About Cricket, Playing Four Day Tests By IPYadav
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Saturday, July 8, 2023
About Cricket, Playing Four Day Tests By IPYadav 080120 copy on Commcomm

Friday, July 7, 2023
Now Sluggish Indian Economy Is News On Al-Jazeera 301119 copy on Commcomm
Now Sluggish Indian Economy Is News On Al-Jazeera

Are Ruling Party People Becoming Protesters 221019 copy on Commcomm
Are Ruling Party People Becoming Protesters

Protests vs Guns 100519 copy on Commcomm
Protest vs Guns
Iraq - protests turn violent, face guns,
Ecuador - protests confront guns.
Similar incidents have happened before in Russia, Somalia, France, Chile, Brazil and many other places. Our very own 'Baba Ramdev incident' is also reminisced annually. And all this is happening in democracy where elected leaders have resorted to guns to subvert the protesters.
Then there are many nations where people take to illegal guns, either in underworld or as terrorism, all in the name of survival, safeguarding of interests, independence of clan or protecting own people and own religion. But little do they know about politics, co-existence and competition on Earth or within a Nation and games people play with their sentiments and their situations.
Even in developed countries like USA and UK, protests about one or other worldwide issues are becoming an almost daily news but how much does it affect the concerned authorities and their policies. While a Democratic President talks and acts about DDLJ, proudly ransacks huge bounty and gets away, a Republican President is held back with judicial inquiries and impeachment motions by the same Democrats! What a law in USA? And UK is eager to subvert everything and forge ahead of everybody else. Where PM May failed, PM Major barges through (similarity intended to a hefty bullying person). This puts all the five permanent members of the security council (and holding Veto power) in the dark as arrogant, rude, bullying, subverting and forceful controllers of the world. What direction will UN give to the world? IPYadav

War Or No War 180919copy on Commcomm
War Or No War
What if there's a war now?
What if there's a World War?
What if there's a Civil war within our country?
What if there's a war upon an Individual power?
What was that hit - an asteroid, a missile or ... astrix?
Questions are innumerable. Situations are heating up. Are we prepared?

Blindfolded Goddess 210519copy on Commcomm
Why is the Goddess of Law Blindfolded?
I have been able to see all facts sitting as a dude and they had the knowledge and they sat in the seat of knowledge and control and yet they couldn't see! And many a times, they indulged in foul play and playing away on their own. Some kind of wise-heads! IPYadav

Comments About Delhi Smog 151119copy on Commcomm
Delhi is hovered over by smog. But is it just fog and smoke? Or is there more to it? Why aren't any of the cities that lie within the Northern Belt where it's cultivation season now, not affected by such smog or even for non-dangerous levels of smog? Where does the smog go from these cities and towns? Maybe it all travels to Delhi! IPYadav
[Read more at 'CommComm IPYadav' - member's site for 'IPY Networks (Mass Collaboration)'. To get membership WhatsApp to 7206345314.]
IPY Member Network (Mass Collaboration) 100319copy on Commcomm
IPY Member Network (Mass Collaboration)
(To read more of such comments, one has to join IPY Networks Level 1 which is higher than the free membership level and available upon payment of a fee - only Rs1000/- per year or a trial period of 3 months for Rs 300/-. read more at end of post)

Doldrums Of Fortune In Cricket - commcomm
300120 Doldrums Of Fortune In Cricket
But now, all these have become a part of cricket. Many such whoosh-whoosh judgments are given a white label under the garb of match winnings. Whole streams of humanity are turned around with these. Not without a reason that betting and match-fixing are big operators in the Cricket Arena. And even with widespread vigilance and control, these are still involved in many other types of active as well as passive modes. So much so that many kinds of supernatural powers are also invoked and instant toppling over of fortunes easily effected. After all these years of competitions and especially the roaring eighties of the last century, these powers are well adept in this art. They can creep in into any match, turn over the fates and escape. It all depends upon the stakes involved and animosity against a team. Who would catch such activities and such powers. But the ACTUATORS are human beings of the Earth! Either they are directly benefited from the match or they indirectly earn benefits by taking sides of a team or in opposing a team!!! And sometimes they are passive beneficiaries!!! They create instant imbalances!!! And they join in from all over the world!!! This makes it a one team vs the world team match!!! What is worse is that these are usually missionaries or mercenaries or negative elements who don't care a heck about legality, fairness and law and order. So either the law and order has a tough time or it crumbles. And all parties latch onto their crumbs. So the whole event and it's outcome becomes disorderly and lawless. Certainly not in accordance with humanity principles.

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- Protests vs Guns 100519 copy on Commcomm
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