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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

16062024 Neat And Clean India - 2

 Neat And Clean India - 2 

        In my last post i.e. Part 1 of this topic, I had mentioned about how whodoo magics were used by the Chinese and the Muslim clans with a mission to destroy India. No wonder that these are the two main enemy states in India's activities in the world. These are immediate neighbours and during a short span of 25 years of independent India, these had involved India into 4 battles and skirmishes keep on happening every now and then. It's just that after the 1971 war with Pakistan where the Indian army brought Pakistan down on their knees demolishing all kinds of aspirations from whodoo magics and technological alliances, that they have avoided a direct confrontation with the Indian Masters and instead, started delving into extensive use of the dark age and licensed Raj. The legality of this tactic is highly disputable as it involves extensive unrestricted and often brutal use of force from only side whereas the other side is prohibited from use of force. There is no fair competition at all and there is no following of contemporary laws. In fact all such laws are broken at will and new laws are dictated on the spot - a true sign of Kalyug. This tactic was used by the Britishers in the strife years of 1850s which catapulted into fight for Justice in 1857 which was lost and so was the Right to Justice for the other side. Then this tactic has been used again and again and maybe the four wars in 25 years were the part of this tactic. The British alliances with the Pakistanis and the Chinese are well known and together with the NATO Superpower, they had their say in a lot of matters. Then came the emergency years and extensive targetted strife. Another chance to resurrect India was organized by the Janta Dal in 1977. But maybe whodoo magic forces had a superior way as they fooled everybody (or maybe stragulated the prime families to befool others with their cooked up stories. So we were left with Mulayam, Lallu and Sharad (soft, foolish and cold) among Yadavs and isolated leaders elsewhere while the native Indians were subjected to extreme strife in the name of compensations and sentences. It was now that Constitution was left only for accusing and sentencing or depriving the Native Indians whereas those siding with foreign hand were rewarded for their support and for their unconstitutional activities like any use of force and any way of torture of native Indians. Those who pleaded and sided with them were made to live according to them. They lost their freedom and free will. They further indulged in bifurcating Indians into Hindustani and Paakisthani and so here we are where we are still living in one India but we are divided into Hindustani, Paakisthani, Angrez, Turkii, Rusi, Irani and what not? Bahari log (people of external origin) are wide spread and in well to do positions and control various matters, whereas the Natives, in spite of their own homeland and their majority, are left to do the job of obeying orders. So the other tactical method of extensive strife and eventual destruction was applied in full to reap huge success. All through these years, never did they have the guts to face the Indian Masters in their true colours and clarify the correctness of their acts. All the time they were holding prime people in their den and promoting online about what to do. Some kind of Justful System they boasted off. 

            Well, that has been often said and you all must be well aware of it, but how many of you can ponder about why, in recent 15-20 days, have there been so many accidents, fire damages, heat wave and now, the terrorist acts in Jammu. Well, they were all perturbed about the rise of Indian stature and exposure of their fraud and fraudulent tactics. As it was evident to most of the people in the arena, and maybe bitcoin stalled it's prices in the cryptocurrency trading market (BTC-USD) together with the voluminous fluctuations in share market, the election results and the 'faulty EVMs' were keenly affected, all efforts were done to threaten and frighten the native Indian power to stay out of power. This is their ideology even after getting exposed about their frauds.

             If the native Indians come to power and start demanding for compensation and sentencing for all the frauds done to them, then these foreign hands would be in dire straits and if they have to pay back in the same coin, they would be extincted. With India, the Russian bloc of the Cold War era would be resurrected as well because they all were weakened and subverted with the subvertion of India. The Chinese clan became strong and started forming BRICKS in the name of balancing NATO, but actually, I feel that Chinese or their vast fraternity clans control both sides from the higher level Platforms wherein most of the whodoo spirits move around. So it's very possible that the 'R"s are targetted all over the world by these levels by these whodoo spirits? Very much possible. And they have a big task to keep the native Indians down and have their way of law and justice. So they have started the hostilities against India. But as guts would have it, they still avoid a face to face battle.

              They could be attacking our land or our cyberspace. Some of the news items in recent past :-

(1) Ukraine hired fighters from all over the world. Naturally, they must have paid their love, lust and lots of cash to fight for them. If this region's terrorist organizations got involved with them, they could be targetting India, (2) Israel runs through Gaza contrary to Hamas's and Hezbollah's imaginations and so they got involved into a full force onslaught upon Israel. Iranian Government pretends their support for Hezbollah but never launches any nuclear bomb. In fact, it was only on one day that they fired missiles at Israel all the while knowing the fact that Hamas or Gaza cannot confront IDF on a battlefield. (3) Do IDF boasts power in the area and Iran gets divided, (4) But Hooti inflicts major damages upon Shipping and the NATO naval power in the region. (5) amid talks of world power balance Iran and Pakistan boast of nuclear power and so do India. Indian politicians replied back that we haven't made nuclear bombs to keep them in freezer, (6) Iranian President visits Pakistan in a surprise visit. Maybe they wanted Pakistan to fight another war with India but the Pakistani guts won't move. Instead they restart terrorism in Jammu. Pakistan would be earning cash for it! (7) Four Chinese jets were seen on the Iranian airfield. Were they armed with nuclear missiles? (8) Suddenly, incidents of fire start cropping up in major Northern cities, (9) Israel continues it operations and now attacks Lebanon, Hezbollah roars but Iran plays diplomatically to gain an authoritative seat in the world power balance. Iranians take Chinese side, Israel is a part of NATO and if the old Russia resurges (USSR), they all can become friends! If new Russia goes on, they can join with them and take a major seat in world power, (10) The Higher-up plarforms are their major powers and play a major role in any combination that they make. (11) Meanwhile Hamas and Hezbollah are left on their own and could be overpowered by Israel. It's possible that their ranks may have broken up and now Israel has started targetting Lebanon. (12) So the Higher-up platforms could be targetting India. At least I have felt something shot upon my head (in my cyberspace) and if not a nuclear missile, it could be a biological attack. Corona-like symptoms, like difficulty in breathing, invasion of throat and lungs (infection), etc. increased without any cause. (13) During those few days, there were frequent and sudden sandstorms as if the cyberspace was turbulated at those times. (14) Who would forget the vanishing of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi in mysterious circumstances and then finding his crashed helicopter and his tragic end. (15) And of course, do I observe any shift in US stand with China? (16) No wonder our forces are on high alert on the borders as well as in the reserves to counteract China as well as Pakistan. And who knows there might be Chinese fangs in the Indian Ocean as well.

            But as I mentioned before, the higher-up platforms are the real threats to cope with and while they are experts in attacking us, we can't even see them as most of the Sight and Sound businesses are controlled by them and most of the time we only get controlled access to these techs. even for conducting our functions for our own homeland. Add Hindustaan-Paakisthan theory to it and we would understand what kind of 'find your way' puzzle we were loitering in.

             It's time we take our country for us strongly in our hands, straight away ask for twenty years of 'Swaraj' here on this soil and let the future be decided after all this.   IPYadav

New addition: 18062024 - Out of the above 16 observations, no. (12) and (13) are most important as they are directly my own observations at my location. The scatterred, varied and intense occurrance of these only depict the turbulence affecting higher up atmosphere which corresponds to higher up levels of cyberspace i.e. my 'Bhramand', your 'Bhramand', India's 'Bhramand' etc. That means there is a straight and concocted interference with our souls and our Gods. This has all happened during these few days when the world was highly active with world order and outcome of India's General Elections. Naturally, the whodoo magics or maybe nuclear/biological/chemical weapons are being quietly used to manipulate the higher up platforms. What is worse, we don't get the exact news of any happening. In fact we are just presented with truncated news or modified news. No wonder, news channels jobs are highly lucrative because they play a major role in these 'hide and seek' and 'befooling the common man' games.  IPYadav


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