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Friday, July 7, 2023

IPY Member Network (Mass Collaboration) 100319copy on Commcomm


IPY Member Network (Mass Collaboration)

 (To read more of such comments, one has to join IPY Networks Level 1 which is higher than the free membership level and available upon payment of a fee - only Rs1000/- per year or a trial period of 3 months for Rs 300/-. read more at end of post)

It seems the people reading about IPY Network are either previously oriented to think or happen to opine that IPY Networks is some kind of MLM marketing scheme. It is absolutely not so and I have not even taken any registration for MLM marketing company.
    In fact, IPY Networks is just a Group of like-minded people, either wholly or in a limited way. These will be classed among the members depending upon their purpose of interest in IPYadav's Comments or business and cooperation with other members. Therefore, to join the IPY Networks at out-most Class, there are no obligations and as we involve further, the obligations towards each other increase just as in a mutual friendship. All in the mutual friends circle grows to form social circles or societies.
    Therefore, IPY Networks is like as Club where people congregate with some purpose and involve themselves as per their will. IPYadav's comments is a platform where people have to come themselves there and these are not for any other mlm leaders to distribute to their followers and claim credit for it. Of course, you can join with your full followers group either wholly or in a limited way. Such Groups can discuss their collaboration Class with the Owner and Managers of this Network. Here, to remove the doubts about IPY Networks operating some MLM Network System, I thought of adding a phrase to the name IPY Networks, i.e. Mass Collaboration. Thus it's novel name will be "IPY Networks (Mass Collaboration)".
(To read more of such comments, one has to join IPY Networks Level 1 which is higher than the free membership level and available upon payment of a fee - only Rs1000/- per year or a trial period of 3 months for Rs 300/-. read more at end of post).
     IPY Networks (Mass Collaboration) is a Network to allow the people to directly Follow IPYadav and collect as masses and from there on develop their own friendships, businesses and collaborations of common purpose people and mutual co-operations for such purposes. The complexities will be resolved as we foresee or face them. At present it's at budding level of fan following.
     Here, I will again make a 'humble request' to the one or two visitors (leaders maybe) from different countries and one or a few visitors (leaders maybe) everyday or other pirates and processors of my blogs making a good business of their own to stop such activities of their own profits from my blogs and instead let my readers reach my sites themselves  and react directly to me. Even if they share to their Followers, they can only show part of these comments and the Readers getting further interested have to read these at my sites. This traffic and their reactions is my business and my rewards. Even to analyze these and react to these or enlightening or guiding them about the views expressed by me is my business and they cannot interfere without my permissions. They should refrain from using IPYadav's Comments as the 'basis', add their own assumptions, knowledge and perspectives about these and start posting and generating traffic and followers for their own good or be-fooling their Followers. As, I have clearly stated in 'About' sections of various platforms that these comment appear to be old issues but they promote novel perspectives about various issues and therefore there is no use if such leaders keep on promoting the old perspectives and subvert or deluge my Comments just to push people away from getting to me and joining IPY Networks to know further about the views expressed by these comments. They did so in the past and what have they achieved? Their world has fallen flat and so have their Followers. If they forcibly hold the people onto them (either physically or mentally by fooling them), then that too becomes a crime.    IPYadav
To read more of such comments, one has to join IPY Networks Level 1 which is higher than the free membership level and available upon payment of a fee - only Rs1000/- per year or a trial period of 3 months for Rs 300/-. Here, you get a read only and enlighten yourself level of membership. You can earn money by referring your friends and followers upon their first yearly payment, second yearly payment and third yearly payment. You can share only approved part of content for your promotions. For business with 'IPYadav's Comments', join higher levels. This is out-most Class of IPY Networks and IPY Networks don't place any obligations upon such members.  IPYadav

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