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Friday, February 9, 2024

080224 Is There Identity Ingression?

 Is There Identity Ingression?

           We are living in tough times when we are groped by darkness, subverted by Western powers, befooled by enemy souls and stinged by in-house intruders. And so it becomes all the more important to stick to our age old identities, follow our customs and traditions and adopt our transgender transmissions of cultural heritage. Lucky are those few who are able to fulfill these and lucky are those who go along with such people. 

             And then, there are people who are forcibly whisked out into unknown world to live on their own and many times, to live according to their masters and forget their past. Indians are of ancient civilization and inherently very strong by their soul. This exhibits in their intelligence and their abilities. So the developed world is interested in their entity, but they wouldn't want their identity. Because identity would prompt them for freedom and progress and a world of their own, their ancestors and their Forefathers and Gods. Without an identity, they would sincerely serve their Bosses, help them progress by leaps and bounds and take a piece of goodies for themselves and their family. Their Boss's world would be their identity and purpose of living. Remember the character of 'Bheema' in the Hindi Film 'Hum Paanch'? 

              Then there are intruders in the form of invaders, traders or even well-wishers who make a livelihood for themselves here and start mingling up. Also, there are ingressions in the form of duplicates, Bhramastra creations and even transportations inwards-outwards. So we face many types of people and many ideologies. Each cunning deceiver would cook up or generate a trick as some kind of new thinking or wise talk. Lot of people fell victim to these and lot of people continue to be still possessed by these, but then there is a widespread awakening too. Everybody should contribute to keep up this tempo and defeat the deceivers. For this, it is very important to stick to our identities and identity tools so that brethren are recognized and helped as well as intruders are isolated and exited. 

               Today, Mr Chandrababu Naidu's congregation was full of yellow color Angvastra. In today's world where people are grouped by colors, native Indians are supposed to be identifiable with Red color and a Yellow color depicts an another Party or identity. 'Naidus' are identifiable with Ms Sarojini Naidu and a 'non-national color' is contrary to such identity! I know Yellow is also sacred to Hindus but here it clashes with a national identity in a public gathering. I was surprised by such display and so must be many others. But only TDP would know the wisdom in their act. We can only hope that it has nothing to do with the separatism talks of the Southies because in the land of Red, such thing would be an ingression and liable to expulsion.

                 That's Right. It is our land. It belongs to us native Indians. All intruders of every kind have to leave the country with the 'Swaraj' and in fact, if the 'KEY' philosophy would be applied, then even the Pakistan land would be ours, and all intruders will have to vacate that too.

                 All in all, without pointing any finger at anybody, I herby wish to promote, through this post, the essence of maintaining and displaying our Nativity and it's color and not create unnecessary distractions. Similarly, non-natives should be separately identifiable, for our safety, our security, our unity and our nation. This would resolve a lot of problems, if not all, because this has been the fundamental differentiation of Ruling class and non-Ruling class of past so many years.  IPYadav

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