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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

18062024 Neat And Clean India - 3 About Students

 Neat And Clean India - 3 About Students 

          The fiasco about 2024 NEET results has come close on the heels of the Election Results turbulence and hence raises a doubt if these have been manipulated to affect the election results. Just like the Bitcoin market and the Indian stock exchange which can be manipulated to dole out cash goodies, can the competitive exams, and that too the prime competitive exam like NEET, be manipulated to dole out goodies like success and good future? The main question that comes up is how can the EVM machine vote counts be manipulated? 

             The AI is here in front of us and we all know about supercomputers. All these electronic counts are managed by supercomputers and if it's difficult to communicate with the supercomputer every time, the controls like our well known AI would do the rest. Since the cyberspaces communicate up and down as well as sideways 360 degrees all around, so the higher up platforms are controlling most of our activities in the electronic media. And they affect not just our financial profits, they also affect upon what we do, what we need, what we like, what can be/ cannot be shown to us, etc. These higher up platforms also affect what we think and what we speak. They also control the sight and sound powers. And add to it, the eternal human intentions to accumulate more and more powers and rule the world. Same is the case with the higher up platforms! So, during the past few decades, because the world powers knew India's inherent powers which were growing to make it a world power, they concocted secretly foolish reasons to have their foreign hand in the Rule and many selfish greedy Indians started operating for them, they embarked upon secret human mapping in India, grooved into their higher up platforms and started scanning their abilities and powers. This is natural if you are 'Pradheen' (bossed over by some outsider). But not for 'Swadheen' or 'Swaraj'. Having mapped everybody's thinking, aspirations, intentions, integrity, faithfulness, etc. they grouped them into various groups and even allocated group leaders to them (which are usually their own people or party to their acts). Now, for all their plans and actions, they target these groups and people with them follow their leader's instructions. Could this be the reason why my blogs are widely read but secretly read and kept because only the leader would give permissions about actions like liking, following, communicating, doing business, etc.? So here we are with Groups of people who either don't have their own independent freewill or who don't have means to reach because higher up platforms track and block all of their such intentions. And they try to tell me that I am living on the moon and why would I need any money or any business!

              So the modus operandi could have been that each Party canvassed for the elections and doled out goodies. Goodies given to the common public or goodies given by unlawfully depriving rightful candidates are both illegal. But when did the 'Angrezi Democracy' care about legality? And how many leaders are not assigned or supported by foreign hands? So even the world was active about who would become the next PM. Why else would Bitcoin stock movers stall their prices at around USD 67600? Weren't they trading everyday? And where did the Indian Companies get so much money to manipulate stock market. Can it be that just like me, many others are not getting their hard earned money and instead it is stocked separately in some accounts from where it was used by some main topnotch players (who are caretakers of such accounts) to favour their Party Leaders. Similarly, success in career could be lucrative for some influencers who would influence the elections.

               Considering the NEET results, if everything is neat, then anybody would be just too happy to see so many cent percent toppers. Afterall, it shows that the kids are smarter than the previous generations and they are picking up the modern sciences well. But here, there are many toppers and that too in the election year. There might not be any connection but possibilities are meant to be disproved. 

                 The Indian Education system is maybe not so clean. In fact, certainly not clean. From my own experience from my school days, I felt all was not well with the results. In fact I feel I was purposely pushed out in the name of competition. So I too grabbed the opportunity I got - TS Rajendra. It was a lucrative career - blue seas, worldwide travel and lots of money. You have to stay away and stay alone but for a young man isn't this lucrative. We had very limited opportunities and huge competition but today, there are vast opportunities and huge competition for select few like NEET, JEE, etc. But even students of today face the same situations. They have to get into a career stream and study on that subject. But anybody who can compete aspires to get through the competitive exams because they are the gateway to the best careers. Then there are some others who strive to become Government Officers or even CA, etc. after Graduation but such attempts are made only if you have proper guidance and elderly support. So the best counts and it counts in the admissions as well. Therefore, the competition is not just to get through, it is also to get through as the best. The best gets the upper hand and it makes him grow stronger. So what if the educational system is tempered for getting the selections as well as for getting the top ranks?

                  Today when I look back at my competitive years, I find that Merchant Navy career was the wrong choice for me as a person. As it is the Prime family and it's members were tartgetted by the foreign hand rulers and I became another soft target. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of Native Indians are held like hostages or slaves in various locations in India and abroad just like the Groups I talked about in earlier prargraphs. In my case they just had to shuffle their men as crew members on any ship and they could threaten to be holding me as a hostage. And those were the times of widespread terrorism, fake foreign hands and who was talking about me. The fake foreign hand had it's way in all the matters, in competitions, in rankings, in selections and even in rewards. So if I was a prime person and I was a prime target, and if they could do all these corruptions with me, then today with a strong higher platform, they could be doing any amount of corruption. 

                   Todays mode of corruption is to be just on face to face showoff but actually it is well explained to the Group's people that the Group leader is like a ruler and takes the best while all followers are like subjects and have to obey and follow them honestly. Maybe, this much of honesty they never showed towards India or towards native Ruler. But surrender had to be followed by shame and now India is just a piece of land but they are actually citizens of 'Hindusthan and Paakisthan' and honest faithful foiollowers of their Group rulers. Yet they look up in hope to break free from their shackles. These kinds of ethics are prevalent even in schools as they catch them young and streamline them into their system. If there are any native groups then either their leader is an ally of foreign hand or else they succumb to fake foreign hand. Then the next step is to avoid direct confrontation. It is here that they use the higher platforms and electronic media to fudge the results and favour their allies. For example, imagine if just like you earn and give taxes, similarly, you earn marks and give taxes of marks to these allies! You don't come to know of it but there is some weak soul in those higher up platforms from your side and all this is cleared as a legal action! So the bossy children, (and the best become bossy!) get additional earnings to get a better rank. The answer sheets would never be verified and such adjustments would never be detected. And the Educationists who educate and bring up the future nation do these things themselves.

                    Another trait of corruption I found in my children. They are intelligent and pick up very fast but they are not able to concentrate. All the time these ghostly souls keep on riding their heads and keep them away from studies and disciplined lifestyle. What would be the result? A good brain would be detracted from studies just to fulfill their mission but what when these good brains would recoil back with their powers. Then the so called foreign hand ally children would cry foul and call for justice, which would again be their foreign boss. But all this while I have been using 'fake foreign hand', do they realize how much fake or illegal acts they have conducted?

                    It's high time we get aware of these happenings around us, avoid these fake foreign hands and their allies as well and we resurrect our native India. We demand 'Swaraj' and we take only native Ruler's assigned bosses. We have to cut out their shackles ourselves, given the reason that they are illegal and also extract a compensation for all the hardships we faced. Piece by piece, group by group, as we break free, so will our brethren. The higher up platform souls also have a reputation to protect - they cannot be proovingly unjust or illegal, so they would fail too. The rest of the world too would follow the suit and we can resurrect our nation, what does it matter if the future land area would be India or part-India and Pakistan or any other combination.    IPYadav


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