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Friday, July 7, 2023

Are Ruling Party People Becoming Protesters 221019 copy on Commcomm

                              Are Ruling Party People Becoming Protesters

    Are Ruling Party People becoming Protesters? While there are widespread protests worldwide against the exigencies of the Rulers or the Ruling Party by the common people of a Nation, it seems the Ruling Party has shifted their stance of using guns upon them to creating uproar and protests by their followers. This is a totally agonizing situation where the Ruling Party indulges in using their power of majority to subvert the minority either internally or on a worldwide scale. This is totally averse to humanity and fundamental Rights of human beings. This is also a shameful etiquette by the Rulers, totally demeaning faith, principles, honor, uprighteousness, authority, etc.
    After all, if it is a business of Rulers to play games and stories and use powers to exercise their Rule, then it is a Right of common men to ask questions about wrongs and protest if they are unheard. Even exigencies upon human beings is itself questionable and Ruling Party has to openly clarify their support to any such happening or take steps to stop it if they don't support it. And instead of clarifying their acts and their stand about such happenings, if they try to withstand with their followers, then it is simply pathetic. Even in logical terms, it is wrong. Suppose a Ruler is making a mistake then all his followers also become prone to such mistake. In that case, even if they hold majority, they all will be on the wrong track. Justice doesn't see majority. Majority can win only in doubtful cases. But where a Wrong is clear as crystal, the whole majority will become wrong and punishable for Wrong as well as for wrongful use of force. So, showdown with majority by the Ruling Party is illogical. Instead, they should face the opponents and get their misunderstandings clarified.
Note: I will again stress upon the fact that the common men have a Right to question and clarify about anything wrong happening with them and that too without paying any price for it. After all, being a Ruler, the Ruler takes the smarter position in any game or story. But that doesn't mean that he starts forfeiting the common men and their Rights. Or is it that a mean Ruler demeans principles, authority, uprighteousness, etc.?  IPYadav

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