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Thursday, June 13, 2024

13062024 Neat And Clean India - 1

 Neat And Clean India - 1 

               Who thought NEET to be clean? Or any other Examination in the Educational System to be clean? In fact corruptions are widespread in all Govermental Systems and that's because external forces are hell bent on overpowering native Indian System and control all activities to suit their purposes. This is what the 'Bhramastras' (or bomb-astras) are destined to do and all their filthy souls fall down into India, they somehow take the human form and start moving around as Indians. But their inherent mission remains to destroy and overpower India and they interfere in all walks of life. They are supremely controlled, motivated and moved by higher up platforms in the cybersphere and their acumen can be just understood in our imaginations. Nowadays, most people are well aware of AI (Artificial Intelligence) but only a few of us work with it, because only a few of us (and probably only those who are selected and picked up by them) can reach that level of plarform. Rest all the people just spin their day to day life with the AI softwares, Computer Results and eventual decision making.So naturally, most of such decisions and almost all of critical decisions are such as to suit these AI missions or in other words, to suit such 'Bomb-astra' missions. 

                   These two factors i.e. people who have access to these platforms and the word 'Bomb-astra' affect everybody, all walks of life and are detrimental to us Indians. Let me clarify that I am not opposed to good use of AI technology but I do protest if it's involved in detrimental mission actvities. 

                   First I will talk about the 'Bomb-astra'. I have called it so because it's mission tentamounts to destruction of India. For centuries we have been invaded by the Chinese and Muslim clans and they all work with such whodoo powers wherein they just create the whodoo and the filthy souls do the rest. The more you defeat these filthy souls, the more they fall until either they succeed or they get fully destroyed or offrooted. Their mission is destruction so they are similar to many cluster bombs. And all the foreign Rulers only gave more access to these souls, so much so that now they don't intent to vacate and restore the powers to natives.

                     Secondly, I will talk about the people who have access to these Platforms and most of them work in control stations, or they work with sight and sound equipments or there are some whodoo magic people and their followers. The problem came up because the world and the Western countries advanced with these operations and technologies during the striffe years of Russia, USA and India and the 'R' clan in the Russia and the USA were subverted and downtroden whereas the Indians were deprived of these. So much so that the Indians are treated like beggars when they ask even for their share of technology and at the same time they are treated as mincemeat for best brains and new technologies. So the rat race started in India to grab the technology seats and the mincemeat. Most of these racers were of external origin and their friendly selfish people. If some good working people got into it then they were either eliminated, exited (like all male natives were exited, only female natives were allowed in the Control Rooms) or subverted by food, funds force or fame. So most of the people sitting there are filthy souls or unclean and to further their mission, they make sure they only their people progress and others (honest natives) are kept out and obliterated. So they help their people to beat the competition, they group their people to earn good profit while they group others to make their loss, they fool others to enforce their right of way in various matters and of course they have their US, Chinese, Muslim brethren to weild muscle power for them. To top it all, these foreign powers operate as an upper hand and enforce their way in almost all matters.

            This scheming is well understood by native Indians but they were quitened in the name of Justful acts and foreign hands. Moreover their 1965 and 1977 surge to power were rebuked and claimed unjustful. For 59 and 47 golden years of new era, they just rebuked the natives as unjustful and had their way all the way. All the hue and cry didn't affect them as they cunningly picked up singular leaders quietly to their dens and befooled them and even hired them to fool others. Now, after these 59 and 47 years of chow-chowing good gold mincemeat, they probably feel themselves deeply entrenched and thick-skinned to even budge any way. So here we are, with lot of deeply operated dirty games of Politics and Share Markets, cricket fiascos and now, hot on their heels, the NEET results which could affect so many talented youngsters, who all would go through and who all will get rattled to pick their route to success. The common man's life in Delhi is getting hard for even a basic civil amenity like Drinking Water while the Political Parties shrewdly connive stringing people into their fold by way of forceful submission. Naturally if such things happen, then the native India would not have any count anywhere and it will eventually get extinct. Isn't this exactly the way of mission of Bomb-astra?

               Time and again, people have protested against such use of force or illegal distributions but everything is cunningly controlled by higher platforms and instructed through online modes. At least now people have started waking up to the 'Bahari Log' (outsiders, mostly offsprings of invaders and bomb filths), Just and Unjust reasons, royal laundering in Public, Sight and Sound effects and of course the 'BharatMata'. Also, these AI entities have been taken hands on by the Yuvraaj himself for his 'Swaraj', and they have been given the ultimatum to surrender or scoot, we wait for them to clear away their filtrh themselves, pay out the price for destructions done and restore our Golden Bharat. Bharatmata ki jaya.    IPYadav  

      (to be continued in Part 2 and 3) 

                  Meanwhile, we should avoid following the online commandants foolishly or meekly, we should understand the power of unity and stay united with our age old brethren, we should condemn the new laws and novel thinking imbibing outsiders as equal to natives, we should adhere to the fact that all such outsiders living in India are actually supposed to be Pakistanis (and they act so, don't they?) who were withheld in India by the theories of Mahatama Gandhi (to suit the purpose of foreign hand) and with the 'Swaraj' they would not be able to survive without a livelihood in India (Swaraj means no foreign hand!) and any further policy of future partitions should adhere to these basic principles as well as the principles of repay-backs for the destructions caused. We should not resort to exodus and we should communicate with those who left as most of them left on wrong ideologies of Just and Unjust acts and so most of them must be obeying all whimsical orders of their foreign bosses. If we feel as children of Bharatmata, we should all story-making talks and evade orders by demanding justice for all of us. We should clearly and cleverly dictate that Justice for Native Indians is first and foremost and all other plans, policies and deeds are secondary as they all will get affected by this Justice. For example, what is the use of giving equal Rights and constitutional protection to outsiders residing in India during the Swaraj times when (1) Pakistan and Bangladesh are owned and controlled fully by their people, (2) these outsiders don't catre a bit for Bharatmata, yet they live here and suck out it's resources for their living, (3) they were Party to Foreign hand and Swaraj means no foreign hand, so Gandhian philosophy of their survival fails, (4) with the failure of their mission, they would become destitute and world would say Hindus are downtrodding Muslims, (5) being destitute, they would indulge in all sorts of illegal activities, who would afford such humanity? (6) they have to pay out for their destruction and sins from their homeland, whereever (outside India) they make it. (7) and of course, Pakistan and Bangladesh land belongs to India, so future has to be in order with that fact. Similarly, consider another case : All those Party to foreign hand loose their hand during the Swaraj times! So if they flourished during those times, they would face tough times during Swaraj. Of course Indians would be taken care of by fellow Native Indians. These are just a few of the strategic ideas. Of course there are many more and many more would pop up with time.   IPYadav

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