ED And Opposition Politicians
The fiasco about ED and Jharkhand CM Soren is another extreme non-compatibility in the world's largest democracy. Government Agencies are supposed to promote 'SuRaj and SuShashan' but here these are coxed to fulfill vested interested/ And that too in the election season motivations. If these Agencies get into action with vested interests, these are very likely to be bribed and prepped up with rewards like chairs, control, cash and cuties. Doesn't that count into unlawful practices with respect to elections? I mean if that is not so then even the politicians can dole out cash, chairs, control and cuties well before it starts becoming illegal! In such a case, elections would only become farcical. Imagine that and we boast of the world's largest democracy.
But what is worse is the incident of Jharkhand CM and other native leaders. The CM didn't have faith in ED's action or whatever, he went to his hometown to Organize his Party. And the Government is seizing his BMW car (or his valuables in his absence), enforcing 'Dhara 144' around CM's Office and other drastic actions. The Jharkhand CM is native Indian and in spite of being a CM, doesn't have any faith in ED and Police would work against his authority to enforce '144'.
In my opinion, native CMs should have been like crown princes of their states in 'Swaraj India' then what Government authority and which actions are being investigated? Are these authorized and supervised by the King at the Center? Or let me ask in another format - who is the King at the center in the 'Swaraj India' Rule? Or will the Rulers prop up in front of the masses and proclaim that they don't adhere to the 'Swaraj India' philosophy and instead they would arrest native leaders and princes and make India a slave nation again?
But what is worse is that the answers to these questions never come out open in front of everyone. They always indulge in hoodwinking a few top notch and befool them and befool the nation through them by displaying them online and approving their acts. It is no coincidence that the ED action comes quickly after the 'Nitish Kumar' incident related to Bihar. The Bosses of ED felt that the 'kEy to Government and Control would go to the Rightful KEY-Man and so they hastily moved the ED office upon two plans - (1) About Lallu family in Bihar who may be coercing in kEy politics and (2) The Jharkhand CM who may be the prime object on the KEY-Man's side.
If that is so, then does it mean that :
(i) the ED is working against Rightful Ruler,
(ii) the ED is working against the KEY-Man and annex his Rights and Authority. Is this what E and C philosophies are? In such a case, does their use of force of Government Authority and Governmental Guns comply with A, B, C, D, E etc. philosophies.
(iii) By not complying with 'Swaraj', do we infer that the ED can be actually formed of 'Bahari Log', that is invaders of historical years and other external operators settled in India during the British Raj. (I wonder why ED was always in favor with Congress Rulers and their Stalwarts of External origins and then with those who opposed Indian Monarchs).
(iv) By acting hot in the heels of the 'Nitish Kumar' incident, does the ED and their Bosses (whoever they are) unintentionally express their opposition to it?
(v) By the two actions that followed, is the ED dividing the Native people into separate groups and Control the masses with mutual feuds and weakening by dividing (British divide and rule policy).
(vi) By not working for 'Swaraj' and depriving the native people off their 'swaraj', their Rights and their goodies of their nation and subverting the elected CMs of a state (or princes of any state), are the ED and their Bosses attempting to cause a 'Civil disorder and War' in India or cunningly continue ransacking India with foreign powers.
No wonder why other people keep quite while ED Bosses chooses their targets mainly from the Natives and also a few from the externals to give themselves an 'honesty and equality' tag.
In 1977, this very land catapulted the revolution and were befooled, subverted and pushed into darkness by these very Bosses and they sprang up naked into their action hot on the heels of the 'Nitish Kumar' as if their 43 years of cookies were exposed farcical and unlicensed. Do they realize that even 76 years of bluffs are exposed, 110 years of annexation are stark naked, 165 years of tyranny and non-compliance with Law are staked and two world wars are to be explained. What is ED enlightened about and why are they charged with power to thrust into this land? The world is facing Ukraine war, Gaza fighting, Yemen onslaught, Taiwan-China and North Korea-South Korea threats, the Armymen have a lot to ponder about and the Nation has to stand united. We cannot allow 'Bahari Log' to cause nuisance in our Nation. Hence, just as any native leader, ED too has to show up their faces, their Bosses and appease the people of their correctness and honesty towards the nation and the 'Swaraj' philosophy. ED too has a moral obligation to not to befool the people and adhere to KEY-Man laws and principles. The ED has to prove to the people that they are not part of cooking kEy philosophies or cooking swapping of identities to suit their needs and cunningness. Afterall no can be reliable except the real Owner, more so about the custody of the Nation or even the States, Jharkhand and Bihar, in this case. IPYadav