and 'befooling the common man' games.  IPYadav

Thursday, June 13, 2024

13062024 Neat And Clean India - 1

 Neat And Clean India - 1 

               Who thought NEET to be clean? Or any other Examination in the Educational System to be clean? In fact corruptions are widespread in all Govermental Systems and that's because external forces are hell bent on overpowering native Indian System and control all activities to suit their purposes. This is what the 'Bhramastras' (or bomb-astras) are destined to do and all their filthy souls fall down into India, they somehow take the human form and start moving around as Indians. But their inherent mission remains to destroy and overpower India and they interfere in all walks of life. They are supremely controlled, motivated and moved by higher up platforms in the cybersphere and their acumen can be just understood in our imaginations. Nowadays, most people are well aware of AI (Artificial Intelligence) but only a few of us work with it, because only a few of us (and probably only those who are selected and picked up by them) can reach that level of plarform. Rest all the people just spin their day to day life with the AI softwares, Computer Results and eventual decision making.So naturally, most of such decisions and almost all of critical decisions are such as to suit these AI missions or in other words, to suit such 'Bomb-astra' missions. 

                   These two factors i.e. people who have access to these platforms and the word 'Bomb-astra' affect everybody, all walks of life and are detrimental to us Indians. Let me clarify that I am not opposed to good use of AI technology but I do protest if it's involved in detrimental mission actvities. 

                   First I will talk about the 'Bomb-astra'. I have called it so because it's mission tentamounts to destruction of India. For centuries we have been invaded by the Chinese and Muslim clans and they all work with such whodoo powers wherein they just create the whodoo and the filthy souls do the rest. The more you defeat these filthy souls, the more they fall until either they succeed or they get fully destroyed or offrooted. Their mission is destruction so they are similar to many cluster bombs. And all the foreign Rulers only gave more access to these souls, so much so that now they don't intent to vacate and restore the powers to natives.

                     Secondly, I will talk about the people who have access to these Platforms and most of them work in control stations, or they work with sight and sound equipments or there are some whodoo magic people and their followers. The problem came up because the world and the Western countries advanced with these operations and technologies during the striffe years of Russia, USA and India and the 'R' clan in the Russia and the USA were subverted and downtroden whereas the Indians were deprived of these. So much so that the Indians are treated like beggars when they ask even for their share of technology and at the same time they are treated as mincemeat for best brains and new technologies. So the rat race started in India to grab the technology seats and the mincemeat. Most of these racers were of external origin and their friendly selfish people. If some good working people got into it then they were either eliminated, exited (like all male natives were exited, only female natives were allowed in the Control Rooms) or subverted by food, funds force or fame. So most of the people sitting there are filthy souls or unclean and to further their mission, they make sure they only their people progress and others (honest natives) are kept out and obliterated. So they help their people to beat the competition, they group their people to earn good profit while they group others to make their loss, they fool others to enforce their right of way in various matters and of course they have their US, Chinese, Muslim brethren to weild muscle power for them. To top it all, these foreign powers operate as an upper hand and enforce their way in almost all matters.

            This scheming is well understood by native Indians but they were quitened in the name of Justful acts and foreign hands. Moreover their 1965 and 1977 surge to power were rebuked and claimed unjustful. For 59 and 47 golden years of new era, they just rebuked the natives as unjustful and had their way all the way. All the hue and cry didn't affect them as they cunningly picked up singular leaders quietly to their dens and befooled them and even hired them to fool others. Now, after these 59 and 47 years of chow-chowing good gold mincemeat, they probably feel themselves deeply entrenched and thick-skinned to even budge any way. So here we are, with lot of deeply operated dirty games of Politics and Share Markets, cricket fiascos and now, hot on their heels, the NEET results which could affect so many talented youngsters, who all would go through and who all will get rattled to pick their route to success. The common man's life in Delhi is getting hard for even a basic civil amenity like Drinking Water while the Political Parties shrewdly connive stringing people into their fold by way of forceful submission. Naturally if such things happen, then the native India would not have any count anywhere and it will eventually get extinct. Isn't this exactly the way of mission of Bomb-astra?

               Time and again, people have protested against such use of force or illegal distributions but everything is cunningly controlled by higher platforms and instructed through online modes. At least now people have started waking up to the 'Bahari Log' (outsiders, mostly offsprings of invaders and bomb filths), Just and Unjust reasons, royal laundering in Public, Sight and Sound effects and of course the 'BharatMata'. Also, these AI entities have been taken hands on by the Yuvraaj himself for his 'Swaraj', and they have been given the ultimatum to surrender or scoot, we wait for them to clear away their filtrh themselves, pay out the price for destructions done and restore our Golden Bharat. Bharatmata ki jaya.    IPYadav  

      (to be continued in Part 2 and 3) 

                  Meanwhile, we should avoid following the online commandants foolishly or meekly, we should understand the power of unity and stay united with our age old brethren, we should condemn the new laws and novel thinking imbibing outsiders as equal to natives, we should adhere to the fact that all such outsiders living in India are actually supposed to be Pakistanis (and they act so, don't they?) who were withheld in India by the theories of Mahatama Gandhi (to suit the purpose of foreign hand) and with the 'Swaraj' they would not be able to survive without a livelihood in India (Swaraj means no foreign hand!) and any further policy of future partitions should adhere to these basic principles as well as the principles of repay-backs for the destructions caused. We should not resort to exodus and we should communicate with those who left as most of them left on wrong ideologies of Just and Unjust acts and so most of them must be obeying all whimsical orders of their foreign bosses. If we feel as children of Bharatmata, we should all story-making talks and evade orders by demanding justice for all of us. We should clearly and cleverly dictate that Justice for Native Indians is first and foremost and all other plans, policies and deeds are secondary as they all will get affected by this Justice. For example, what is the use of giving equal Rights and constitutional protection to outsiders residing in India during the Swaraj times when (1) Pakistan and Bangladesh are owned and controlled fully by their people, (2) these outsiders don't catre a bit for Bharatmata, yet they live here and suck out it's resources for their living, (3) they were Party to Foreign hand and Swaraj means no foreign hand, so Gandhian philosophy of their survival fails, (4) with the failure of their mission, they would become destitute and world would say Hindus are downtrodding Muslims, (5) being destitute, they would indulge in all sorts of illegal activities, who would afford such humanity? (6) they have to pay out for their destruction and sins from their homeland, whereever (outside India) they make it. (7) and of course, Pakistan and Bangladesh land belongs to India, so future has to be in order with that fact. Similarly, consider another case : All those Party to foreign hand loose their hand during the Swaraj times! So if they flourished during those times, they would face tough times during Swaraj. Of course Indians would be taken care of by fellow Native Indians. These are just a few of the strategic ideas. Of course there are many more and many more would pop up with time.   IPYadav

Sunday, June 9, 2024

09062024 Politics, Cricket, Business - But How Do We Contact?

               We have just completed a major event of Indian as well as the world Politics and here we are face to face with Pakistan in ICC T20 World Cup. And would you forget the Sensex shooting up about 2500 points in one day, falling down by about 4000 points and then climbing up again to new peak. Immense wealth flowed from point to point in just a couple of days. But we don't contact with each other. I don't get any comments, any likes (except for some on my Facebook pages) and I don't get any customers or members in my IPY Nettworks, yet I know a lot of you all read my blogs. In fact this perception all through the Social Media and News Headlines is the reason and stimulation to pitch my views and insights about various matters as well as the 'Royal laundries' (which you were cunningly accessed!!!???). Who imagined why and by whom!?

                 Anyway, today is another big day. 

                 First, let me congratulate Mr. Narinder Modi for the third term as the Prime Minister of India as he goes on to take the oath and the ardous responsibility today. This time it's going to be a difficult task because on one hand the world is unstable and rocking on the verge of another world war and on the other hand his own majority in the House is heavily dependant upon his allies who have already started getting vocal with their demands. Imagine if India has to take a stand on one side in the war and if the allies break out to the other side! Well, Best Of Luck to Mr. Modi for a full five year term.

               Secondly, India is going to take on Pakistan in the T20 World Cup today. So best wishes to the Indian Cricket Team for this match as well as for the T20 World Cup.

                 Thirdly, lot of people as well as experienced Cricket were probably confused about my previous comments of long handle when playing a shot  and short handle when defending. Well well well! It's a matter of my Cricket Tech and consequent business. When people slide the Sensex up and down by such huge margins, they surely have a lot of easy money and even after such voluminous turnovers, I don't get any money. It's just a matter of simple understanding as to where our (we all Indians) hard earned money goes and how it's used to enhance their businesses. Surely I don't want such occurrance and I don't agree to it. But the problem is how do we contact?

                  Whoever were playing stories, their first deceit was to break the contacts. So everybody plays right into their cutoffs. Why else would they hack every new contact that I add and then cut it out or shrink it to befit their plans. Maybe my blogs are creating a whirlwind storm and uprooting their treachery. But we all still wait for the God-gifted Golden Days.

                    WHY?       IPYadav

Monday, June 3, 2024

03062024 कल चुनाव परिणाम

 कल चुनाव परिणाम 

        कल चुनावों के परिणाम का दिन है। यानि कल पता चलेगा कि जनता ने किसकी नैया पार लगाई और किसकी नैया किसे पकडाई। या फिर कोई पत्ता चल जाएगा और चुनाव का रुख बदल जाएगा।

          एक खास बात यह हुई कि बिटकाॅॅइन का भाव कई दिनों से 70000 डालर नहीं छू सका, फिर 2-3 दिन 67700 के आसपास टिका रहा और आज 69500 डालर तक चढ गया। 

और सेन्सेक्स तो आज 2000 पाईंट चढ गया।  बिटकाॅॅइन का भाव बाद में बढा।

           तो क्या जनता के वोट की खरीद-फरोख्त होती है? हे अंग्रेजी डे-माक-रे-सी! अब स्वराज को राज दो और अपनी गलतियों की भरपाई करो।

            मैंने कई दिनों से कोई लेख नहीं लिखे क्योंकि मैं चुनाव में किसी एक पक्ष को लेकर पक्षपात नहीं करना चाहता था। लेकिन इस दौरान जुमले कई थे कमेंट करने के लिए। तो कमेंट में वो जुमले लिखें। आगे उनपर एक लेख बन जाएगा।  IPYadav

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

210524 One Comment After So Many Years

 One Comment After So Many Years

 Hello friends, 

                         Finally I received a comment for my blogs after so many years. It's filling me up with a sense of achievement. And I sure wish to have many more of these as well as Likes (or dislikes where I put up such button) and Followers.

                         I have been writing short comments as well as articles for so many years and I had used Facebook Pages, LinkedIn account and my own websites. But I never got comments or rebukes, albeit I got some likes and Followers on Facebook. But nothing on my websites. All the while, I could see the TV News and other media getting abuzz with the topics and Ideas that I blogged about and lot of people moving with it, and also against it at times, but it never created any turbulence in my Likes and Followings numbers. Not even ripples! And finally I had least of hope assuming it as some kind of super-interference in online processes or a super-syndicate stealing away for their online business and dump and destroy my attempts for an online business income. Then, during the ICC World Cup, I made another attempt to introduce my website 'ipy808.com' to you all through my videos and photographs and still I didn't get success. Or should I say that it was again given away to their people by the syndicate?

                         Anyway, T20 World Cup is going to take place next month and so maybe I have been remembered again. But you all readers have to take your own interest and give me 'Likes' and 'Follows' so that I get an impetus as well as I have to earn money through my blogs and websites and followings for which I would need monetization to go through (that is ads are shown and clicked) and sale of my blogs to individuals or to Groups. Those buying will get links to my blogs, my membership websites, my IPY Networks as well as other links with special content. 

                         So keep liking and following, join my network and send your Group details. We can follow up to develop better relations.  IPYadav

Thursday, March 28, 2024

280324 मंडी - 1

मंडी - 1

         हिमाचल की मण्डी की लोकसभा सीट तो कुछ विशेष चर्चा में रही। एक तो ऐसी अकल्पनीय घोषणा बीजेपी ने की और दूसरी सुप्रियाजी के अकाउंट से टिप्पणी की गई। बस फिर तो वाद-विवाद का सिलसिला शुरू हो गया। पत्रकारों का तो काम है अपनी पोस्ट को रूचिकर और चटपटा बनाना लेकिन हमारी अपनी सोच इतनी संकीर्ण क्यों है कि हम घृणित अर्थ पहले निकालते हैं या फिर सिर्फ घृणित अर्थ ही निकालते हैं। 
     एक साधारण सा उदाहरण देखिये। मंडी शब्द का अर्थ है बाजार। क्या आप रोज के बाजार के भाव (शेयर मार्केट के) या फिर मंडी के भाव (कोमोडिटीस् के) नहीं तलाशते हैं? प्रधानमंत्री स्वयं इनमें रूचि रखते हैं क्योंकि देश की आर्थिक स्थिति का आँकड़ा है।
      दूसरा उदाहरण देखिये। आप कौन से व्यापार में शामिल हैं - फल-सब्जी व्यापार, गन्ना व्यापार, दूध व्यापार, लोहा-तांबा व्यापार, दुकानदारी का व्यापार, फैक्ट्री व्यापार, मालवाहक व्यापार, सर्विस इंडस्ट्रीज व्यापार, ऋण सेवा व्यापार, शो बिज व्यापार, देह व्यापार, वैश्या व्यापार, गुलाम व्यापार, इत्यादि? अब आँकलन तो हमें ही करना है कि कौन सा व्यापार सही है और कौन सा गलत। तो जब नारी देह प्रदर्शन करती है तो उसे सही कहेंगे या गलत। आजादी और तरक्की के नाम पर देह-प्रदर्शन वाला फैशन अपनाना सही कहेंगे या गलत? नारी की आजादी के नाम पर घर-परिवार ताक पर रखकर अपनी राह चलना सही कहेंगे या गलत? तो पत्रकारिता हो या नारी, अपनी राह चलने के आजाद हैं और अपनी घृणित सोच को विस्तृत करना हमारी जरूरत है।
      तीसरा उदाहरण देखिये। हम आज के जमाने में कायदे कानून से चलते हैं, अपने समाज की और अपने ईमान-धर्म की डींग हाँकते हैं। लेकिन क्या हमारे समाज में दाग व्यापार, दहेज व्यापार, देह व्यापार, वैश्या व्यापार, गुलाम व्यापार, इत्यादि नहीं हो रहे हैं? क्या हम देख कर भी उसको अनदेखा करते हैं? क्या हम उसे धर्म और न्याय का नतीजा मानकर स्वीकार कर लेते हैं? क्या धर्म और न्याय दूसरे के पक्ष में होने पर ऐसे लोग अपनी गलती स्वीकार करते हैं? क्या अपनी गलती का धर्म और न्याय भुगतने के लिए तैयार हो जाते हैं? या फिर हम डींग हाँकने में ही धर्म-कर्म मनाते हैं ?
       चौथा उदाहरण देखिये। कंगनाजी की एक फोटो कुछ ज्यादा ही प्रदर्शित रही। इसमे वो अर्धनग्न टाॅप में सिर पर जुडी बाँधे हुए हैं। क्या भारत के मुनियों और स्वयं बाबा भोले शंकर से इसका कोई प्रतिरूपात्मक संबंध नहीं बनता है? अंग्रेजी में कहावत है - एक पिक्चर हजार शब्दों के बराबर है। तो फिर चुनाव के समय "मंडी से ऐसी पिक्चर" क्या बोध कराएगी? क्या चुनाव आयोग इन हजार शब्दों और उनके विचारों की सत्यता का आँकलन स्पष्ट रूप से देश की जनता के सामने रखने का निर्देश देंगे ताकि जनता को भ्रमित न किया जाए और गलत विचारों के खिलाफ एक्शन लिया जाए।
       सब कहने के बाद, अंत में मैं तो यही कहूंगा कि स्वराज तो पूरे भारत का होता, तो स्वराज तो पूरे भारत का चाहिए और बाहरी लोग बाहर होने चाहिए। (उसके बाद तो बाबा भोले शंकर का शिव लोक ही बनेगा)। तो फोकट का इंतजार चलाओ - अपने हक का, अपने कमाए हुए धन का, अपने बंधुओं का, अपने सुकर्मों का, .....  IPYadav

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

19032024 अब चुनावी शक्ति साधना

अब चुनावी शक्ति साधना

        तो अब शुरू हो गई चुनावी शक्ति साधना। 
       राहुल गांधीजी ने अपने श्रोताओं को हिन्दू धर्म में उल्लेखित शक्ति शब्द का प्रयोग करके अपने फाॅलोवर्स को ज्ञान बांटने की कोशिश की। उन्होंने स्पष्ट रूप से कहा कि उनका मुकाबला कुछ ऐसी शक्तियों से है। ये ईविएम, ईडी, सीबीआई इत्यादि में है और प्रधानमंत्री की आत्मा से संचालित होती हैं। परन्तु शायद वो आधार कार्ड, पैन कार्ड और उनका नागरिकता से संबंध भूल गए! कैसे? यह विषय आगे विस्तृत है।
       अब बात करें प्रतिपक्ष की शक्ति साधना की। तो मोदीजी ने छूटते ही उसे लपक लिया। क्या वे राहुलजी का ज्ञान लेकर उसका  स्व-आकलन कर रहे थे या फिर वे आम आदमी को पथभ्रष्ट होने से रोकने का सुकर्म किया  करते हैं। यदि यह स्व-आकलन है तो वे प्रतिपक्ष के नेता कैसे, और यदि यह सुकर्म है तो 45 साल से आम आदमी निर्दिशा क्यों भटकते रहे। क्यों आज भी इतने सालों से हो रहे 'सही और सहमति वाले काम' से  संबंधित  ज्ञानोदय से उत्साहित और प्रेरित होकर एकत्रित होते हैं और प्रदर्शन करते हैं? क्या मोदीजी, भाजपा और अन्य पार्टियां अपने-अपने सुकर्म में विफल रहीं? क्या सभी कुछ अनाधिकारी और धृष्ट व्यक्तियों के कठपुतली डोलते है और उनके कुकृत्यों को बढाते और चलाते हैं?
        शायद इसीलिए सभी आम जनता भारतमाता स्वरूप माँ शक्ति से आस लगाये हुए हैं कि माँ शक्ति असुर शक्तियों का दमन करके अच्छे दिन लाएगी। क्या करे बिचारी जनता। एक पक्ष दश साल सत्तारूढ़ होकर भी सुकर्म में विफल है तो क्या पक्ष असुर शक्ति है या सरकारी तंत्र। दूसरा पक्ष शायद  बहुमत समर्थ है लेकिन सरकारी तंत्र की 'पहले' पक्ष की (मोदीजी की) शक्तियों से बाधित है। तो क्या हमारी पहले पक्ष की और मोदीजी के सुकर्मों की धारना गलत है? आप स्वयं सोचो!
       जहाँ तक भारत की आत्मा और सरकारी तंत्र की आत्मा का सवाल है तो वो अब भी मूल भारतवासी ही है। इतने सालों के दमन, उत्पीड़न, पलायन, बेरोजगारी, अवमानना और अधिकारों के हनन के पश्चात भी जनता माँ शक्ति से आस लगाती है। क्योंकि धर्म (न्याय) की बिसात पर धृष्टता के महलों वाले भी ढेर हो जाते हैं और माँ शक्ति उस ज्ञान की जननी है जिसपर धर्म आश्रित है। लेकिन पथभ्रष्ट करने वाले शायद अपने अंधकार युग का अंत ही नहीं करना चाहते। इसीलिए तो ज्ञानोदय का भरपूर विरोध और बिगाड़ करने बाद अब शायद ज्ञानोदय को रोकने की बजाय ज्ञानोदय को अपना कारनामा बनाने की कोशिश करने लगे हैं।
        ज्ञान की बात करें तो सोचो - देश के भावी नेताओं के चयन का समय है। कहीं राहुल गाँधीजी और मोदीजी के विचारों का आंकलन हो रहा है तो कहीं अलग-अलग सीडी के प्रचार। मुख्य चुनाव आयुक्त - राजीव कुमार, सह चुनाव आयुक्त - ज्ञानेश्वर (ज्ञान-ईश्वर) कुमार और (साड्डे सिंग सा'ब) सुखबीर सिंह। न्याय की सुप्रीम कोर्ट की सक्रियता का केन्द्र - SBI, आज का मुख्य मुद्दा - नागरिकता का अधिकार, नागरिक का आईडी - आधार, आधार का मैनेजमेंट - ??? शायद  ईडी,  सीबीआई, पुलिस, कुछ विशेष व्यक्ति ( 'सही और सहमति वाले काम' बताने वाले व्यक्ति!?), कुछ विदेशी (और विदेशी ताकतें)। क्या 45 साल से इन्हें KEY का ज्ञान था? इनके अब क्या विचार हैं? क्या ये  Numero Uno (नम्बर  एक) की विचारधारा को नहीं मानते? क्या ये KEY से छोटे होकर बैठने के बजाय अपने आप को ज्ञानोदय का राज निकाल लाने वाला सुकर्मी बतलाकर शीर्ष पर बैठने की धृष्टता तो नहीं कर रहे? आप सुराज के नागरिक हैं (!?) और आपको  सजग होना है। आधार लिंक करके अब पैन कार्ड और बैंक अकाउंट्स भी इसकी पहुँच में हैं। तो अब सिर्फ नेता ही नही अपितु हरेक नागरिक इससे भयभीत होकर इनके साथ एकसूत्र में फँस जाएँगे। यह तो राजाधिकार होते हैं। तो फिर राज किसके हाथ में है? अब फिर सवाल उठता है कि स्वराज का क्या हुआ? स्वराज के षडयंत्रकारी कौन हैं? क्यों हैं? _ _ _ (शेष फिर कहीं)     IPYadav

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

05032024 भ्रमित परिवारवाद

भ्रमित परिवारवाद 

        कई विषयों पर हमारे नेता ही जनता को भ्रमित करने लग जाते हैं और परिवारवाद एक ऐसा ही विषय है। परिवारवाद मानव सभ्यता का एक अभिन्न अंग है। जब से मानव सभ्यता विकसित हुई है, परिवारवाद ही चलाया गया है। और बड़े बड़े महापुरुष तो इसी का अनुसरण करते हैं, चाहे वो किसी भी क्षेत्र में उपलब्धि प्राप्त करते हों। क्योंकि उनके कर्मों का उपभोग उनकी संतानों का ही अधिकार होता है। और अगले जन्म में वे स्वयं उसी कुल में जन्म लेकर अपने और अपने कुल के कर्मों का फल प्राप्त करते हैं। 
         क्या प्रधानमंत्री मोदीजी और उनके सहयोगी इस बात से अवगत नहीं हैं? तो कैसे हिन्दू हैं वे? 
       इसी प्रकार राजाओं का हक उनके युवराज को मिलता है और राजपरिवार का साथ देना, देश की और राजपरिवार की रक्षा करना हरेक नागरिक का धर्म और कर्म होता है। और स्वराज के हकदार राजपरिवार के सामने तो शत्रु भी स्वयं परास्त होता है तो राजद्रोहियों की क्या बिसात। बेईमान तो पूरी दुनिया में तुच्छ ही होते हैं। हो सकता है उन्हें गुप्त तरीके से विदेशी संरक्षण और धन मिलने लगे लेकिन बेईमान क्या उनकी वफादारी में जुर्म कबूल करके सजा भुगतने और नुकसान भरने के लिए समर्पित होगा? 
     इसलिए, मान-सम्मान उन्ही लोगों का है जो अपने राजा के राजभक्त हों। और दूसरों को उजाड़ने वाले उनके राजा और राजवंश को उजाड़ते हैं इसलिए परिवारवाद का विरोध करते हैं। क्या कृष्ण के मद में हम अभिमन्यु की अवहेलना कर सकते हैं? और क्या जब शत्रु भी परास्त हो जाए, राजद्रोह के लिए कोई तुक बनती है? या तुकबंदी करके जनता को भ्रमित करने की कलाकारी कोई सद्गुण कहा जाए? 
     इसी प्रकार आज के नेता भी धर्म-कर्म कमाकर अपनी संतान को सौंपते हैं तो क्या बुरा है? उसमें सफलता-असफलता जनता के हाथ की बात होती है। उसके लिए भ्रमित नहीं अपितु सजग जनता का विकास करना होता है। और यह कार्य पार्टी वाले नहीं अपितु मूल देशवासी ही कर सकते हैं। बाहरी लोग तो राजवंश नष्ट करने की साजिश कर सकते हैं!  IPYadav

Sunday, March 3, 2024

02032024 - मेरी मेहनत के रंग

मेरी मेहनत के रंग

        आज बीजेपी (political party) ने अगले लोकसभा चुनाव के लिए अपने उम्मीदवारों की पहली सूची जारी की। वैसे  तो उसमें सोच-विचार करने की कई बातें हैं लेकिन मेरे संदर्भ में (शायद) एक महत्वपूर्ण बात रही। कम से कम यही मेरा अनुमान है। क्योंकि:-
        070224 को मैंने एक पोस्ट प्रकाशित की थी जिसमें मैंने प्रधानमंत्री मोदीजी को संबोधित करते हुए एक सवाल किया था कि स्वराज के विषय में उनके क्या विचार हैं। तो उन्होंने एक उम्मीदवार चुना है जिसका नाम बांसुरी स्वराज है। तो  क्या मेरा सवाल और मेरी मेहनत रंग ला रहे हैं? शायद। लेकिन अभी दिल्ली बहुत दूर है। न तो मेरे सवाल का जवाब पूरा होता है और न ही अन्य उभरते सवालों के जवाब मिलते हैं।
         वैसे मैडम बांसुरी स्वराज दिल्ली से चुनाव लडेंगी ओर उन्हें केंद्रीय मंत्री मीनाक्षी लेखीजी की जगह मिली है। वैसे पता नहीं ये कहाँ की हैं! (इसे पर्सनल न लें, व्यंग्य मात्र अपने विचार कहने के लिए हैं)।
         तो क्या बीजेपी प्रमुख मूलवासियों को बाहर करके बाहरी लोगों को सुदृढ़ कर रही है? क्या मोदीजी वोटों के बल (जिसमें कई बाहरी बहरूपिये हिन्दू रूप में और अनेक प्रकार के मजबूर हिन्दू मूलनिवासी हैं) पर 'स्वराज के युवराज' (और भावी राजा) को अनदेखा करने या दबाने की सोच चला रहे हैं? या फिर Indiya-Pakisthaan के बँटवारे के नाम पर अलग-अलग देशवासी बनकर और बतलाकर चैन से बंसी बजाना चाहते हैं?
        सवाल अनेक हैं और पर्-राज के लिए India एक था तो स्वराज के लिए भी इंडिया एक ही होता है। मगर पर्-राज के कार्यकर्ताओं को स्वराज से निष्कासित होना होता है। वो भी  बगैर बल प्रयोग के, किसी भी प्रकार के बल प्रयोग के। क्या स्वराज के हक लेते समय हम अलग-अलग राजा-रजवाडों के (1947 में 500 से अधिक अंग्रेजों से समर्थित रजवाड़े थे!) कलह और इच्छाओं को धर्मसंगत मान सकते हैं? क्या पराधीन या निजी स्वार्थ साधने या प्रतियोगिता के प्रयास किये जा सकते हैं? संक्षिप्त में, क्या जो 1947 में हो रहा था वही पुनः होने लगा है? 
         वैसे मैं किसी राजनीतिक दल के पक्ष-विपक्ष का नहीं हूँ लेकिन स्वराज से देशहित है और 'युवराज ही स्वराज का' बंसी बजईया होवत है। तो फिर हम  इतने सालों से क्या खोवत हैं? 'स्वराज' क्यों नहीं करते? वैसे मैं मोदीजी के 10 साल का विश्लेषण नहीं कर रहा हूँ लेकिन मोदीजी ने विकास कराया है तो स्वराज का धन कहाँ है? और कुछेक कर्मठ मूलनिवासियों का धन कहाँ है? कहीं ऐसा तो नहीं कि उनका धन ब्लैक मनी बता कर विदेशी ताकतें गबन करके अपने कार्यकर्ताओं को उपलब्ध कराती हैं। क्या यह स्वराज-संगत है? 
        औह! शायद मैं राजनीति में भी सफल हो जाऊँ। अपने सुझाव अवश्य दें।  IPYadav

Friday, February 9, 2024

080224 Is There Identity Ingression?

 Is There Identity Ingression?

           We are living in tough times when we are groped by darkness, subverted by Western powers, befooled by enemy souls and stinged by in-house intruders. And so it becomes all the more important to stick to our age old identities, follow our customs and traditions and adopt our transgender transmissions of cultural heritage. Lucky are those few who are able to fulfill these and lucky are those who go along with such people. 

             And then, there are people who are forcibly whisked out into unknown world to live on their own and many times, to live according to their masters and forget their past. Indians are of ancient civilization and inherently very strong by their soul. This exhibits in their intelligence and their abilities. So the developed world is interested in their entity, but they wouldn't want their identity. Because identity would prompt them for freedom and progress and a world of their own, their ancestors and their Forefathers and Gods. Without an identity, they would sincerely serve their Bosses, help them progress by leaps and bounds and take a piece of goodies for themselves and their family. Their Boss's world would be their identity and purpose of living. Remember the character of 'Bheema' in the Hindi Film 'Hum Paanch'? 

              Then there are intruders in the form of invaders, traders or even well-wishers who make a livelihood for themselves here and start mingling up. Also, there are ingressions in the form of duplicates, Bhramastra creations and even transportations inwards-outwards. So we face many types of people and many ideologies. Each cunning deceiver would cook up or generate a trick as some kind of new thinking or wise talk. Lot of people fell victim to these and lot of people continue to be still possessed by these, but then there is a widespread awakening too. Everybody should contribute to keep up this tempo and defeat the deceivers. For this, it is very important to stick to our identities and identity tools so that brethren are recognized and helped as well as intruders are isolated and exited. 

               Today, Mr Chandrababu Naidu's congregation was full of yellow color Angvastra. In today's world where people are grouped by colors, native Indians are supposed to be identifiable with Red color and a Yellow color depicts an another Party or identity. 'Naidus' are identifiable with Ms Sarojini Naidu and a 'non-national color' is contrary to such identity! I know Yellow is also sacred to Hindus but here it clashes with a national identity in a public gathering. I was surprised by such display and so must be many others. But only TDP would know the wisdom in their act. We can only hope that it has nothing to do with the separatism talks of the Southies because in the land of Red, such thing would be an ingression and liable to expulsion.

                 That's Right. It is our land. It belongs to us native Indians. All intruders of every kind have to leave the country with the 'Swaraj' and in fact, if the 'KEY' philosophy would be applied, then even the Pakistan land would be ours, and all intruders will have to vacate that too.

                 All in all, without pointing any finger at anybody, I herby wish to promote, through this post, the essence of maintaining and displaying our Nativity and it's color and not create unnecessary distractions. Similarly, non-natives should be separately identifiable, for our safety, our security, our unity and our nation. This would resolve a lot of problems, if not all, because this has been the fundamental differentiation of Ruling class and non-Ruling class of past so many years.  IPYadav

Thursday, February 8, 2024

070224 गरीब, रिजर्वेशन, धन और ईमान

 गरीब, रिजर्वेशन, धन और ईमान

         यह एक आश्चर्यजनक बात है कि देश के प्रधानमंत्री गरीब, रिजर्वेशन और धन के बारे में वाकपटुता दर्शाते हुए गरीबों को उच्चकोटि का लाभ-हानी का ज्ञान बाँटते हैं और उन्हें अपने पक्ष में करने का प्रयास करते हैं ताकि वो इलेक्शन में उनके वोट बटोर कर सफल हो  सकें। तो इससे क्या निष्कर्ष निकालता है?

1) प्रधानमंत्री को उनकी सफलता का संशय है। लेकिन जो पार्टी 400 सीटों का लक्ष्य साध रही है उसके नेता को संशय कैसा? मतलब देश के गरीब विपक्षी दल बनाकर उन्हें हरा सकते हैं (1977 की तरह) या फिर देश के मूल निवासी (जिसमें अमीर और गरीब भी सम्मिलित होंगे) अपना देश अपने हाथों में ले सकते हैं। उनमें पुराने राजा-राजवाडे, सरदार-सूबेदार शहरी-ग्रामीण,  ज्ञानी-भील-आदिवासी इत्यादि   सम्मिलित हो सकते हैं परन्तु शायद मोदी (और शायद बनिए जाती) की जगह ना बने। तो प्रधानमंत्री गरीबों का आव्हान करके अपना पक्ष मजबूत कर रहे होंगे।

2) इन्हीं मूल निवासियों में से गरीबों को अलग कर के, उनमें  लालच और अपना हक कहकर धृष्टता और रोष के लिए प्रेरित करने की पृष्ठभूमि रचते होंगे ताकि उन्नति करते और सक्षम बनते मूल निवासियों को अपने नियंत्रण में चला सकें और अपने चहेतों को सफल बना सकें।

        लेकिन दोनों ही स॔दर्भो में क्या वो गरीबों के ईमान का मजाक नहीं बना रहे हैं? क्या गरीब स्वराज के अन्तर्गत कर्मबद्ध नहीं होते है? क्या वो किसी भी धृष्टता या बेईमानी के सहारे समृद्ध हो सकते हैं? यदि गरीब बेईमानी करेगा तो क्या होगा? 

        और सबसे बडी बात, प्रधानमंत्री स्वयं स्वराज के विषय में क्या विचार करते हैं? स्वराज में हरेक क्षेत्रीय अधिकारी अपने देश बंधुओं का ख्याल करते हैं और देश को सशक्त भी करते हैं। किसी के परिश्रम के धन को लूट कर बाँटने का काम नहीं करते। लेकिन यह सबकुछ अपने देश  और देश बंधुओं के लिए करते हैं, बाहरी लोगों के लिए नहीं। और बाहरी लोगों को भी कर्मबद्ध होकर गुलामी निभानी होती है। तो  फिर  _ _ _ _ _ _ ।  IPYadav

Friday, February 2, 2024

010224 'Who Am I?' Is That Clear?

 010224  'Who Am I?' Is That Clear?

                We have been living our life in darkness since the last four decades or so and in the name of enlightenment, our heads were scratched with electromagnetic ULF waves and stated that we are ed so and so and we could carry out so and so functions of our life. But this all is farcical too!

                  How? I had put up a long post pinpointing various topics and issues over ED's activities with an intention to enlighten our brethren. Of course only our brethren, why would enemies consider it an enlightenment? They would rather call it offensive or unlawful act, as usual and as obvious, and act accordingly to subvert my blog or block my business, as they were doing 7-8 years back by blocking my Facebook account and my posts. Maybe this could be a reason why I don't get followers or likes or the reason why I never received any payments whereas people all over the world go frantic over my posts.

                     So I created a post for their enlightenment and of course to act in accordance with such enlightenment. But then what? CM Hemant Soren still got arrested. ED continues to enforce their ways and continue with their model of thinking. If anything can be incurred, it is that their Bosses have no intention of rectifying the wrongs or at least give legally approvable and logically acceptable answers to our questions in open courtrooms. But it seems, questioning is their Right and others, whoever they are, should answer their questions and prove themselves law-abiding and boss-obeying citizens. 

                    This means that you cannot question acts and incidents affecting your entity, your family, your people, your wealth, your property and your nation You have to just accept quietly whatever is happening and not just assume, but be confidently sure and appeased that everything is happening correct and legally upholdable. You have to be rest assured that your life, your family, your brotherhood, your wealth, your earnings, your property and your nation are being used and abused properly and legally correctly! And nope. You don't ask questions!

                       OMG! What an ED-formation nation this must be! And we are it's lucky citizens of current years and great ancestors of our offsprings. The great ancestors who very wisely allowed and assigned ED to ask questions from whom they were instructed by Bosses and kept quiet and bore everything inflicted upon them - whether use or abuse!

                     So finally, you have an answer the this question - 'who am I?' All those scratching ULF talks are farcical. All those ULF eyes are farcical. Finally, you are nobody. You are primarily what the ED decides you to be. Is that clear? So, what are you thinking. Instead of getting your answers and restorations, let ED work their way and destroy your leadership to suit their ways. How's that?    IPYadav

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

300124 ED And Opposition Politicians

 ED And Opposition Politicians 

        The fiasco about ED and Jharkhand CM Soren is another extreme non-compatibility in the world's largest democracy. Government Agencies are supposed to promote 'SuRaj and SuShashan' but here these are coxed to fulfill vested interested/ And that too in the election season motivations. If these Agencies get into action with vested interests, these are very likely to be bribed and prepped up with rewards like chairs, control, cash and cuties. Doesn't that count into unlawful practices with respect to elections? I mean if that is not so then even the politicians can dole out cash, chairs, control and cuties well before it starts becoming illegal! In such a case, elections would only become farcical. Imagine that and we boast of the world's largest democracy.

          But what is worse is the incident of Jharkhand CM and other native leaders. The CM didn't have faith in ED's action or whatever, he went to his hometown to Organize his Party. And the Government is seizing his BMW car (or his valuables in his absence), enforcing 'Dhara 144' around CM's Office and other drastic actions. The Jharkhand CM is native Indian and in spite of being a CM, doesn't have any faith in ED and Police would work against his authority to enforce '144'. 

         In my opinion, native CMs should have been like crown princes of their states in 'Swaraj India' then what Government authority and which actions are being investigated? Are these authorized and supervised by the King at the Center? Or let me ask in another format - who is the King at the center in the 'Swaraj India' Rule? Or will the Rulers prop up in front of the masses and proclaim that they don't adhere to the 'Swaraj India' philosophy and instead they would arrest native leaders and princes and make India a slave nation again?

         But what is worse is that the answers to these questions never come out open in front of everyone. They always indulge in hoodwinking a few top notch and befool them and befool the nation through them by displaying them online and approving their acts. It is no coincidence that the ED action comes quickly after the 'Nitish Kumar' incident related to Bihar. The Bosses of ED felt that the 'kEy to Government and Control would go to the Rightful KEY-Man and so they hastily moved the ED office upon two plans - (1) About Lallu family in Bihar who may be coercing in kEy politics and (2) The Jharkhand CM who may be the prime object on the KEY-Man's side. 

         If that is so, then does it mean that :

    (i) the ED is working against Rightful Ruler,

  (ii) the ED is working against the KEY-Man and annex his Rights and Authority. Is this what E and C philosophies are? In such a case, does their use of force of Government Authority and Governmental Guns comply with A, B, C, D, E etc. philosophies. 

  (iii) By not complying with 'Swaraj', do we infer that the ED can be actually formed of 'Bahari Log', that is invaders of historical years and other external operators settled in India during the British Raj. (I wonder why ED was always in favor with Congress Rulers and their Stalwarts of External origins and then with those who opposed Indian Monarchs).

   (iv) By acting hot in the heels of the 'Nitish Kumar' incident, does the ED and their Bosses (whoever they are) unintentionally express their opposition to it?

    (v) By the two actions that followed, is the ED dividing the Native people into separate groups and Control the masses with mutual feuds and weakening by dividing (British divide and rule policy).

    (vi) By not working for 'Swaraj' and depriving the native people off their 'swaraj', their Rights and their goodies of their nation and subverting the elected CMs of a state (or princes of any state), are the ED and their Bosses attempting to cause a 'Civil disorder and War' in India or cunningly continue ransacking India with foreign powers.

         No wonder why other people keep quite while ED Bosses chooses their targets mainly from the Natives and also a few from the externals to give themselves an 'honesty and equality' tag.

        In 1977, this very land catapulted the revolution and were befooled, subverted and pushed into darkness by these very Bosses and they sprang up naked into their action hot on the heels of the 'Nitish Kumar' as if their 43 years of cookies were exposed farcical and unlicensed. Do they realize that even 76 years of bluffs are exposed, 110 years of annexation are stark naked, 165 years of tyranny and non-compliance with Law are staked and two world wars are to be explained. What is ED enlightened about and why are they charged with power to thrust into this land? The world is facing Ukraine war, Gaza fighting, Yemen onslaught, Taiwan-China and North Korea-South Korea threats, the Armymen have a lot to ponder about and the Nation has to stand united. We cannot allow 'Bahari Log' to cause nuisance in our Nation. Hence, just as any native leader, ED too has to show up their faces, their Bosses and appease the people of their correctness and honesty towards the nation and the 'Swaraj' philosophy. ED too has a moral obligation to not to befool the people and adhere to KEY-Man laws and principles. The ED has to prove to the people that they are not part of cooking kEy philosophies or cooking swapping of identities to suit their needs and cunningness. Afterall no can be reliable except the real Owner, more so about the custody of the Nation or even the States, Jharkhand and Bihar, in this case.   IPYadav


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