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Tuesday, August 6, 2024

050824 Congrats India! Now You take on 4 vs 1

 050824  Congrats India! Now You take on 4 vs 1 

           Congrats India! Now you have to take on 4 neighbours and all four can come together at the same time and help each other in a conflict which appears very immenent. I really wonder where in the world these  Indian Superheads get their ideas, their policies and their planning that they put or find their head in one noose or the other. For so many years, these loggerheads were parting away with Hindi-Chini Bhai Bhai and Muslim Brotherhood and many internal idiocracies and Rule books instead of comimg together and ask for their Rightful 'Swaraj' and now when they are getting enlightened, they have made too many friends of their enemies who seem to be getting together to subvert their hopes of justice. So much for the 'achche din' wait and plans of justice and reimbursement. These loggerheads didn't leave any chance to build their powers and formulate their plans without worrying even a little bit about the powers and reaches the enemies were making. So here we are with the failure of Bangladesh Government after the failure of Sri Lanka Government earlier on.

              After the 2017 events, the World as well as the US Government became so much convinced of their superiority that they started rewarding their Supports with pieces of their opponents. This they had done earlier also when they broke up old USSR and enforced 'Angrezi Democracy' upon India instead of 'Swaraj' and this they resumed after some tense years of defeat and defiance. The Russian revolutionists as well as China were with them at that time also and they seem to be playing dilly-dally between Russia and US again. At least, the US Foreign Secretary's visit to China while Four Chinese aircrafts were placed with Iran shows that China is ready to play that old game again. And for this, the poverty stricken P:akistan has found a job of re-vitalizing the Kashmir terrorism and the Bangladeshis have revolted against the Government and their Freedom Fighters. This means there is no honour ans respect for those freedom fighters and their offsprings. In fact, I wonder where have those masses of Supporters and freedom fighters gone. Have they been thrown out of Bangladesh as refugees or have they been engulfed?

              The same situation has been going on in India as well since the re-enforcement of 'Angrezi Democracy" (or actually 'Angrezi Raj') where they deceived everyone making brotherhood with some and threatening some others only to engulf the Natives and their hopes. But we Indians and our system is not so easy to break up but while we demanded for justice, these loggerheads played their own games, their own policies and plannings and their own brotherhoods. So the more these mission oriented souls succeeded, the more powerful they became. Cunningly, they deceived everybody into playing their games and these loggerheads continued to do so. Never did they attempt to follow their God- Bole and demand fo justice. In fact, they, in their dumbness, continued to act wisely with their deceitly formed wisdom. Somebody's life they played with!

               Meanwhile, they US and their world cunningly concentrated upon destroying the spirits of 'Bharatmata' while our loggerheads got busy in progress and development. Little did they realize that things were not alright and in fact they were happy and satisfied with whatever was happening. Then came the events of 2017. Thereafter, the US and their friends started the task of eliminating the pop-ups of protests and defiance and thus came the Armenia war and then the Ukraine war. The Ukraine war got bloodied day after day and to divert attention and throttle the Mother Goddess power, the US and friends devised the Israel Attack upon Gaza. Because Isreal thought that Gaza was the weak spot by which they could quiten the Mother Goddess but that too backfired. So now, they eyed upon India as India was in favour of Russia as well as Mother Goddess could be directly tackled over here. For this they tried a small conflict between India and either of Pakistan or China, but they must have felt too much about India. So they targetted Bangladesh and concocted a coup with their subverted freedom fighters to take control of their Government. Now they would place a pro-Pakistan or pro-China Government and weild a combined conseige effect. At the same time, it becomes a challenge for India to take action. If they do, they can open the doors of war onto them and if they don't, they would be projected as loosers in the area.

                 All this has happened because the loggerheads fumbled up with their wisdom and conjoined deceitful people as their friends. The more time went by, the more powerful the enemy became as well as the more deceits they have in their followers who would be just too glad to stab in the back to earn goodies for themselves. So with the 'savera' (morning light), they are also face to face with many visible and non-visible enemy colours, they they are all own their own at their respective stations, gasping for their breath as they demand for justice.

                  Here, it reminds me of that old story where an old man called his four sons to break all the sticks of the bundle and then break them singularly. Working with each ones individual wisdom and whims was not right.

                 Here, I will recoil the story so - all sticks are together responsible for the sins done and then each one has to pay for his own sins. Law and Justice doesn't require muscle power to be shown against four, it requires following and repayment for all the wrongs. If all four are together, that much good to prove their inter-connection.    IPYadav

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